Thankfully the restaurant wasn't busy, so they had no trouble putting together seating for our large group. I could still feel Olivia's eyes on me and knew she wasn't likely to let the matter drop, but defending myself over an innocent remark wasn't something I wanted to do in front of everyone. Instead, I clung to my mother, sliding an arm around her narrow waist as my head rested on her shoulder. "How you doing, love?" she asked, sliding her arm around me.

I relaxed against her. I'm sure most people love their parents, but I felt so lucky having a mother who was so in tune to our needs. "I'm good, Mom. Really glad all of you drove up to see me. Even though you probably could have left Tony behind," I joked, watching my older brother. He looked to be making yet another of his infinite attempts at Olivia, who stood near the restroom checking her phone.

We had witnessed the same scene so many times we didn't even need to eavesdrop on the conversation to know what was happening. Olivia's scathing look said it all. Poor Tony. As much as he could get on my nerves, I still felt bad for him. I knew he had real feelings for Olivia, but somehow he couldn't help but put his foot in his mouth whenever she was around.

"Sweetie, we would have had to lock your brother in a cage for him not to come. I know Tony can be—" Her voice trailed off. "Well, let me say it like this. Each of you has your own personality, but I love all my kids equally. Tony has a unique way of expressing himself, but believe me, he's extremely proud of you. As a matter of fact, I think everyone in his office has now bought your book because he's talked you up so much at work. None of us would have missed this for the world."

Her words were heartfelt and even though I wanted to wring their necks at one time or another, I loved my brothers. "I hear you, but you have to admit, locking them in a c

age doesn't sound like a bad idea," I said as Tony stuck his wet finger in Riley's ear. All Mom could do was shake her head.

"We have your tables ready," a young hostess holding an arm full of menus said as she eyed our group apprehensively. I couldn't blame her. The Love Bus crew had proven to be an animated bunch during the past ten days. Add my boisterous family to the mix and we were an intimidating group.

Luckily, to keep us away from most of the other patrons, we were seated on the far side of the restaurant where several smaller tables had been pushed together. I claimed a chair next to Mom while Greg snatched the chair on my opposite side before Olivia could take it. "You're in my seat, gofer boy. Tony needs a pal anyway," Olivia said, pointing to the empty seat across the table from me. Not wanting to get involved, I pretended not to notice, but obviously Greg took the hint because moments later he was situating himself next to Tony. Mom had discreetly tapped my shoulder to look down the table at Riley, who was sitting next to Michelle, engrossed in conversation. Riley had always been picky when it came to the opposite sex. So much so that I had expected him to surprise the family one day by coming out as a homosexual. Seeing the vibrant look on his face, I realized maybe I had been wrong. Oh well, c'est la vie.

I turned in my seat to find Olivia tapping her fingers on the table, which meant she needed a cigarette. She didn't smoke often. Usually only in between guys or when she was trying to calm herself from some kind of stressful situation. When she looked up to see me staring at her hands, her eyes darted down, obviously unaware she'd been tapping. I bit back a smile as she slapped her hands on top of one another. "I need to head outside for a minute. Come with me?"

"Sure," I replied, standing up with her. "Mom, will you order me a glass of red wine and a Diet Coke?"

"Yeah, honey. Olivia, sweetie, you want me to order you something?"

"I'll have a red wine also, thanks."

By the time we made it outside, Olivia already had a cigarette in hand and was lighting up. "Something wrong?" I asked as she exhaled deeply while swiping away at the smoke. She knew how much it bothered me.

"Something going on with you and gofer boy in there? He seems a tad bit attached, if you know what I mean."

"What? God no." I knew Greg's earlier comment about me had perked Olivia's ears. She wouldn't be concerned if she had spent the past ten days in an RV with him. He was only kidding around. The same way my brothers were always causing trouble. "You misunderstood his comment earlier. He's always kidding around like that. Trust me, he's a big goof."

"Maybe, but he seemed awfully touchy-feely in New York too. It's not like I'm judging you. I mean, he is kind of cute. I was just curious if the Love Bus had turned into an orgy on wheels."

"Oh, most definitely," I said, rolling my eyes. "We're all getting it on every night. If anything, I should be worried about you. Has it been so long that you have to live vicariously through my sex life, or let me stress, lack of sex life on the bus?"

"Hey, you don't have to worry about me. I'll get mine when I need it."

"Well, there you have it. Neither of us has anything to concern ourselves with. Now put that out. I'm starving," I said, holding the door open.

"Fine, just be careful. That's all I'm saying." She dropped her cigarette into the receptacle and followed me inside.

We returned to the table to find our drinks and fresh loaves of hot-from-the-oven bread. I was big bread lover, but I always had to reel myself in or I would eat too much and stuff myself before the meal came. Greg, who was chatting with Zachary, turned to me with concern. "Are you okay?"

"Fine. Mind your own business," I said, glancing at Olivia, who shook her head.

"Wow, does she always treat you like this?" Tony said, slapping Greg on the back.

"No worries," Greg laughed. "I thought maybe you pulled a muscle on the way to the restroom and might need a massage later," he teased.

Tony clapped his hands loudly, earning the attention of the rest of the table. "Oh, is that part of your duties? Nic, I didn't know you had turned into such a diva."

"Shut it, jerk. If you must know, he's joking about the other day when I dropped my cell phone in the seat of the RV and pulled a muscle in my shoulder trying to fish it out." Greg had been teasing me relentlessly since it happened. It was all harmless fun, but after talking with Olivia, I suddenly wished he'd shut the hell up.

"That's our girl. Believe me, Greg. She was the princess in the house growing up too," Zachary teased.

"I can cut your steak for you if you want," Greg offered, adding to the laughter.

"Har-har. You guys are so not freaking funny. I'd sleep with one eye open if I were you," I said, threatening Greg. Mom sat watching our exchange without comment. The expression on her face was very similar to the times my brothers and I had screwed up and were about to get lectured.

Chapter 13