"I feel we need to discuss the plans you have been making," he answered simply, not needing to clarify.

I felt my knees give out from under me at his words as I sank into the chair. "I'm going after him Haniel. I have to." I whispered, not wanting Joan to hear me.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because I'm empty without him!" I said louder than I intended. "I have no purpose on earth with him gone," I added in a quieter voice.

"Krista you're wrong. You don't yet understand the extent of your purpose. Your place on earth surpasses any soul that has ever crossed my path," Haniel replied.

"Can't you understand how it feels Haniel, loving someone that no longer loves you back? I have to know why." I said dejectedly, knowing an Archangel couldn't possibly understand what I was talking about.

Much to my surprise, Haniel simply nodded at my words.

"Does that mean we can go?" I asked, not daring to believe.

"Yes Krista, we can go, but it will be on my terms, with stipulations of course," Haniel stated.

Chapter 2

"Like what?" I asked, not really caring what kind of stipulations he had. I would walk barefoot across broken glass for the chance to see Mark one last time. If his soul was indeed gone, all my plans would be dashed, but if it was just buried, I could use my gifts to save him. My fear though, was that even if his soul was savable, it might not change how he felt about me. I just wanted to try. Even if only to keep Mark from turning out like his father. If I could set his soul free it would be worth it, even if it meant I would have to live without him.

"I will explain it all when we join the others," he said. "You need to come with me now."

"Haniel I can't leave now. Joan needs my help today stocking the new books in," I said, indicating the cart of books I had loaded up.

"I will take care of your boss."

"Oh no, you're not going to do the mind-melt stuff on her, are you?" I asked, feeling terrible about the idea of manipulating poor Joan.

"Krista, do you want to go after Mark or not?" Haniel asked.

His point was clear. Why the heck was I worrying about a temporary mind lapse when we were finally setting a plan in motion? Priorities Krista, priorities, I silently reminded myself.

"Do I need to go check in with her?" I asked, unsure of what exactly he had planned for Joan's mind to believe.

"There is no need for that. She will have no recollection that you were here today. As far as she knows, you stopped working here last week. She will be under the assumption that you are on your way to your next learning establishment."

"So, I don't even get to say goodbye?" I asked sadly, glancing toward the door.

"Time is critical and goodbyes must be put aside," he said. "I will meet you at the dwelling of your friends," he added, exiting the stockroom through the swinging door that separated the sales floor from the stockroom.

I glanced toward the doors one last time, regretful that I couldn't say goodbye to my new friend, but I was suddenly anxious to leave and start what I had been waiting two months for. I scooped up my backpack along with one of the novels Joan had set aside on her desk. I had already prepaid for it, but for some reason I still felt a little guilty as I shoved it into my bag. I was halfway toward the stockroom door when I remembered my iPod that was still on the docking station. Rushing back to the desk, I grabbed it and hurried out of the stockroom, locking the door behind me. I would have to remember to drop my key in the mail so that Joan could give it to the summer help next year, I thought as I started up my mom's Focus.

My nerves kicked into high gear as I navigated the streets. Haniel had mentioned "stipulations," and though I curious on what that might mean, nothing could stop the adrenaline that rushed through my veins. I wanted to go now, this instant.

The scenery passed by in a blur in what seemed like the longest drive ever, until I finally pulled into the apartment complex my friends were sharing. The exterior of the complex was older and a bit dated, but the management at least did a good job at keeping up with the grounds and such. The inside had been renovated in the last few years so each rental was updated with new appliances, carpeting, and bathroom fixtures. The space was half the size of Mark's house, but was all we could afford by pooling our money together.

I used my key to let myself in to find my motley group of friends already assembled and waiting for me with Haniel.

"I thought you two worked today," I asked Sam and Robert as I plopped down on the second-hand sofa next to Sam.

"We did, but Haniel caught us in the parking lot of Pizza Pete's after he came to see you," Sam said, smiling at me as she reached over to grasp my hand in hers.

I felt the calming affects of her touch instantaneously as my frazzled nerves began to calm down. My extended family was well aware of the fact that I had been waiting for this moment, and they also knew exactly how I was feeling. They had all grieved over Mark's betrayal of our group, but had remained stoically supportive of any decision I made.

"I have agreed to assist Krista with a rescue mission," Haniel said, answering the question of why we were all gathered here.

I smiled in relief, but I didn't even need to use my ability to read emotions to see the mixed feelings coming from my friends. It was obvious from the looks on their faces. Shawn's emotions were the strongest, running the gambit between angst to concern for me. I knew he missed his best friend, but I also felt his stubborn determination to stop Mark at all costs if he had turned dark like his father. That was Mark's biggest fear when we were together. He had confided his disgust regarding his father's blatant disregard for the sacredness of human life to Shawn and me. I just hope I'm not making a huge mistake and that he still feels that way now.