Mark jerked me backwards just as the floor collapsed where I had stood. "Dying won't bring him back!" He yelled over the deafening noise of the building caving in around us.

I looked at him blankly, trying to make sense of what The Light had done.

"We have to leave!" Mark said, shaking my shoulders.

I nodded, knowing he was right. Even if I jumped in the hole that took Haniel, it wouldn't change anything.

I saw John and Jacob scoop up Kieran and Kim into their arms, sprinting along the perimeter of the room toward us. Mark grasped onto my wrist and pulled me from the room toward the double doors. He used his broad shoulders to ram into the doors, flinging them open as we ran. John and Jacob sprinted behind us, cradling their Guides in their arms. Glancing back, I saw that the floor continued to crumble away, nipping at our feet as we raced down the endless hallway.

"Hurry," I yelled at Jacob, finally coming to my senses as I watched him struggle to keep up.

My words seemed to give him the burst of speed he needed as he caught up to us just as we burst through the heavy door, depositing us into the early dawn air. The door behind us collapsed as the mountain sealed itself away, leaving nothing but rubble behind.

Victor's lair had disappeared into where it rightfully belonged, taking the monster that had haunted us for so many years with it.

We sat on the ground that continued to rumble, trying to catch our breath. Glancing around at my friends, I was relieved to see Kim and Kieran starting to come around in the arms of their Protectors.

"Krista?" A voice called out behind us.

Turning around, I saw Lynn and Robert stepping out of the woods approaching us with their entire party still intact.

Jumping to my feet, I limped toward them as fast as my injured leg would allow.

"Are you okay?" Lynn asked, openly crying.

"Yes, are you?"

"Yeah, we never made it into the mountain. We got to the back entrance, but Haniel couldn't enter. He tried everything and finally disappeared for a while to confer with The Light. When he came back, he said we needed to wait until you called for him. He said once that happened, we were to make our way to this entrance and wait for you," Robert said. "Where is Sam?" He continued in the same breath.

"She's at the hospital with Shawn. I'm sure she's okay," I said, trying to ease his anxiety.

"Krista, where is Haniel?" Lynn asked, looking around anxiously.

I shook my head, unable to answer her question. Hot tears tracked down my cheeks as the impact of his death hit me full-on.

"No," Lynn said, unwilling to believe. She turned to John for a more suitable answer, but he merely nodded his head, confirming what I had been unable to say.

I closed my eyes as my friends expressed their anguish.

"What are you doing here?" I heard Lynn demand.

Opening my eyes, I saw her studying Mark harshly.

I started to explain, but Mark held up his hand. "Let me," he said, pulling me into his arms, giving me the comfort I so desperately needed. I sank back into his arms gratefully.

Mark plunged into an explanation, highlighting everything our group had missed. I watched the play of emotions cross their faces as they realized Mark had never crossed over, along with their pain when he explained the sacrifice Haniel had made for all of us.

We were here because Haniel had given his life for us.

Mark's words stalled as an imposing figure stepped out of the woods. For the briefest moment, I thought it was Haniel and my heart leaped to my throat, but to my dismay I could see it was a different Archangel.

"Krista, Mark," the stranger nodded, "you are to accompany me. There is someone who wishes to seek your acquaintance," he said formally, sounding much like Haniel had when we first met him.

My heart wept as the pain of losing Haniel hit me acutely.

"Why?" Mark asked.

"That is a question only he can answer," he said, waiting for us to join him. >Her anger pinned me to the floor as it worked to destroy my will. I could feel it eating away at me fueled by a source greater than my own. I tried to fight back, protecting my mind the best I could from her intrusion, pulling everything I had into a protective shell. I could feel my strategy beginning to work, a moment later her trespass into my soul and mind were completely blocked.