"Do you think it's a coincidence or is it a puppet of Victor's?" I asked, still whispering.

"Oh, it's a puppet for sure. Otherwise it wouldn't be stalking us like this. If it was seeking water it would have come lumbering out. Same goes if it was hungry."

"What's it waiting for then?"

"I don't know, maybe to see if we're going to run."

"Are you kidding me?" I asked not wanting to believe.

"I wish I were…" He started, only to be interrupted when the bear stepped into the narrow clearing.

The sheer size of it was staggering as it reared up on its hind legs and roared its displeasure.

"Krista, when he charges, just run. Don't look back. Get to the camp and prepare the others.

"You're insane, there's no way I'm leaving you."

"Krista, do as I say," he demanded in what I was sure was his dad voice.

I crossed my arms stubbornly. "No John, I'm not leaving you. I've already lost someone I care about by leaving."

"Krista, it's not your fault you were knocked unconscious. You can't keep blaming your…" John was cut off as the bear roared one last time before charging toward us.

Time seemed to stand still for me as I watched the beast lumbering toward us. Its hindquarters seemed to move in a blur as they propelled him across the small clearing. Its deadly teeth gleamed in the morning light as it jumped on John with one mighty leap.

John screamed at me to leave one last time as the bear used its huge paw to knock him to the ground. I watched in horror as blood began to bead up on John's face where the long claws had made contact.

John stumbled to his feet looking dazed from the blow. He struck the bear, aiming for the softer flesh of its belly. The bear roared its pain and displeasure. John moved closer and used his closed fist to hit the bear on his snout. This time the bear roared with such anger, I swear the ground shook. In retaliation, it struck John again. This time its massive claws scraped across John's chest, tearing effortlessly through his t-shirt. John staggered back and fell to his knees as blood began to gush from his chest wounds. I gasped as he slowly teetered backwards.

"No!" I shrieked as the bear clamored on top of John, pinning him to the ground. The bear turned its head in my direction. If I didn't know any better I would swear it understood what I had said. I focused intently, not sure if my powers would work on a bear the way they did on humans. As it turns out, the bear was a mom. I could clearly see her irritation at being awake and away from the two cubs she left behind. Seeing inside her was a surreal experience and I knew exactly how to direct her.

"Go back to your babies," I directed in a loud voice, trying to be as stern as I could to a gigantic black bear that could tear my head off.

She looked down at John one last time before loping off through the forest, relieved to have escaped the voice that had ordered her away from her babies. I could feel her anticipation to be home as the sound of her crashing through the forest quickly faded away.

I sank to my knees beside John as the blood continued to drench the ground beneath him. I pulled my hoodie off hastily and pressed it down on his chest, remembering another time not long ago when I was forced into a similar situation. He was deathly pale and his blood soaked through the heavy material of my jacket, running warmly over my fingers. I pressed down harder, trying to staunch the flow.

"Don't you die on me John," I ordered, using the same tone I had on the mother bear. I could hear movement in the trees and knew my friends were on their way. I could feel their turbulent emotions as they raced toward us. Kieran's panic was more prevalent as she raced ahead of the others using the speed The Light had given us to its fullest potential. She knew her Link was fighting for his life.

"Kieran's on her way," I told John, glancing away from his now ashen face.

The words had barely left my lips when Kieran burst through the trees looking disheveled with leaves and debris tangled throughout her wavy hair. She raced to my side and without pausing to think, she placed her hands over mine, trying to stop the blood that still seeped through my fingers.

"Krista?" She said, looking at me with glistening eyes.

"It's okay Kieran. I'm calling Haniel now," I said closing my eyes. I used every bit of concentration I could muster and called for our Archangel.

"How Krista? How can you call Haniel?" She asked, openly crying now.

"I don't know how it works, I just know I can do it now," I said simply, looking up as Haniel strode purposefully through the clearing. The others poured out of the woods as one and stood in a loose circle around us.

Without a word, Haniel knelt beside me and placed his hands over mine, giving me a nod. With awareness like I had never experienced, I knew exactly what he was silently asking. I removed my hands from John's gaping wounds and pulled Kieran to the shallow water's edge with me. She came with me willingly, knowing that at the moment John was literally in the best hands possible.

"I don't understand," she said more confused than ever as we kneeled on the pebble strewn ground.

"We'll explain later," I said, giving her a sideways hug of reassurance, feeling like the adult. My encounter with the bear had opened my eyes and I now understood my hybrid status completely. In the span of the two minutes during and after John's attack, my understanding was now clear.

"What if he dies?" Kieran whispered, changing the subject.