I finished scrolling through the pictures and finally handed the phone over to Jaime as the battery finally gave out. "Oops, sorry, I used the rest of your battery."

"That's okay, Paul bought me one of those cool portable chargers. I'm going to go try it out," she said, heading toward her tent.

"So, Krista, how's your mom? I didn't get a chance to ask you yesterday." Jenna asked.

"She's good," I said, trying to gloss over the turmoil I had left behind.

"Really?" Jenna asked in her uncanny way of knowing when she wasn't getting the whole truth.

"Okay, maybe not good, but she's adjusting. I called her last night like I promised which seemed to help. I had to lie to her to get here, but I've become quite proficient at that," I added sarcastically.

"I'm sorry it had to come to that Krista."

"Me too," I added, quietly studying the ground at my feet. Talking to Jenna was a lot like talking to Lynn. They both seemed to be able to get to the root of a situation without even trying.

"Krista, I know you hate talking about these new powers of yours, but I want you to know we are all extremely proud of the way you've handled yourself."

"Thanks," I mumbled, feeling ashamed of myself. Here I was, paranoid of being the subject of their gossip that I had kept them all at arm's length.

"I just don't want to let you guys down," I finally admitted. "I know my hybrid powers are insane, but I just don't want everyone to count on them." I said, expressing my greatest fear.

"Krista, we're not expecting you to protect all of us. We would never put that kind of pressure on you," Kieran broke in, reaching for my hand. "I will admit I'm selfish though. I don't want to lose you. I know it's cruel of me to say that since I didn't lose my link, but we all love you so much that your absence would probably be the biggest blow any of us have ever felt."

"How can that be? You guys have lost Links from your own bands," I asked warily.

"Their deaths were staggering to all of us, but you're our Gift," she added, holding up her hand as I tried to scoff. "Deny if you must, but it's true…."

Any further conversation was cut off as my friends staggered out of the tent joining us as the others returned from their scouting trip. Soon our small campsite was buzzing with activity as breakfast preparations began. I noticed for the first time that the netting that had surrounded our campsite was gone. I looked at Shawn questioningly.

"Haniel told us it would no longer be necessary. Victor won't employ them again now that you defeated them," he answered.

"Oh," I said, feeling pleased about my powers for once. "It'll be nice not to have to worry about icky bugs," I said, feeling myself flush slightly at Shawn's knowing look. "Okay, being a freaky hybrid has it perks," I admitted as he busted out laughing.

"Now you're talking. We'll have you admitting how cool you are in no time."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Smalls," I said, mocking his oversized build.

I giggled as he exaggerated his walk making himself appear even bulkier.

"Hey Krista, you want to go with me to the stream to get more water," John asked, carrying the two oversized jugs we had brought along.

"Sure," I said, jumping to my feet enthusiastically, happy to have a chance to chat with him.

The stream was about a half-a-mile up the mountain from our campsite and John and I hiked the distance in silence. Once we got to the small stream that was really nothing more than a trickle slowly making its way down to the base of the mountain, we sat on a downed log so we could talk.

"So, I'm guessing you're pretty freaked out about the whole 'Gift' thing," he said, shooting me a sideways glance.

I laughed at his statement. In our steady flow of texting, John now knew me like an open book and knew how much I detested all the attention I was getting lately. "Yeah, that's putting it mildly," I said, still laughing.

"You still discovering new music?" John asked, switching gears which was a specialty of his.

"Yep, with a lot of help from Lynn. She's really got great taste in music. I like most of the stuff she suggests, but sometimes she can give me something that's a little out there."

"Yeah, I can see that from the way she dresses."

"Yep, she's got her own style that's for sure," I said, unscrewing the lid off one of the jugs so I could dip it into the clear ice cold water.

"John can you hand me the other jug?" I asked, reaching my hand behind me expectantly.