"Ugh, don't remind me," I said, not relishing the idea of having to walk in front of the entire senior class to receive my diploma.

"Honey, everyone will be just as nervous as you are about receiving their diploma. They won't even notice you," she said, patting my hand to reassure me.

"Yeah right, until I trip or something," I muttered, making her chuckle.

"Trust me, you will be fine."

The rest of my visit was spent discussing the final exams I was taking this coming up week. We both knew that I would breeze through them and that it was really just a formality. Having some freaky high IQ from my Angel blood definitely had its perks.

Lynn, Robert, and Haniel were waiting for us on the beach when we finally made it home from the hospital. Sam and I headed to my room and quickly changed out of our school uniforms. I was excited as I hung my skirt and sweater up. Less than a week to go and I would be able to pack it away for good, I thought, as I tossed the white button-up shirt into my dirty clothes basket. I pulled on a pair of comfy cut-off sweats and a t-shirt and grabbed a sweatshirt on my way out the door to ward off the cool ocean breezes.

The others were waiting for Sam and me down by the tide line in an informal circle, listening to Haniel's instructions. Haniel had decided to mix things up by sitting the guys out and dedicating the training completely to the Guides. He explained that the guys had the proper skills and techniques they needed already in place. Instead, he would focus the next week completely on Lynn, Sam, and me. He decided to test each of us individually, so we could all have a turn to watch from the outside.

I was anxious when he picked me to go first. I had decided the night before that the seriousness of the situation deserved a complete commitment from me. So when Haniel sent me the disturbing images, I tackled them head-on, embracing them as my own. Where before I couldn't seem to grasp how to appropriately filter the emotions, I could now clearly see exactly what I needed to do. I wrapped my own happiness and love around the images, freeing the victims from the pain and suffering they had endured, and cast the new emotions back out for Haniel to inspect.

I opened my eyes to see Haniel smiling at me, offering a rare display of emotion that wasn't neutral. "Very good Krista," he said, praising me. "You now understand."

I nodded my head. "Yes, before I couldn't help shying away from the disturbing images. I realize now that those images should not be feared. They are crucial stepping stones to guide us down the appropriate path we need to help them," I said simplifying the process.

"Exactly," he replied, looking pleased. "Sam, you are next."

I watched Sam close her eyes and knew the instant Haniel sent her the images by the way she recoiled like she had been struck. Watching from the sidelines was almost as intense as experiencing it firsthand, I discovered as I watched Sam's facial expressions. After a few moments, it became clear that Sam had failed when she collapsed to the sand on her knees. I rushed to her side to help her up.

"I can't do it," she said, her voice filled with anguish from the after effects of the images she had seen.

"Yes you can," I said, brushing the sand off of her. "You have to do this, they need you. Remember, the images aren't your enemy, they're your friend, sent there to help you find the right path. You can do this, you're stronger than me," I said earnestly.

"No I'm not Krista. You're the strongest person I've ever seen," she said without a trace of envy.

"No I'm not. I've just become stubborn in my old age," I said, trying to joke my way out of the uncomfortable praise.

"Yes you are, but I'm going to get this because you're right, I need to. I will not let them, or our group, down," she said determinedly, facing Haniel once again.

I reached in and gave her a quick hug. "You can do it. Remember the images are a helping hand," I whispered in her ear before I stepped away.

Sam's expression lost some of its anxiety as she faced Haniel for a second time. This time I knew instantly that Sam had taken my words to heart and was accepting the images for what they were. It took her a little longer, but when she finally accomplished the test, we all applauded and I gave her another hug.

"I told you, you could do it," I said, linking my arm through hers while we watched Lynn prepare for her turn.

She glanced at me briefly and I gave her a reassuring smile. "You got it Lynn. Just remember what I told Sam," I said, blowing her a brief kiss for good luck.

She flashed a quick smile before she closed her eyes. It took her a little longer than Sam's second attempt, but in the end, she came out victorious.

"Well done," Haniel said, praising all three of us.

His praise boosted our confidence, and by the time the sun disappeared into the ocean behind us, we were able to filter the emotions Haniel sent us at an insane pace. Haniel had explained that when we entered into a situation where multiple forgotten souls needed to be saved, speed was of the essence.

"The more souls you change before you're discovered, the easier your task will become," he said, ending our training session.


"Mom, I'm going to head over to Mark's now. Are you sure you'll be okay without me?" I asked, feeling bad about leaving her when she had only been home a couple days. If the next day wasn't the day we planned on making our move, I would have opted to spend the first Saturday she was home with her.

The past week had literally flown by, and by Wednesday evening Lynn, Sam, and I could filter a forgotten soul within seconds of letting their images in. Haniel didn't praise us again after the first successful night, but I could tell he was pleased with our progress, and his approval spurred me on to excel even further. Sam and I finished our last day of school on Friday and we were both ecstatic that we were officially done with high school.

"I will be fine, honey," she said, laughing at me.

I smiled sheepishly, realizing I had asked her the question no less than twenty times since we had gotten up that morning.