"So, what do we call you?" I asked, not trying to sound rude, but the idea of calling him Archangel or he the whole time seemed ridiculous.

"I'm Haniel, Prince of the Angelic Order," he said with great importance.

"The grace of God," Sam said in awe after a moment.

"Yes," he answered, looking impressed with her knowledge.

I turned to Sam, surprised.

"I've been obsessed with the whole Angel thing since you guys were held hostage," she said shrugging. "I wanted to be prepared if that 'freak' was right even though I had my doubts."

I wasn't all that surprised that Sam and the others questioned our story. I had heard the tale firsthand and even I harbored my own doubts. But here stood our proof in all seven massive feet of muscle. One thing was certain, God wasn’t messing around when he created his Archangels, if Haniel was any indication of that.

"So, why can't we start training now?" Robert asked, standing and pulling Lynn up in one swooping motion. "Let's get this show on the road. I for, one don't want the girls entering into a situation they're not ready for. If that means we train until we drop from exhaustion so be it."

Mark and Shawn surged to their feet at his words, pulling Sam and me up at the same time. "I agree," Mark said, finally sounding like himself, as he laced his fingers through mine, briefly squeezing them gently, trying to reassure me.

"Very well, we will use God's playground for the training," Haniel said, gesturing toward the vast beach outside the plate glass windows. "I would think all of you might wish to change your garments."

I smiled, looking down at Sam's six inch platform sandals that did great things for her legs, but would be highly impractical for training. Of course, Lynn's scuffed converse sneakers weren't much better.

Sam, Lynn and I scurried off to one of the extra guestrooms in the beach house that Lynn and I were sharing. Mark had offered his dad's room, but none of us felt comfortable being in there. The room seemed to pulsate as if it held the evil essence of the man that had vacated it. Every time I passed the door, I felt the hairs on the back of my upper arms stand up and a chill would race down my spine. For the most part, we all avoided that section of the house and only risked walking by it on our way to the utility room to do laundry.

I tossed Sam an extra pair of cutoff sweats and a St. Briggets t-shirt that I got in the mail back in Montana after I registered. Sam grimaced looking at the shirt, making me giggle.

"Ha ha ha, you're so funny," she said, making a face at me before a brilliant smile crossed her face and a mischievous giggle slipped out. "That's okay, I'll wear this. It'll be nice to see it dirty and trashed."

Lynn sniggered as she headed down the hall with her own change of clothes.

Five minutes later, our group was assembled on the sun-warmed sand. The beach was deserted, which was one of the biggest perks of having your own private beach access. Gone were the sunbathers, screaming kids, and annoying litter. Most nights, all of us would head out to walk on the beach. We usually started off together, but within ten minutes, a half-a-mile would separate us. Sam and Shawn always wound up ahead of the group. Sam would taunt Shawn into chasing her and off they would go, leaving a trail of Sam's laughter behind in their wake. Mark and I were always the stragglers of the group. I was enthralled with the all the shells that washed up on the shore each day. My collection now held court in glass vases Mark had purchased for me.

Haniel joined us shortly after we had assembled. He wore an outfit like I had never seen before. I could only gawk when I looked at him. The clothing looked like it had been tailored just for him, accentuating every lean muscle of his body. Made from material that looked as gauzy as paper streamers you would hang up at a birthday party and giving the impression that the slightest touch would tear them to shreds.

"Wow," Lynn muttered beside Sam and me.

Sam giggled, raising her eyebrows at us both.

"Oh brother," Robert muttered, pulling Lynn closer to him to whisper in her ear.

We couldn't hear what he had whispered, but Lynn gave him a playful slap and placed a quick searing kiss to his lips. It was obvious he was looking for a little reassurance. It was a funny to see cool and collected Robert a little frazzled, he always seemed so put together. Of course he was being ridiculous, as handsome as Haniel was; there was nothing sexually appealing about him. It was like admiring the Sistine Chapel or the Grand Canyon, both spectacular and awe inspiring.

I shot a sideways glance at Mark and saw him studying me as he pulled the thoughts from my mind.

"Not even the slightest sex appeal?" he asked silently.

"Well…," I shot back teasingly as Mark growled and made a quick grab for my wrist. I darted around him using my extra ability to stay just out of his reach. Giggling, I hid behind Shawn, trusting that my brother would protect me. I realized my mistake instantly when Shawn snagged my slender wrist in one hand and swooped his other hand beneath my knees dangling me upside down, making me an easy target for Mark.

Giggling now uncontrollably, I tried to keep my shirt from sliding past my midriff. Mark advanced toward me with a wicked grin on his face as he snatched me easily into his arms. My giggles stuck in my throat as his hand slid around my smooth, flat stomach, securing me more firmly in his arms. He could touch me a million times and I would never get used to the waves of heat that shot through me from the electricity we shared. Glancing up, I saw his eyes begin to smolder as his thoughts followed mine. Bending down, he placed his full lips on mine. I sighed and parted my lips, giving him the access we both wanted. He tightened his arms around me drawing me even closer.

"Perhaps you can save that for a more appropriate time," Haniel said in a dry voice, breaking through my kiss-induced daze. Flushing, I wiggled out of Mark's arms, swaying slightly on my feet as the effects of the kiss flowed through me. Mark slung his arm around my waist, anchoring me to him as we both turned to face Haniel.

Haniel gave us a look that made it clear he thought we were acting more like a bunch of horny teenagers than Chosen Ones. It was obvious he plucked my thoughts from me when I saw the look of affirmation in his eyes. Drat! Note to self - try to block thoughts at all times, I muttered to myself.

"Shall we begin?" he said, suddenly all business. "It's obvious all of you have succeeded in reading the mind of your counterparts," he said, looking at us for confirmation.

"Yep, Shawn and I just figured it out last week with Krista's help," Sam said.

"Good. The ability to communicate through the mind portal is one of the most important gifts The Light has given you. This will be your greatest asset in battle. I'm sure in your recent attack against The Dark Angel, you realized how very crucial this gift is?" he said, directing the question at Mark and me. I nodded my head as he continued. "The next gift he gave is the ability to sooth and balance each other. This is a gift that needs no instruction, as I'm sure you have figured out. That is the extent of your shared gifts. As for individual gifts, the Guides are given the ability to control and receive the emotions of those around them. This is by far the very essence of why you were created. The Light gave you this extraordinary talent so that you can influence the souls of the unsure. With every Abbadon that has walked this earth, they have…"