I shrugged my shoulders, not wanting to admit that I wasn’t able to get through to Mark.

"Sam?" I asked, changing the subject.

Tearfully, Sam looked up at me with despair circling around her.

"He's going to be okay. We're going to all be okay," I said with false assurance.

"How Krista? Look at us," Sam asked in a voice thick with tears. "We're all broken," she said sounding nothing like the Sam I knew and loved. She was indeed broken.

Struggling to my feet, I approached the line of Daemons looking beyond them at Mark. "Mark," I said quietly, trying to gain his attention. After a moment he finally dragged his eyes around to me. I tried to get a gauge of his emotions by reaching out, only to have them repelled by the foreign emotions that now coursed through Mark's body. His love and passion that I so desperately needed were nowhere to be found.

"Get back girl," one of the Daemons snarled, pushing me backwards. Knife-like pain pierced through me as I landed on my back. My ribs ached, but it was my heart that felt broken.

"Krista," Lynn said, voicing her concern as she rushed to my side.

Tears streaked down my face, furiously burning their way down my cheeks.

"What's the matter Krista, did you really think he belonged to you?" Victor said, stepping between the Daemons that parted for him so he could stand above me."He was always mine, inconvenient bond or not. No man should ever have to be shackled to another person."

I stood on shaking legs in front of the man that had taken everything from me. "He does not BELONG to you!" I shouted, waiting for Mark to show him, I was right. Mark was just playing along, tricking him. He would not turn against us, we are his family, I thought, waiting for the other half of my soul to show this monster I was right.

Another inner voice nagged at me, though, reminding me that this monster was also his family.

Mark finally stood, stepping between the Daemons much like his father had. Stopping in front of me, all hope died away as I saw nothing but resentment reflected back at me in his now dull brown eyes, any warmth was completely gone.

"My father is right, Krista. Our bond is unnatural and unfair. Why should my life end just because our Link dies? Do you wish me to wind up like him?" He asked, thrusting a finger angrily at Thomas's now lifeless body. "If you truly loved me you wouldn't want that fate for me. Your soul dictates your every emotion you feel for me. With the Link between us broken, I can finally see clearly what we thought we felt for each other," he said turning away. He glanced back one last time. "You will thank me for this someday. It feels exhilarating to finally have control of my destiny."

"You're wrong," I said, sobbing openly. "I won't thank you, because you are all wrong. You've let him blind you, but we belong together. I don't love you because I have to. I love you because I want to."

"I'm sorry to hear you say that, because I'm not completely sure I ever loved you," he said, walking from the room. "Come Father, you got what you wanted," he said on his way out.

"I told you a long time ago I would win, Krista," Victor said mockingly, reaching a hand out to stroke my cheek. I cringed and stepped back, glaring at him. The smile dropped from his face. "Still a wildcat looking for a catfight, I see. Well, tell Haniel I said hello. In Heaven that is," he chuckled at me. "Kill them all," he said to his Daemon squad with a flick of his hand, leaving us to face the rest of the Daemons on our own.

I sank to my knees, all the fight leaving me.

Mark had not only thrown our love away, but he had left us at the mercy of his father. Sobs wracked my body as my soul searched in vain for its missing Link. I welcomed my approaching death. I may have been created to survive a broken link, but I did not want to live without him. I felt awful for my friends and wished they could have been spared, but I was done.

I could feel the Daemons pressing in on us as they prepared to gleefully follow through with their orders. I did not look up, having no desire to see the death blow, but prayed only that it would be swift. Lynn pulled on my arm, trying to drag me back with her, but I shook her off. I wished for her sake that she and Sam would have used their gift and fled from the building, but I knew that they would never willingly leave their loved ones behind. I no longer fell in the same category. I no longer had a beloved or anything else.

My inner torment was put to an end when one of the Daemons above me took offense to my bowed head. Grabbing me by a handful of hair he dragged me to my feet until my toes barely grazed the lush carpet beneath them. My head burned and I could feel my hair giving way at the roots as they were pulled painfully from my scalp. Looking into the Demonic eyes of the beast that dangled me in the air, all thoughts of giving up were cast away as anger engulfed me. They had come in here, killed my friends and took the very essence of my soul. I would not let them kill anyone else without a fight.

I closed my eyes, attempting to connect with the soul of the Daemon. I saw nothing but darkness. No images, no pictures, just vast nothingness. I didn't care, though. I wasn't looking for a soul to save. I projected every negative emotion I could think of: anger, hate, deceit, vengeance. Suddenly, a great wall of fire appeared in my mind, rushing toward me like a unstoppable force.

My eyes were opened as the Daemon released me, dropping to the floor, gasping for air. It wasn't just him. The six remaining Daemons struggled on the ground, grasping their throats in search of the air that was quickly leaving their bodies. With no strength left to fight, they laid in a heap on the floor, unconscious.

Robert and Lynn rushed to my side just as my own legs collapsed from under me.

"Krista!" Lynn yelled. "Robert help her!"

I could barely make out anything that was being said. The only thoughts I had were of Mark. He couldn't really be gone, not the man I have loved my entire life. Sounds echoed through my ears making me want to cover them, but every ounce of energy was gone from me as I curled up in a ball on the floor. I could hear Sam comforting Shawn, but I could only stare at them with blind eyes as my soul threatened to collapse. I was not strong enough to handle this. I could not live without my Protector.

I could hear another voice from far off as Sam and Shawn's faces drifted away and Haniel's replaced them. Vaguely I realized the annoying sound was coming from me. Haniel knelt beside me and clasped my hands firmly in his. His face disappeared in a haze as I finally allowed the tears I had been holding back. I could feel the warmth of Haniel's touch working to repair what was broken in me. Epilogue

It took several days after the Daemon attack to finally be able to talk about what had happened, and take stock of the damage to our group. Shawn thankfully was okay, and only had a few broken ribs and a concussion from the blow to the head. Injuries among us was scattered between broken bones and cracked ribs. The deaths of Grace, Thomas, Faith, and Michael were a blow to our group and we all felt the loss of them greatly.

My loss of Mark was a taboo subject that no one brought up. Haniel's claim that Guides could survive without their Protector proved to be true, but I was unsure at what price. My soul no longer felt like my own, and I felt like a lost ship at sea.

Haniel took care of cleaning up the mess at Mark's house that we had left behind. None of us had stepped foot in there since that fateful night, nor did we have any inclination to do so. The house was now the very essence of evil to all of us.