I stood on the deck smiling, watching his retreating back.

"Krista, are you coming inside?" Mark asked, walking up to stand behind me.

I leaned back against him and wrapped his arms around me, drawing myself closer.

"Are you still mad at me?" I asked after a few minutes.

"Krista, I was never mad. Scared yes, but never mad. I know the lives of others are important, but if I had to choose between theirs and yours, I will pick yours every time. Seeing his hands wrapped around your neck tonight was enough to take ten years off my life," Mark said, grabbing onto my hand to lead me inside.

"Wow, your neck looks so much better," Sam said, stepping closer to look at it. "Dang it, where was Haniel's healing touch when I had that mega zit a couple weeks ago?" she asked jokingly.

"I know, right," I laughed.

"So Sis, I'm excited you're some, like, Super-Guide and all, but can you let one of us be the badass next time so I won't have a coronary?" Shawn asked, ruffling my hair affectionately.

"Sure thing. I'm ready to not be the cause of so much drama. I think drama will fit you much better."

Chapter 12

"Mom, I can't get this stupid cap to stay on my head. I think my head is to lopsided," I yelled down the stairs. Giving up, I snatched up my purse and keys and stomped down the stairs to vent my frustration.

"Aw honey, look at you in your robe," she said, admiring me with tears in her eyes.

"Mom, it's basically a glorified maroon bathrobe," I said jokingly.

She swatted my arm. "No it's not."

"Well, I'm going to look like an idiot without a cap on," I said, tossing the offending cap on the table.

"You're just not doing it right," she said, placing it on my head. She started with the front of the cap on my forehead and used her fingers to adjust the elastic band around the back of my head, securing the cap snuggly into place. "There," she said, stepping back to admire her work. "Now, the tassel goes to the right until the end of the ceremony, and then you switch it to the left."

"Thanks Mom," I said, leaning in to kiss her cheek. "You look pretty," I said admiring her pale lavender dress. When she was released from the hospital she had been gaunt and underweight, but after a week, she had filled out nicely. I was glad to have her back home. I missed being with my friends 24/7, but it just felt right coming home to her. Feline on the other hand missed Mark's beach house greatly.

This past week had been almost melodramatic since our first successful assignment. We had continued our training until Haniel was called away for 'more pressing matters,' as he put it.

"What time is Mark coming by?" My mom asked, pouring me a soda and handing me a specialty chocolate cupcake from a fantastic bakery we had discovered this past week.

"In twenty minutes," I said, glancing at the small digital clock on our microwave. "Oh yum," I said, distracted by the first bite of the heavenly treat in my hand.

"You two still getting along okay?" she asked.

"Sure, why?"

"I don't know, you guys just seem a little on edge," she said.

I wanted to deny it, but she had a point. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but Mark seemed a little standoffish since our mission. Outwardly he seemed fine, still joking with the others, but he had been blocking his thoughts from me since we left the revival. I tried not to let it bug me, but the words his father had said nagged at me. I couldn't help wondering if he was resenting the bonds that tied us together. After all, Haniel had confirmed that the Protectors could not live without their Guides. Last weekend had proven just how quickly it could happen. Alan could have snapped my neck and that would have been the end of his existence too.

"Don't be a dork, he's probably just freaked out that he came so close to losing you," Sam had said as she and Lynn tried to reassure me the night after our mission.

"That's just because I was stressed about college," I now said to my mom, throwing out the first excuse I could come up with. "Now that I know for sure I got into U.C. Santa Cruz, I can relax. At least we know that getting good grades paid off for something. Besides, aren't you happy I'm not quite ready to fly the coop yet?"

"Well, I won't say I'm not excited you picked a school close to home. I'm sure a certain hunk has something to do with it more than me, but hey, I'll reap the benefits from it," she said, shooting me a smile.

"Hunk? Mom that's so old school. He's a hottie or McHottie if you want the formal title," I said giggling.

"Well, if my ears don't deceive me, I believe a certain 'Prince Charming' is here, or is 'Prince Hottie'," she said teasing me.

Jumping to my feet, I threw my cupcake wrapper in the trash receptacle and rinsed out my glass. I had the door open before he could ring the doorbell. "Hey," I said, snagging a quick kiss on his lips.