"I'm so glad to see so many new faces here this evening," he said, sweeping his eyes out across the makeshift room. "If you're sitting here tonight it's because you’ve decided to take control of your life," he added as everyone around us starting clapping. We joined in reluctantly after exchanging looks.

"Are you fed up with how the government handles your hard earned money?" More applause followed his words.

"Do you get sick of illegal aliens coming in and stealing your jobs?" This time whistles sounded out along with the clapping.

"Do you hate following rules and regulations that are set by people you never voted for?" Several individual stood up while they clapped harder.

"Do you wish you could do something about it?" Everyone except for my small group rose to their feet hooting and hollering. Shawn and Mark surged to their feet, pulling Sam and me up fluidly with them so we wouldn’t stand out. Everyone clapped for several minutes before Alan finally motioned for us to sit.

Once the rowdy crowd had settled down, Alan continued, "That's why we're here. It's time that the underdog finally finds his voice. How many times has life slapped you down? How many times have those you counted on the most disappointed you, yet again? You're better than that and you can make a difference. You will no longer be the underdog anymore. I will show you and guide you to take control of your life. I will give you the incentive you need so you're not a doormat anymore." His words resulted in more applause.

I could now see how he had gained followers. He used the pain and suffering they had endured against them, letting it fester into something else. The grunge guy next to me was the first to applaud each of Alan's sentiments, and yet his despair seemed to multiply with every word Alan uttered. I could not comprehend how one individual could handle so much negativity without lashing out.

"I think that's what Alan uses. He builds their negative emotions up and presents himself as the answer to their troubles," Mark's thoughts filled my head as I nodded in agreement. The only question was what did Alan do to them once the emotions reached that level? We had come here to save one person's soul, but it was glaringly obvious that we had stumbled into something much bigger. Haniel had been right, we were untrained to handle an operation of this magnitude. I wouldn't even know where to begin, I couldn't help thinking as I glanced around the room. We definitely needed our Archangel's guidance and expertise on how we should proceed.

We were going to have to convince Haniel we were needed here.

The rest of the meeting passed in a blur and before we knew it the meeting came to an end. We watched Alan make his way through the crowd, stopping to talk to several individuals. It was only then that I finally saw the girl from the day before. I watched as Alan grabbed her hand and led her out the back of the tent.

Mark, who was following my every thought, spotted her mere seconds after I found her. "We can't do anything tonight," he sent me silently.

"I know," I agreed grudgingly. Glancing around one last time as we exited the tent, I made eye contact with a massively huge guy with bad acne standing on the far side of the space. He was dressed in clothes that were a size too large for him and had obviously been chosen to camouflage his weight, but instead they only seemed to enhance it. His hair was long and covered his head like a string mop that had seen better days. The most startling feature about him though, was the hatred that not only flowed around him, but also penetrated through you when your eyes met his.

Mark once again intercepted my thoughts and glanced briefly in his direction, but quickly looked away.

"Let's go," he said quietly, leading me from the tent.

Shawn and Sam were already climbing into the vehicle by the time we walked out into the cool night. The moon was full overhead as we silently walked toward the vehicle. We kept our pace casual, although we yearned to flee the scene behind us. The oppressive emotions had grated on me and I felt shaky as Mark finally helped me into the passenger seat.

He started the vehicle and pulled out of the dirt lot.

"Did you guys find anything?" I asked Lynn and Robert, turning sideways in my seat.

"Not much. We walked around the tent a few times, but all the action was pretty much in with you guys. We saw a couple guys come out and smoke cigarettes, but other than that, no one else left the tent. We wound up standing outside the opening at the front of the tent so we could hear everything that was going on. The guy in there sounded like a complete loon," Lynn answered.

"Yeah, talk about government hate," Robert added.

"Completely," Sam said. "You should have been inside the tent. It's glaringly obvious that he preys on those that haven’t had a break their entire life. The poor girl next to me was a mess. Her despair was enough to make me feel pukey."

I had been so focused on the guy beside me and the freak up front spouting his words of wisdom, I hadn't even paid attention to who was sitting on the other side of Sam. "The guy beside me was the same way," I told them.

"What are we going to do?" Sam asked.

"I think we need to talk to Haniel again. I agree with him. Now that we scoped out the place, we are ill equipped to handle a situation like this," Mark said as he merged onto the highway.

"I agree also. I think we need to convince Haniel to show us what we need to do," I said, quietly pondering how we were going to talk him into it. "What do you guys think?" I asked Sam and Shawn.

"We feel the same," Shawn said, glancing at Sam for confirmation. She nodded her head before sinking back into a more comfortable position. "Sam sensed the majority of the room was filled with forgotten souls. Did you get the same vibe Krista?"

"Pretty much. All but one guy who I couldn’t quite gauge. I noticed him watching us when we were leaving. The aura of hatred surrounding him was out of control. I can't tell if he is a forgotten soul or just a henchman of Alan's, but he definitely gave me the creeps," I said.

The rest of the drive was quiet as we all digested what we had learned that night. It was a little disheartening to feel under-skilled at something. For years we had excelled at school and were used to things coming easier to us.

Mark pulled into his driveway and the headlights cut across the exterior of the building, illuminating Haniel's tall, imposing posture. He was obviously not happy

Chapter 9

None of us spoke as we filed out of the car and headed toward the front door that Haniel had disappeared behind.