"Not me. I think I want one of those gyros from that stand," Lynn said, pointing to the stand across the way.

"Ohhh, I want one of those too," I said, changing my order. "But I don’t want any of the veggies."

"Of course you don't," Lynn said laughing, "That would almost be considered healthy if you got it with all the veggies."

"Exactly," I replied, smiling at her mischievously.

"Well, I still want a burger. I don't know how you guys can eat a cute wooly lamb," Sam said shuddering.

"It's not like a burger is much better," I said, teasing her.

"I know, I know, but I can't give up beef and besides, I don't know any cute cow songs like, 'Mary had a Little Lamb,'" she said, smirking at me.

"Great, now I'm going to have that lullaby stuck in my head while I'm eating," I grumbled.

"Not me," Lynn said. "I'm more worried about who's handling my food than what I'm eating."

Sam giggled at her words.

Lynn may be all Goth, but she had a serious obsessive compulsive disorder when it came to germs and food preparation. She had major issues with eating food after it sat out too long and made waiters at restaurants bring her food as soon as it was prepared. I found the whole thing funny and teased her about it constantly.

"I would be more worried about not having a sink to wash my hands in," I said teasingly.

"Ha, never fear, I planned well for that," she said, pulling a package of antibacterial wipes out of her bag.

Sam giggled and I grinned, but we both took one willingly. The thought of all the different things I had handled that day that others had touched, made even a normal person like me blanch.

"I like these wipes better than the gel," Sam said, wiping the fronts and backs of her hands. "The gel doesn’t help get the dirt off like these do," she added, holding up her dirty wipe for us to inspect.

"Gross," I said, looking at my own grubby wipe.

"See, you guys are loving my OCD now aren't you," Lynn said mockingly.

"We are, we are," Sam said, dramatically throwing her arms around Lynn. "Oh, thank you for saving the day sweet child," she added, in a long drawn out country drawl.

Lynn and I burst out laughing at her antics.

"What did we miss?" Shawn asked, juggling a tray of food as he maneuvered under the branches to sit next to Sam.

"We were just appreciating how fabulously smart Lynn is," Sam said cheekily, making Lynn and me laugh again.

"What's so funny?" Mark and Robert asked in unison joining us in our sanctuary.

"Obviously an inside joke," Shawn grumbled.

His disgruntled words set us off again. Finally, after a few moments of laughter, we were able to fill in the guys between giggles. By the looks they shot us, it was obvious something had gotten lost in the retelling.

"I guess you had to be there," Sam said, unwrapping her burger. "Any ketchup?" she asked, removing the top of her bun.

"Pretty sure it's against the law to eat a burger, or fries for that matter without, ketchup," Mark said, pulling a handful of ketchup packets out of the pockets of his cargo shorts. He handed several to me for my fries and I smiled at him appreciatively.

"Thanks," I said, touched that he knew me so well.

Lunch was delicious, and much to Sam's dismay, both Lynn and I dug into our gyros with gusto, enjoying the tender meat and tangy white sauce that drenched the top.

The afternoon moved quicker than the morning, and before I knew it we were storing our belongings into the Navigator and heading toward the revival. Dusk was upon us when Mark pulled into the crowded parking lot that had been vacant the night before.

Mark, Sam, Shawn, and I piled out of the vehicle, leaving Lynn and Robert behind. They would wait to exit the SUV until we were inside the brightly lit tent. We had decided the night before when we made our exhaustive plans that they should skirt the property acting as lookouts. We thought it would look less suspicion if only four of us entered the tent together; after all, it was perfectly acceptable that Mark and I would drag a couple of friends along. Four extra friends, though, seemed to be pushing it.