I couldn't help the smile that tugged at my mouth when they both seemed to shake their head as if to clear the haze. Sam giggled next to me as Robert and Lynn both openly laughed.

"You look beautiful," Shawn told Sam, finally regaining speech as he joined us. Sam's giggles stopped in mid-giggle as Shawn tenderly cupped her cheek and pressed a light kiss on her lips.

I glanced away feeling intrusive. Instead, I focused on the one person who mattered the most to me. "You look unbelievable," Mark said, reaching for my hand and pulling me into his arms for a quick embrace. There was no need for Mark to kiss me, his eyes said it all. I could feel my cheeks heating up as he appraised my appearance from head to toe making it quite obvious he was pleased with what he saw.

"You are beautiful." The thoughts he flashed in my head confirmed it as we joined the others in the living room.

Chapter 4

As per my mom's request, Mark swung me by the hospital so she could admire our formal clothes. I could tell right away she was not a happy camper as we strolled into her room.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"My ignorant doctor is under the impression that I need to stay an extra week in the hospital. I can't stay laid up here another week. I have things to do. Your graduation is coming up, not to mention my poor plants are going to die," she added in an agitated voice.

"Mom, come on, graduation is still weeks away, and really, what can possibly still need to be done. I have my graduation robe, my pictures are taken, and my class ring is on its way. It's not like we have any family flying in. Everyone I want there is already here. As for your plants, I've been watering them every day. It's not like you would be able to go home and do all that anyway. I for one am glad they're keeping you here. That way I can make sure you really are better," I said truthfully.

"I know. I'm sure they know what's best, it's just so frustrating. I feel like I'm missing too much of your last few months at home," she said, suddenly teary eyed.

"Mom, you're not. I'm here most afternoons anyway, right? Plus, we have the entire summer, and it's not like I'm moving far away."

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm an emotional wreck lately," she said, wiping the tears away with the corner of her bed sheet. "You look beautiful, by the way. That dress looks absolutely stunning on you. I should have started off with that instead of venting," she said apologetically. "All of you look great," she added, indicating the others that were lounging on the chairs by the window. "Did you take pictures?"

"Yeah, we had Lynn take them," I said. I had recently brought Lynn and Robert up to meet her. She had a vague idea about our connection and knew that we were all drawn to Santa Cruz, but she thought it was for some unknown reason. I deliberately kept our most recent findings to myself. I was always afraid that when I visited her I was going to let something slip. She and I had been close my entire life and I was used to confiding in her about most of my fears, but these were best left unsaid.

"We better head out," Mark said, knowing what I was thinking without having to use any mind tricks. He knew how much it bugged me to lie to her even if it was for her own good.

"I'll come back tomorrow Mom," I said, dropping a kiss on her cheek.

"Okay, don't come too early. I'm sure you guys will be exhausted after being out late tonight. No drinking and no getting in the car with anyone that has been drinking," she said sternly to all of us as we left the room. I paused in the doorway to blow her a kiss and chuckled when she made a swooning face at Mark's back.

The drive to the Swan Resort was short, and before I knew it Mark was handing his keys over to the valet. Swallowing back a knot of nervousness, I glanced up at the elegant building in front of me. The architecture was breathtaking and reminded me of something you would see in a movie from the Victorian era. Wide, sweeping porches graced both levels of the building with ivy running in abundance over the round pillars and railings that separated the dual porches. Wooden white-painted planters filled with pretty mauve flowers hung from the rafters and brackets mounted to the railings. It was obvious each detail had been well thought-out and added accordingly.

Shawn and Mark helped Sam and I exit the vehicle. Mark wrapped his arm around my waist, sliding his fingers along my ribcage and pulling me tight against his side.

"I know I've already said it, but you look absolutely beautiful tonight," he said in a husky voice that sent my pulse into overdrive. If we lived a hundred years together, I would never get tired of the way our connection made us so hyper-aware of each other. I loved that I could almost sense where he was at all times now. I'm sure an observer would say I was shackled to him, but it was exactly where I wanted to be.

We could hear the party in full swing as we climbed the sweeping marble inlaid staircase toward the ballroom. I couldn't help noticing that the small pieces of marble matched the mauve flowers that were scattered about.

One of doormen tipped his hat formally at us as Shawn and Mark handed him our tickets. The second doorman opened the doors grandly for us, allowing us to pass. Sam and I both gasped in pleasure when we took in the sight of the wide spectacular ballroom in front of us. The room was massive with elegantly draped tables surrounding a dance floor that would have rivaled the gymnasium floor at any professional arena. Each table held glass bowls filled with floating candles that illuminated the faces of those that were seated around them. The perimeter of the room was broken up by an entire glass wall that overlooked the ocean churning beneath the cliffs. Drapery swaged the walls around us, each decorated with thousands of twinkling lights that made the walls appear to move. Instead of a tacky disco ball or a typical chandelier illuminating the dance floor, the center of the dance floor was lit up by thousands of dancing lights that seemed to drop from the ceiling. It was by far the most elegant room I had ever entered. Even the deep midnight blue carpet under my feet was the plushest flooring I had ever walked on. I fought the temptation to slip my strappy shoes off so I could sink my feet into it.

"Wow, they weren't kidding," Sam finally squeaked out beside me, breaking our trance.

Shawn chuckled "I guess not, I guess this is what being rich is like, right buddy?" he said, nudging Mark.

Mark shrugged. He had grown up with a different lifestyle than the rest of us, but he never flaunted it. His dad had obviously made his money in some corrupt way, and I knew from thoughts I had gleaned from him that Mark was torn about what to do with the large amount of money in his account. Shawn had convinced him that for the time being we should at least keep it at our disposal since we had no idea what we faced. The two of them had gone to the bank on Tuesday and moved the money to a different account that his father could not access if he chose to. Mark added both Shawn and my names to the account so we could both access the funds. I felt uncomfortable even thinking about using the money. Like Mark, I felt it was dirty, blood money.

Mark guided us to an unoccupied table in the far corner, closest to the glass wall. I looked out the window in awe from the vantage point. From where we were standing, it looked as if we were floating above the ocean below. As beautiful as it was, it was still a little unnerving to think of how close the building was set on the cliff edge. I had yet to experience one of the earthquakes California was famous for, and I definitely didn't want to experience one tonight. I could just imagine the building crashing into the churning waves below.

"Well, if it isn't St. Briggets most scandalous couple," a snide voice said behind me.

Cringing, I turned around to face the three catty girls that had made it their mission to torment my last few months of school. Mark grasped my hand, sending me his thoughts. Just ignore the three of them, it isn't worth it.

"Well, if it isn't the Lush Trio, Sam replied in a mocking voice."Where did you get those dresses, Tramps R Us?" Sam asked with just a touch of bite to her tone. Surprised by Sam's uncharacteristic cattiness, I fought the urge to laugh at their expressions. How they could deny it, though, based on their get-up. All three wore strapless dresses that barely covered their skinny butts. Topped with what my mom would say "Hooker Heels." They would have fit in on a street corner somewhere. I knew they were going for the trendy looks that graced the covers of most glamour magazines. But what they lacked was the poise to pull it off.

Lacey, the ringleader of the group, stepped forward. "Well at least I didn't buy my dress in the children's section," she said sarcastically, turning on a heel, trying to save face in front of the now interested onlookers.

"That's the best you've got?" Sam asked, snorting with laughter.