"I think that you’ve done enough," Mark said, brushing the remaining sand off of me.

"That's okay…." I said, starting to argue.

"Your Protector is right. The soul of a Guide is precious, and as such, training should be taken in small steps," Haniel said, dismissing my protest as only he could. "Protectors, we will now work on your training."

"Sounds good to me my kind sir, let me just walk milady to the house," Shawn said in the weakest Medieval impersonation I had ever heard.

"Oh, brother," Sam giggled at his bad impersonation.

"Really man, that totally sucked," Robert said, grabbing Lynn's hand as we trudged along the sand on our way back to the house. >"No, it is time for rest. Tonight was just a test to give you a taste of embracing the emotions of others. Soon you will learn to use your own purity to filter out the negative emotions and replenish what has been taken from the forgotten souls," he said, turning away from us. "I will now train with the Protectors," he continued in his formal way which I was getting used to.

I was relieved by his words. I didn't want to be a wimp, but I wasn't going to argue. I felt like a freight train had hit me, leaving behind a tattered mess. Mark helped me to my feet while Shawn and Robert did the same for Lynn and Sam. Walking like gimps, we hobbled to the side of a sand dune and sank back down gratefully next to each other.

"Well, that sucked big time," Sam muttered as the guys walked away.

"No kidding. I feel like I lost an arm or something," Lynn said, rubbing the tender part of her chest, where mine also ached.

"I sure hope Haniel is right and the next time doesn't suck so much or he might be getting a few more choice words to report to his boss," Sam said, sounding more like herself.

Despite the pain, I had to giggle. The mental picture of Sam cussing out an Archangel was just too much to resist. Lynn and Sam joined in, and before we knew it we were clutching our sides with one hand and leaning against each other for support. Glancing up, we saw the guys looking at us as if we had lost our minds, which sent us into a fresh onslaught of laughter. Finally the giggles receded and we returned our focus to the training in front of us.

Haniel had Shawn and Robert against each other while pairing Mark with himself. Observing Mark next to Haniel, their differences in stature were unmistakable. I had always liked that Mark was so much taller than me, enjoyed standing on tiptoes to link my arms around him, but watching him next to Haniel made it seem as if he had shrunken a few inches. I felt a wave of apprehension knowing that Mark was still recovering from his hospital visit and I knew for a fact sparing was out.

"Um….," I said starting to stand up. Sam tugged on my hand trying to pull me back down before I could intervene.

"He knows. See, he's using Mark as an example so Shawn and Robert can do the actual sparing," she said, pointing out how Haniel was only mock sparing with Mark. I could see she was right. It was obvious that Haniel's strength was limitless as he maneuvered Mark around, taking the brunt of each movement so that Mark's body was not jarred in the slightest.

I sank back down on the sand relieved. I didn't want to bruise Mark's ego by embarrassing him, but I also didn't want him hurt. I was glad Sam had stopped me. I knew that Mark's injury frustrated him and he was ready to return to normal. I also knew he still harbored major guilt that he hadn't been able to protect me, as he put it. I felt that was a big part of why he was blocking me from his thoughts lately. At least with him sparing with Haniel, I knew he was safe but still learning the skills he needed.

The guys continued to train for another hour until the sun began to set. Looking like we had felt the previous hour, they staggered toward us covered in sweat and sand. Mark reached a hand down and pulled me to my feet. "You okay?" I asked quietly. He smiled ruefully at me.

"Yep, but man, I'm out of shape. I know Haniel was taking it easy on me, but damn, the moves he's showed us are tough. Muscles I never knew I had are majorly cussing me out right now," he said, shooting me my most favorite grin.

Impulsively, I linked my arms around his neck and planted my lips on his the soft skin giving it an affectionate nip. At times like this I just couldn't resist the pull of our connection. Obviously feeling the same, he set his hands on my waist to anchor me in one spot while he dipped his head to place his own scorching kiss on my sensitive neck.

"Get a room," Sam said, pulling my hair lightly as she passed with Shawn.

"Um, how about not," Shawn mockingly growled. "That's my sister after all, and it's my job to keep the pervs away."

Laughing, I grabbed Mark's hand as we headed up the steep driftwood steps to the house. "Pretty sure I'm safe with an Archangel around," I said, glancing back at Haniel who was standing at the water's edge in obvious deep meditation. I couldn't help wondering where he went when he wasn't doing his job training us Guides and Protectors.

Chapter 3

The next morning I woke with a knot in my stomach. Lying in my bed, I analyzed my dream from the night before although nothing out of the ordinary had happened during it. Mark and I had spent the time watching the waves wash up on the shore. We hadn’t spoken, but that wasn't unusual. We often reverted to the non-communicative dreams we had shared over the course of our entire lives up until a couple of weeks ago.

The reason for the knot had to be something else.

"So, are you contemplating how to get out of prom?" Lynn asked from the other bed in the room.

Ugh, there you had it, today was our prom. That explained the knot. Once again, I wondered how Sam had even talked me into it. Yeah, yesterday the whole excitement of finding the perfect dress had clouded my perspective on it, but it now came crashing down on me. I had unsuccessfully tried to get out of it last night, using Haniel as the scapegoat, but the others had argued me down.

"Look Krista, we already know we're not normal, obviously," Sam had said, indicating Haniel who was still outside. "But we can at least act like we are every once in awhile. Plus, don't forget you already promised your mom we'd swing by the hospital on the way."

With that one statement, Sam had sealed the deal. I couldn't deprive my mom. Being cooped up in the hospital for weeks now was wearing on her, and I knew she felt like she was missing out on my last few weeks of high school.

"Maybe the training this morning will kill me," I grumbled, climbing out of bed. "Come on Feline, let's go change." I said grumpily, grabbing some clothes on my way out the door. I could hear Lynn laughing behind me as I trudged down the hall. "Whatever, Lynn, keep yucking it up?" I said, a little louder than necessary.

"What's up sis?" Shawn asked, coming out of the second guestroom he was sharing with Robert.