‘I’ll allow you one question a day that I will answer with complete truth, no matter the question.’

‘Just one?’ she asked, buying herself some time, surprised by the addendum to their deal.

‘It’s more than I’ve given any other woman in my life.’

And she believed him. She hadn’t been lying when she’d told him that she could spot fakes and forgeries. Her childhood had been built on it. Her career had been defined by it. And now her future would depend on it.

This was her only chance. It was more than she could have hoped for really. She wouldn’t have been able to sustain Henri’s persona for more than one night. It was too...tempting? She shook that thought away and focused on what Sebastian was offering.

‘Okay. I’ll do it.’

‘It will mean a large upheaval of your life for the next fourteen days,’ he cautioned.

‘That...won’t be a problem,’ she replied, heat still simmering across her skin from her suspension.

‘No...husbands or lovers to get insanely jealous and come after me with a pitchfork?’ There was a teasing tone in his voice but his eyes held no spark of humour, only dangerous curiosity.

‘No, but it’s worth noting that I have my own pitchfork.’

‘Good for you.’

His apparent support only infuriated her more. ‘You don’t want your lawyers to draw up any legally binding documents?’ she asked, slightly surprised that he hadn’t demanded she sign a million non-disclosure agreements.

‘I’m happy with a gentleman’s agreement.’

‘You are hardly a gentleman.’

‘Then perhaps your lawyers would be so obliging?’

Her silence said enough.

‘Thought as much.’ From his pocket he removed a sleek white embossed card and offered it to her. In a glance she took in the address and contact information for Sebastian Rohan de Luen.

‘Then I will see you at nine tomorrow morning.’

She felt his retreat from the room the way that warmth dissipated as the sun set and her fingers closed around the stiff card in her palm.

Game on, Sebastian. Game on



INTERVIEWER ONE: So, let me get this straight. The Duque de Gaeten, invited you to...what? Live with him for two weeks and you said yes?


INTERVIEWER ONE: After you told him you believed he’d stolen the painting?


INTERVIEWER ONE: Knowing that you were looking for proof of the stolen painting?


INTERVIEWER TWO: [sotto] What was his house like?

INTERVIEWER ONE: [clears throat]