“It’s what men do on their wedding day,” I said as if I were an authority on the subject.

Nick nodded. “He’s right. We’re supposed to drink before we all walk down the aisle.”

“No more,” Frank said after swallowing his third shot. “I’d like to remember every single detail about this day.”

I smiled inwardly. Two years ago, I would have sworn this day would never come. Before he met Claudia, Frank had been stuck in a relationship, bound by guilt and obligation. It had been no way to live, but he couldn’t seem to see his way out of it.

I never thought I’d see a time when Frank wasn’t with Shelby, but I also suspected he’d never walk down the aisle with her, no matter how much she had wanted it or how guilty he felt. It was only once Claudia was in the picture that Frank’s entire demeanor changed. He came to life. He had hope again. And I hadn’t realized just how hopeless he’d become until I had something to compare it to.

Now I couldn’t imagine him with anyone else. Marrying Claudia wasn’t an option for him, it was a necessity, like continuing with life without making her a Fisher would be all sorts of wrong. I understood it completely because it was how I felt about Sofia. And it was how Nick felt about Jess.

Our dad poked his head into the small room, then stepped inside. “You guys ready?”

“Hey, Dad,” we all said in unison.

“It’s a full house out there. How you feeling, son?” Smiling, he clapped a hand on Frank’s shoulder.

“Great,” Frank said.

Dad laughed. “Then get out there and get the girl.”

“I plan on it.”

Dad dropped his hand from Frank’s shoulder, and his expression turned serious. “It was nice what you did. For Claudia’s family.”

“She really wanted them here. And they wanted to be here, especially after the proposal.” Frank smiled, probably remembering his trip to Colombia with Claudia that he’d planned with the help of Claudia’s mom and stepdad. It was where he’d proposed.

“Couldn’t have been easy,” Dad said.

Frank shook his head. “Oh, it wasn’t. Immigration and visas are a total pain in the ass. I don’t recommend trying it.”

“Well, I’m glad it all worked out. You all look nice, by the way. Your mother and I are really proud. Of all three of you.” His gaze roamed each of our faces. “You’ve done well for yourselves, both in life and love.”

“Thanks, Dad,” we chimed back.

I had to stop the emotion from welling up and coming out. Frank would never forgive me if I cried on his wedding day.

“One down, two to go,” Dad said, pointing at me and Nick as he headed toward the door.

Frank sucked in a deep breath, and then gave us a huge grin. “Let’s do this.”

Nick and I both smiled back and reached for our tuxedo jackets. Standing by Frank’s side while he married Claudia would be the easiest thing we’d do all day.

We walked down the hallway and then through the open doors toward the altar. Cream-colored flowers and gold candles adorned the sanctuary, setting an elegant romantic vibe. It was stunning, to say the least.

Yeah, I know. Dudes shouldn’t love this kind of shit, but I did.

As we walked past my parents in the

front row, who held my daughter and sat with my son, I gave Matson a quick wave. He grinned and waved back before looking down the aisle, most likely for his mother.

Since we brothers were all up front at the altar, our girls were walking down the aisle toward us alone. It was a little nontraditional, but Claudia had told us months ago that they didn’t even do bridesmaids in Colombia, so the fact that she had any at all wasn’t customary in her native country.

Watching Frank’s face as he watched his bride walk down the aisle almost caused me to cry like the little girl he always accused me of being. But that was nothing compared to the way it felt to see Sofia standing there dressed in gold. That sight alone almost brought me to my knees. I couldn’t help but imagine the two of us getting married, and I knew she felt it too.

She kept catching me watching her during the vows, and when the promises of forever were made, my eyes never left my woman’s. Not even when her cheeks turned pink. Not even when Nick elbowed me in the ribs. I swore to myself that would be us someday soon.

As Frank and Claudia were pronounced Mr. and Mrs. Fisher, everyone in the church rose to their feet and cheered. I’d never seen my brother look so happy in my entire life. He leaned over to kiss Claudia one more time, and then they started their walk back down the aisle hand in hand, both wearing giant smiles.