“I wish I knew what it felt like to have that connection, that spark, that thing we see in all the movies and read about in books. I want that, and you have it. And with a Fisher brother, no less!” She groaned as she threw her head back into the cushions.

I wanted to argue, to tell her that I didn’t have anything, but it would have been a lie.

When a soul-deep connection exists between people, it can’t be denied because it isn’t in your control. You can’t wish it away or pretend it’s not there once you’re aware of it. Soul connections bond people, whether you want them to or not.

“But what if he doesn’t feel it? What if I’m sitting here thinking there’s this big, beautiful connection between us, and he doesn’t feel the same?” It terrified me to think that Frank would try to deny what was between us, or fight against it.

Britney shook her head. “Not a chance. He may not know what it is that he’s feeling, but he definitely feels something for you. You can see it all over his face and in his eyes when he looks at you, Claudia.”

“Really?” I hated how insecure I sounded, but putting your heart on the line was terrifying, and I scared easily when it came to love.

“I swear. I wouldn’t lie to you about this.”

I breathed deeply, forcing myself to calm down. “Thank God, because I’d really hate to feel like this alone.”

“There’s no way this is one-sided,” she reassured me, and I believed her wholeheartedly because I wanted to. I needed to.

“So, how did you say good-bye? Did he walk you out? Did he hug you? What happened?”

“He walked me to my car and I thought he was going to kiss me, but then he kissed my cheek instead.”

I couldn’t hide the disappointment in my voice.

Britney burst out laughing, and I swatted her arm to get her to stop. “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to laugh,” she tried to say through her laughter. “I don’t even know why I’m laughing.”

“You’re not helping,” I growled, but then my phone let out a beep. I pulled it out and found I had a text from Frank, asking if I’d gotten home safely.

“Is that him? Oh, please, let me text him back.”

I turned away from her, holding my phone in a death grip as I composed a nonchalant response. Once I’d hit Send, I dropped my phone into my lap and glared at my roommate.

“Are you going to tell me why you think my evening was so funny? I’m dying here, Brit. Why the hell didn’t he kiss me? Do you think he didn’t like me after spending more time together?”

I hated to even think it, but it was the only possibility that made any sense. If Frank had lost interest after getting to know me better, then he wouldn’t want to take things further.

But could that be possible when I felt the exact opposite?

“Did you say something super offensive? Did you hit on Ryan? Did you hurt Frank’s precious ego?”

Frank’s ego? What the hell was she talking about? “No,” I said slowly as I frowned, amazed at the crazy way her mind worked. “I don’t even know what you’re talking about.”

“You know how men are. Hurt their ego and pride, and they cry behind closed doors and hold it against you forever.”

And there we had it. My roommate and best friend was officially crazy.

“I didn’t do or say anything to hurt anyone. There weren’t even any awkward pauses. It was all—” I shook my head, searching for the right word. “It was effortless and really, really nice.”

“Oh my God. I know what it is,” she said, punching the couch cushion with her fist.

I relaxed a little at her sudden enthusiasm and change of attitude. “Tell me.”

“We both know Frank is quiet and reserved. We’ve talked about it before. He probably just chickened out at the last second. Do you think that’s possible?”

I chewed on that for a moment. “Maybe, I guess. I don’t really know.” Thinking about Frank chickening out didn’t seem possible, but maybe he had.

“It makes so much sense. He’s probably scared of you.”

“Scared of me?” The concept was beyond ridiculous. “Why the hell would he be scared of me?”