I smiled as I pulled him toward my door and opened it. When we walked out of my room holding hands, Rachel noticed immediately.

“Thank the Lord, finally. Here!” Rachel shoved two plates holding pizza slices at us before hesitating. “Wait, does he get some or not?”

“He gets some,” I said with another laugh, and watched as Rachel handed it over. Nick and I sat on the couch, our thighs touching.

“Hurry up and fill us in. Brooke and I are just making shit up out here, and we know we’re all wrong.”

“I’m pretty sure Nick isn’t in the mob and was only marrying Carla to keep the opposing mob boss from killing everyone he ever loved,” Brooke said, waving her pizza around. “That one was Rachel’s guess, by the way.”

Rachel rolled her eyes and leaned toward us. “Just tell us if you’re back together. That’s really all I need to know. And if he groveled. And, oh my gosh, please tell me that you left Carla at the altar! I hope that bitch cried all over her stupid dress and ruined her makeup.”

I didn’t know what to say, so I looked at Nick. “You can take that one.”

“Thanks.” He grinned before nodding at my best friend. “I don’t want anyone but your girl, Jess, here. So as far as us being back together, I’m working on it. But I don’t plan on stopping until that answer is a firm yes.” He glanced at me before continuing. “I’m not sure if I groveled enough, but I tried.” He turned to face me again. “If it wasn’t enough, let me know. I’ll do it again. I’ll do more. I’ll do whatever it takes.”

“My goodness.” Brooke’s mouth fell open. “Sorry, I’ve just never seen something like this in real life. You’re good.” She pointed at Nick with her free hand. “He’s good,” she repeated, looking between me and Rachel.

“He knows,” Rachel said. “Now, tell me about the wedding.”

Nick shrugged. “I left before it started. I never even saw Carla, so I’m not sure what she did or how she reacted.”

“Hasn’t anyone filled you in?” Rachel demanded, looking shocked. “What kind of friends do you have?”

“I left my phone at the ceremony site. Ran out so fast, I completely forgot it.”

“Shit, Nick. Who has it?” Rachel asked, suddenly concerned. “Call his number, Jess. I mean it. What if that crazy puta has his phone?”

“What if she does?” I shrugged.

Rachel shot up from her seat and bolted into my room, reappearing seconds later with my phone pressed to her ear.

“Who’s this?” she snarled, and I thought for a moment that Carla did have Nick’s phone. “Oh, hey. No, I’m Rachel, Jess’s best friend . . . Yes, as a matter of fact, he is . . . Uh-huh . . . Right? Who leaves their phone behind and drives six hours without one?” She laughed. “No way, buddy, that’s on you. He’s not my brother . . . Sure, hold on.”

She tossed Nick’s phone into the air and he caught it easily, pressing it to his ear.

When I looked at Rachel with wide eyes, she smiled.

“His brother.”

“I gathered that much. Which one?”

“Oh. Ryan, the flirty one.” She giggled and I shook my head, imagining the trouble the two of them could get into together.

“Don’t even think about it, Rachel.”

“Think about what?” She batted her eyelashes innocently.

Brooke squinted at her. “I thought you had a boyfriend.”

“She does. Thank you, Brooke.”

“You two are no fun.” Rachel faked a pout just as Nick hung up the phone. He had done a lot of listening and not a lot of talking.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“You’ll love this,” he said with a smile, and Rachel sat up straighter.

“Please tell me. Please let it be awesome.” She clasped her hands together and glanced up at the ceiling.