Love didn’t factor into the equation, as he’d told me on more than one occasion. “Love doesn’t pay the bills, son. And it fades. You need a nurturer, someone who wants to take care of you, focuses on you, and gives you everything you need to succeed in business. In the end, it’s what you’ve built that matters, and if you happen to find some sort of love along the way, kudos to you.”

I was convinced the guy had no heart, that all he cared about was money, and whatever got him more of it was all that drove him. He didn’t care who he hurt in the process, including me. When my father looked at me, all he saw was more ways to grow his empire. I’d never heard him give similar advice to Frank or Ryan when it came to their love lives, but apparently everything was different when it came to me.

I could tell that Mom hated the way Dad tried to control me, but she never once stood up for me. Instead, she allowed him to set rules, restrictions, and parameters for my life, always sitting on the sidelines with her glass full. No matter how much my mom might end up loving Jess, and I knew she would absolutely adore her, it wouldn’t matter. Jess wasn’t wealthy, didn’t come from a prestigious enough background. She was “unsuitable.”

No, my parents would both force me to end things. And it was the last thing I wanted to do.

But right now, while I still had time before I graduated and started working for my old man, I planned to enjoy every second with Jess. I knew she thought that I’d grow tired of her the way I did all the other girls, but she had no idea how different she was from them. She was so normal, so fun.

The girls I’d dated in the past reminded me too much of what my future was supposed to hold for me, all spoiled, entitled females who were used to being treated like princesses, or girls who never got enough attention from their daddy and were desperately aching to fill that void. It took me a few years to notice the pattern I had been setting for myself subconsciously, but once I realized what I was doing, I’d stopped.

Which was why I was single when I did meet Jess. And why she made me feel things I’d never felt in my life, never been allowed to feel. It was also why I’d do anything for the girl, including apologizing on her behalf to the whole damn student body if I needed to. I’d make a fool of myself if it meant she’d forgive me.

I started laughing when I thought about Jess slapping me. No girl had ever hit me before. I deserved it, for sure, but it had been worth it. Talking to Grand Master Paz was one of the greatest fucking moments in my life, and I’d do it all over again.

Apology Accepted


Nick was waiting for me in the parking lot as I walked through it heading toward my apartment. I spotted him sitting in his black truck before he noticed me. When I knocked on the driver’s side window, he startled before opening the door.

“Scared the shit out of me, Michaelson.”

“Parking lots are super dangerous in the daytime,” I teased.

He smacked my butt as I walked away. “I’m starving. Please tell me you’re hungry.”

I glanced back at him. “I could definite

ly eat.”

After turning the handle and finding it locked, I fished my keys from the bottom of my bag. I unlocked the door and tossed my stuff on the counter as Rachel came out of her room.

“You’re home?”

She looked around. “Obviously.”

Laughing, I said, “The door was locked, so I just assumed you weren’t here.”

Rachel sat on the couch as I passed by her.

“I’ll be right back,” I said to both my roommate and my boyfriend before running into my room to change clothes.

“So, Nick,” I heard Rachel say. “I heard all about your epic speech today. Addressing the crowd? Nice touch.”

I tossed on a clean top and headed back out as Rachel gave me a wink followed by a pointed look that said she needed to hear all the details.

Nick wrapped an arm around my waist. “Yeah, well. Didn’t want people thinking Jess was a—” He turned me around so that I faced him. “What’d you say, babe? An idiot?”

I laughed, nodding in agreement.

“Yeah. I didn’t want anyone to think Jess was an idiot for staying with me. But she got a good hit in there first,” he said, rubbing his cheek.

“I heard about that too. The slap heard around campus.” Rachel covered her open mouth with a hand dramatically. “I’m shocked at your unladylike behavior, Jess.”

I shrugged. “Hey, I never claimed to be a lady.”

“I’ll say,” Nick said, still rubbing his cheek.