“That’s sweet,” I said, loving the sentimental side of Nick.

“My grandpa met my grandma in Vegas, at a poker table at this hotel. That’s why he saved this chip. Said it brought him the best luck he could have ever hoped for.”

“Your grandma?” The sweet story warmed my heart and made me smile.


“So now you carry it?”

“I always thought it was cool.”

“It is cool,” I said, handing him back the chip before reaching for my cell phone.

“I always thought I could make it into a necklace or something, but that’s probably a dumb idea.”

I shrugged, trying to imagine Nick wearing a necklace with a giant poker chip on it, and laughed.

“To be honest, I can’t really picture it, but I get what you’re saying.” Glancing at my phone, I noted the time and remembered how far away from my classrooms we were. “Shoot. I have to go or I’m gonna be late.”

Nick stood up and extended his hand to me. I took it, allowing him to pull me up as I tugged at the bottom of my shorts.

“I’ll walk you,” he said.

“You don’t have to.” I tried to resist, but secretly hoped he still would.

“I know I don’t have to, Jess. I want to.”

Best. Answer. Ever.

When we finally arrived at my building, ten minutes before class started, I was thankful that Nick had walked with me. I would never have found it on my own on time.

“Thanks for lunch.” I clutched my bag against my side, not knowing what to do with my hands.

Nick leaned in to hug me and kissed my cheek. “It was my pleasure. Really.” He gave my arm a little squeeze, then said, “We’re having a small party at the house tomorrow. Come. And bring Rachel.”

“Rachel?” I said with surprise. “Like my roommate, Rachel?”

He laughed. “Yeah, like your roommate, Rachel. I think Trevor misses her.”

As Nick walked away, I stood there with my mouth hanging open, wondering just how much research he had done on me. He not only knew that I lived with Rachel, but he knew she was Trevor’s ex-girlfriend.

He turned around to face me as he turned his cap backward. “Say you’ll come, Jess, or I’ll just harass the living shit out of you until you do.”

Now I was the one laughing. “I don’t doubt that. I’ll be there.”

With bells on, Nick Fisher.

With. Bells. On.

Frat-Boy Scene


After class, I walked back to my apartment and tried to focus on my homework, but Nick’s face kept popping up in my head instead. He had completely taken me by surprise today, and our conversation kept playing in a loop in my mind.

The door was locked, so I fished out my key before unlocking it and stepping inside. I decided that it was good that Rachel wasn’t home yet, so I’d have a chance to get started on my homework before she talked my ear off about today’s Nick-tivities.

I grabbed a cold soda from the fridge and headed into my bedroom. After piling all the pillows against the wall, I leaned into them. Reaching for my laptop, I fired it up and began searching for information on my assignment.