“We can drink rivers of champagne after you sign your first publishing contract, my dear,” Annabelle said. “Right now, I have to make some phone calls.”

Craig shrugged, although he was visibly disappointed. “Okay, I’ll go in and see what’s eating Dora.”

“No!” Annabelle shouted. “Dora is probably sleeping by now. Besides, I need you to run out and get some eggs. We’re having omelets tonight.”

It occurred to me that Annabelle was keeping some secret concerning Dora away from her husband but I didn’t care what it was. I picked up my purse and was about to leave when Annabelle stopped me.

“Jackie, I need to have a word with you alone, okay?”

Craig came around the table and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for everything, Jackie. I’ll remember you on the acknowledgments page.” And then he was gone.

The acknowledgments page! Jesus! There had to be a polite way to discourage him from doing that.

“Sit down, Jackie.” Annabelle gave me a generous smile. “Would you like some more juice?”

I declined.

“Jackie, as you know, the executive editor spot at Welburn Books has been open since Casey Esau left a few months ago.”

Yes! Here it was. I was about to be promoted!

“It has been difficult for me to make a decision. You and Astrid Norstromm are both incredibly talented editors who work very hard. However, my decision is to be announced tomorrow at the editorial meeting but I wanted you to hear it from me first.” She hesitated and looked down at her hands and I knew before she said it. “I have decided to promote Astrid because she works in a wider variety of categories.”

Astrid Norstromm was a white woman and, like me, she edited all types of fiction and nonfiction. The only difference was that all her authors were white. Mine were all black.

Annabelle waited for me to say something, but I didn’t dare open my mouth. There was no way for me to control what would come out of it and Mama’s rent still had to be paid.

“I know you’re disappointed, Jackie.”

When she stopped talking I was going to make my escape and head straight home and get back into bed.

“Please don’t quit on me, Jackie. You’re a valued member of the staff and I promise that you’ll get a sweet raise during the next evaluation period.”

Evaluations took place each June. Therefore, the “sweet raise” was six months away.

“Annabelle, I really have to be going now.” I got up and stomped out of her apartment before she could say another word.

If I’d known that Annabelle had already decided to give Astrid the job, I would have held my ground and fought harder for Moms Mabley. Instead, I’d sold her out big-time and this knowledge stuck in my craw.

I took a cab back uptown, turned the ringers on my phone to the OFF position, climbed into a nightgown even though it was barely dusk, and went to sleep.

Sometime later, I felt a presence in the room. Peering through the shadows, I realized it was a Black man, about six-feet-one, broad-shouldered and stark naked. My first instinct was to scream, and then I realized it was Victor.

He laughed and it was a deep, throaty sound. “Hey, Jackie, sorry I scared you.”

“Baby, that’s quite all right.”

He smiled, revealing the strong white teeth with the gap in the front which I loved so much.

I could barely breathe.

He leaned over and kissed me on the lips and there was a long moment of silence as we locked eyes.

My hands reached up to caress his face and my fingers traced his wide forehead, the velvety smoothness of his skin, eyes, and nose.

“Victor,” I whispered. “You don’t know how long I’ve yearned for this night.”

“I’ll know real soon,” he replied, “because you’ll tell me in the song you’re about to sing.”