I couldn’t help the groan that escaped. This was one of the happiest days of my life and the last thing I felt like doing was throwing a brand new baby into the maws of the criminal justice system.

“What’s your name?”

“Hot Sauce.”

“Boy, I know damned well your mother didn’t name you Hot Sauce. Now cut the bad-ass act. I want your real name, not some dumb shit they call you in the street.”

“Dennis Clark.”

I spoke over my shoulder. “Hey, Andy! Give me a pen and paper.”

He complied.

“Now, Dennis Clark, give me your address and phone number.”

He rattled off the information and I turned back around. “Stop the car!” I yelled at Andy.

My partner pulled over.

I got out of the car and opened the back door. When I reached for little Dennis “Hot Sauce” Clark, I truly thought he was going to faint. The little wannabe thug figured he was about to become a victim of police brutality.

“Dennis, I’m going to take the cuffs off and let you go, but I’m going to keep an eye on you for the next couple of months and if you even breathe wrong, the cuffs go back on. Now, who do you live with?”

“My mother and my brother.”

I let him go with a stern warning and prayed that he had been scared enough to stay out of trouble.

In the meantime, I just wanted to think about my daughter.

My unrelenting grief over the end of my relationship with both Saundra and Evelyn had caused Hugo and me to break up for good. Funny thing is, I didn’t miss him. Had all that sneaking around created and sustained a false passion between us? I didn’t spend too much time thinking about it after the invitation arrived. That pink envelope meant that I had another chance to be the honest, courageous man that my daughter had always believed me to be. It meant that the door might not be open, but it had cracked a little and I was willing to work long and hard to get it all the way open.

Chapter 53


On a hot summer day, I came out of Asha’s bedroom dressed in my A-line, satin wedding gown, which had a top layer of soft netting adorned with hand sewn seed pearls. Asha walked behind me carrying the train, which she then helped me wrap around one arm.

Nick whistled softly. “You look gorgeous, Saundra.” And he kissed me on the cheek.

“I still have to pin her hair up and hook the tiara into it,” Asha said. “But she really is a stunning bride.”

An hour later, I had allowed Asha to talk me into wearing lipstick and it was time to go. Asha and Nick were my attendants and we were riding in a white Rolls Royce. Later on, that same car would take me and my husband to the airport—we were going to honeymoon in Bermuda.

Asha is the greatest sister in the world. After I stopped speaking to Phil, we still had the Crystal Palace, which he and Hugo had paid for. But there was practically no money to pay for all the extras—dress, cake, cars, satin shoes and all the other niceties that I didn’t know I wanted until Asha dangled them in front of my nose. Asha paid for everything except the rings. The ring bills belonged to Yero.

I wondered if Phil had received the invitation and whether he would show up. In my own way, I tried not to care but it was hard to erase all the good that he had done. Yes, he should have told me a long time ago that he was gay and he certainly should not have deceived Evelyn. But on the issue of good fathering, there was no question that Phil was the best.

I told Yero that if Phil showed up, I would ask him to walk me down the aisle.

We reached Central Park a half hour late. A large group of Mama’s relatives and Yero’s relatives was waiting for my arrival. In the middle of it all was Daddy, taking pictures of everything and everybody in sight.

It was so good to see him!

He opened the door before my driver could get out of the car. I smiled up at him and tears filled his eyes as he held out a hand to help me.

Chapter 54