“So what now?” I asked.

Asha’s voice dripped with contempt. “You broke Saundra’s heart but you won’t ruin her life. I have to get Yero and Saundra together and put this wedding back on track. You go back to Hugo and do whatever you were doing. I’m leaving.”

I watched them walk away, hoping that someone would find some forgiveness in their heart. It would be nice to watch Saundra get married.

Chapter 50


Saundra didn’t want to hear Phil’s story but I made her ass sit still and listen. She didn’t comment on any of it but a few days later, she approached me and apologized for anything she had done to offend me. I was cool with that. Then she said that we were too different to live under the same roof and make it work. I silently agreed with that. But when she hit me with the news that she wasn’t going back to school, that she was going to get a job and her own place, something had to be done.

I called Yero and told him that I’d be in Houston with Nick on Christmas day and that he should come over and talk some sense into Saundra.

“She’ll tell the doorman that I can’t come up,” he answered miserably.

What a wuss. A nice, hardworking guy. But still a wuss.

“Yero, pay attention. Every woman wants to be with her lover on the major holidays. When a woman is alone on Valentine’s Day, Christmas, or New Year’s Eve, her biggest fantasy is that the man she cares about will ring that bell and take her in his arms. It usually only happens in the movies but you need to man up and go get your woman back.”

“Man up?” he bristled. “She dumped me!”

I couldn’t help sighing. “Yero, do you want to debate me or marry Saundra?”

“Marry Saundra,” he muttered.

“Then shut up and listen. Buy her a present, preferably jewelry. Buy her some candy and flowers. Bring all that good shit and yourself to my apartment on Christmas morning.”

“What if you’re wrong and I just make a fool of myself in front of the doorman again?”

My patience was wearing thin. This guy had no imagination at all. But then, neither did Saundra. These two definitely deserved each other. “Meet me in front of Madison Square Garden tomorrow morning at nine o’clock. I’m going to loan you my house keys. I’ll explain the situation to the doorman so that if Saundra says no, you can go on up anyway. But I promise you that she’ll open that door.”

Chapter 51


Christmas Day was unseasonably warm. After an unsuccessful attempt at meditation and with no animals to play with, I turned on the news and heard that it was an astonishing sixty degrees outside. I decided to stay in my nightgown for the whole day. What was the point of showering? Why bother to get dressed? No company was coming over and I didn’t even plan to answer the phone for fear of having to hang up on Phil. I figured that poor Evelyn was even more miserable than I was.

I was watching The Honeymooners marathon and eating celery sticks when the doorman buzzed.

“There’s a Yero Brown here to see you, miss.”

I didn’t hesitate for a second. “Send him up, please.”

It had been far too long since I’d seen my honey. Without thinking, I flew out of the apartment and stood in front of the elevator. The door opened and there he stood.

He looked beaten, shocked, and grief-stricken.


A smile spread across his brown face and the light reentered his eyes. “Saundra!”

In less than a second, he was holding me, two packages and a bouquet of flowers in his arms. “Baby, baby.”

His lips covered mine before I could answer. We hugged and kissed for what seemed like eternity.

“Why did you leave me?” Yero asked.

“Because I was a fool.”