Who was this new Saundra and what were her new goals now that Yero was gone?

Chapter 43


The shower was running and I heard Nick singing that old song “Give It To Me Baby” by Rick James. It was funny hearing him imitate Rick’s voice and the bass line a capella, but then it hit me. Someone he called Baby Girl was in love with him back in Houston and he was here with me without guilt or shame. She was probably somewhere in her bedroom thinking about him with little hearts dancing around her head.

Between Saundra and Yero and Brent and Amanda and Lula, my deceit cup had runneth over.

“Give It To Me Baby” morphed into “Ghetto Life” in Nick’s shower medley.

I opened the bathroom door. A cloud of hot steam was the only air. Nick peeked out of the shower curtain and smiled when he saw me.

“You wanna lather me up?” He began moving his body from side to side so his dick slapped both thighs. It was hilarious.


He frowned. “So why did you let that cold air in?”

“I need to talk to you.”

“It couldn’t wait until I finished washing?”

I watched him lather up with just a bar of soap and wondered why he didn’t use a washcloth.

“No, it can’t wait.”


I was about to change my mind because Baby Girl was an adult and should handle her own business but I was emotionally exhausted. “Tell Baby Girl that you date other people.”

Nick stopped washing. “Say what?”

“You heard me.”


“Because it’s the right thing to do.”

“Whoa. Don’t tell me that you have grown a conscience?”

I laughed and went to the kitchen to order some coconut rice and basil shrimp from the Thai restaurant.

Nick came out with my white Ralph Lauren towel wrapped around his waist. He looked damn good. “Now, what’s this nonsense all about?”

“Do you want Thai food?”

“I don’t want no Chinese food.”

“It’s Thai not Chinese, Nick.”

He sucked his teeth. “All of it is the same. I’d rather have a tortilla.” He started snapping his fingers and saying, “Olé!”

I cancelled the Thai food and ordered Mexican takeout for both of us.

He kissed me on the cheek. “I’m gonna go get dressed.”

Gonzalez and Gonzalez came fast.