Yero was in a huddle with Kimiko and Jazz.

“Excuse me, baby, but do you know if Derrick will be here tonight?”

“He said he’s reading today so he should be here any minute,” he said quickly, turning back around.

She looked at me and started grinning and I tried my best to have an innocent look in my eyes.

“Why are you so interested in meeting Derrick?” Saundra asked, passing me an orange out of her bag.

I began to peel the orange and avoided eye contact to hide my excitement. “I just think his work is phenomenal and I want to put a face with the painting; you know how much I like the finer things in life,” I said, biting into the juicy orange.

“If you like that one, wait till you see his portfolio,” she said with her eyes wide.

“What does he look like?” I asked, hoping he wasn’t dog-ass ugly.

“He’s definitely not your type, he’s not all GQ or whatever.” She shrugged.

“I asked you what he looked like, not for a synopsis of my taste.”

“He’s very tall, slender, long locks, brown skinned . . . I think he’s gorgeous.”

“How does he dress?” I asked, not impressed so far.

“He usually wears jeans, cargo pants, T-shirts . . . very casual; but I’ve never seen him in a situation where that’s not appropriate,” she said.

He definitely doesn’t sound like my type of guy because I’m not crazy about locks or the casual look, either. Oh, well, so much for that, but I still want to meet him anyway to discuss a possible business proposition. With his talent and my beauty, I’m sure he can do a masterpiece of me to hang up in my apartment. The walls in my apartment are way too bare, anyway, and I’ve always wanted a portrait of myself.

The lights began to flicker and Jazz quickly ran “backstage,” which was simply a black curtain separating the huge floor space and the bedrooms. Saundra said it was about to start in five minutes and everyone began to settle down.

Yero held Saundra and I saw an Asian guy with an afro sitting down next to Kimiko; I tried not to stare.

“Asha, this is my boyfriend Lenny,” Kimiko said.

Lenny smiled and extended his hand. “How you doin’?” he said, sounding Black.

“Fine, thank you,” I said, not knowing what else to say.


“How long have you two been dating?” I asked, feeling insipid.

“About a year now, right, boo?” Kimiko said, stroking the hair underneath his chin.

He smiled again and reached over and smacked Saundra on the top of her head. Yero turned around in defense and then eased when he saw Lenny’s broad grin. Saundra gave him a pound.

“Where you been, bugger?” Saundra asked, putting her locks in a ponytail.

“Workin’, school, you know the deal,” he replied.

“Yeah, I know; where’s your sister, she comin’?”

“Nah, she couldn’t find anybody to keep Toshio so she just stayed home.”

“But she could have brought Toshi with her; no one cares,” Saundra said, sounding disappointed.

“I told her that but she said she hates when other people bring noisy children because it kills the effect.”

“Tell her to call me.”