Should I have just closed the door and gone on about my business? Yes. Did I? No.

I shook my sister’s bare shoulder until her eyes opened. “Asha! Who on earth is this guy? What are you doing?”

Asha sat up with tits hanging and bush showing. She rubbed her eyes, yawned and squinted her eyes at me. “What did you say?”

I repeated my questions.

Asha turned around and looked at her playmate. “Just some guy I met in a bar. Could you get me some water? Jesus, my head is killing me.”

“Some guy you met in a bar? How do you know he’s not a serial killer? Wake him up and get him out of here!”

She held her head in her hands, groaned and then ran bare-assed into the bathroom. I could hear her retching.

By the time she pulled on a robe and stumbled into the kitchen, I was sitting there at the table wondering if this was the first time Asha had done something so incredibly hazardous.

“Asha, have you lost your mind?”

“Leave me alone, Saundra. In fact, get out. You’re on my last goddamn nerve.”

She was clearly still drunk so I wasn’t too hurt.

She filled a glass with water from the tap and drank it down too quickly. This caused her to throw up all over the floor. “What was that rat of yours doing out of its cage?”

“My hamster?”

Asha used some paper towels to clean up her mess.

“I came home and it was running wild. That so-called serial killer was nice enough to catch it. All these animals have got to go. First thing in the morning.”

What had happened to my life? What would become of me? “Shut up!” I screamed. “Just shut up you fucking two-bit tramp!”

Asha’s robe flew open as she lunged at me. “How dare you judge me? Who gave you the right to do that?”

Before things could get any worse, the man appeared. He looked both scared and hungover. “I’ve got to go.”

He looked at me and held out a hand. “Hi, I’m Clark.”

I ignored his outstretched hand.

As we watched, Clark picked up his clothes, piece by piece, and disappeared. We heard the bathroom door clo


I hugged my sister’s half-clad body. “I’m sorry. What’s the matter, Asha? Why did you do something like this?”

She pulled away. “My boss is on my ass because I might have cost the store a whole lot of money fucking around with two stupid bitches who let an argument over a man get in the way of business. I’m afraid to go into my own living room because you have it cluttered up with scary looking statues, weird-sounding music and more creatures than fucking Doctor Doolittle. On top of that, I want to know what happened with Phil and you won’t tell me.”

I shook my head. “No. I won’t talk about Phil. I can’t. And don’t make that an excuse for bringing a total stranger into our home. It was dangerous, Asha. In fact, he is still here so we’re not in the clear yet.”

We were still yelling and screaming at each other when Clark left, closing the front door behind himself without saying another word.

Chapter 47


I don’t see this working. As a matter of fact, I know my new living situation is not going to work.

Our fight was not about run-of-the-mill sister stuff—stop eating all the chocolate or don’t wear my silk blouse.