“How do I know it’s really him?”

“Asha, what are you talking about?”

I shook my head to clear it. There was no way I was going to add my drama to her already troubled mind. “Nothing. Let him come up.”

I was surprised at how disheveled he looked when I opened the door. “What do you want, Brent?”

“I really need to talk to you. Please let me in.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Please, Asha. I know about what happened at the Four Seasons. Amanda told me everything.”

Saundra was staring at us both. She looked scared.

“Don’t say another word, Brent, until we’re in my room.”

Once we were away from Saundra’s distressed gaze, I faced him. “Why are you here?”

“I just had to clear things up after what happened between you and Amanda.”

I sighed and flopped back. “Brent, none of that matters now. I’m through.”

“No, Asha, please don’t say that. I don’t know what she told you but I’m sure it’s not the truth.”

I began to laugh but it wasn’t as hearty as it would have been if I was well-rested and functioning. “Now why should I believe you that she lied to me?”

“She’s not the one who filed for divorce, Asha. I’m the one who asked for it.”

I felt my lips part in surprise. “Why?”

“I told her a few weeks ago that I wanted out because I fell in love with someone else.”

I shook my head in disbelief. “Okay, whatever, but what does this all have to do with me?”

He reached in his pocket, pulled out a box and placed it on the bed between us. I opened it and a huge diamond ring sat nestled between the velvet slits. “I told Amanda that I’m leaving her so that I could marry you.”

I looked at the glimmering diamond and back at Brent. Even if I did love him, which I didn’t, I’d be a damn fool to marry a shameless adulterer.

“You’ve got to be joking.”

Brent shook his head and got down on one knee. “Asha . . .”

“Brent get up off the damn floor, take this ring and go home,” I said.

“I know what you’re thinking . . . that I’d cheat on you like I did with Amanda.”

I sat looking at him in utter disbelief. “Brent, I don’t love you and I have never loved you. When we first hooked up, I told you that I had plans never to commit to anybody. I thought we were cool because you were married. And now that you’re getting a divorce you think you love me?”

Brent sat back down. “I don’t believe you don’t want to be with me.”

This pompous bastard. He thinks he is such a catch that it’s impossible that I wouldn’t want him.

It was definitely time for him to go. “Why do you want a black wife now, anyway?”

“I was young and ambitious. Amanda just went along with the package.”

I respected him even less. “So you never loved her?”