I taped that note to the bathroom door.

I woke up the next morning with a soft pillow under my face and a comforter spread over my body and up to my neck. There was a note from Asha on the coffee table along with her house keys and a credit card.

Hey, Sis—

Hope you’re feeling better this morning. Take the Visa and go shopping. That always lifts my spirits. Call me at work like you promised.

Hugs and kisses,


What a horrible night! There were no more tears left. Just a dull headache, sore limbs and a thousand questions.

How long had Phil been gay?

Should I tell poor Evelyn?

Would Asha let my pets live here too?

What skeletons did Yero have in his closet that he would have sprung on me after twenty years of marriage and five kids?

The answers to those questions would have to wait. It was time to call Yero. He was behind the stamp counter now so I dialed his cell. The phone rang three times before he answered.


“Saundra! Baby, I’m really sorry about yesterday. What I said about Asha was just plain wrong. Do you forgive me?”

“Yero, we need to talk.”

“Okay. I’ll come over after work.”



“Don’t go to Phil’s house.”

“Phil? When did you start calling your father by his first name?”

“I’ve moved out of Phil’s house.”

His voice rose in fear. “Baby, where are you?”

“Living with Asha.”

He was silent for a second. “What happened?”

“Nothing I ever want to talk about.”

“Saundra . . .”

I cut him off. “Yero, I need a whole lot of space right now. No relationship. No wedding. Nothing but space.”

“Whoa! I’m leaving work and coming to see you. Now.”

My voice was steel. “Don’t. I mean it, Yero. I won’t be here.”

“Saundra, why are you treating me like this?”