“So how’re Phil and Evelyn?”

“They’re fine. She still wants to get married but Daddy says that my wedding is enough for him to think about right now.”

“How long does she plan to wait? It’s been six years and every year Phil comes up with another excuse. She needs to kick his ass to the curb.”

“I know.”

“Your father is not the type to change without a kick in the ass.”

“You got that right,” Saundra answered dryly. “He’s a stereotypical cop, content with coffee and donuts.”

“Phil is built like a tank. It’s hard to believe he eats so much junk food,” I observed.

“He works hard enough to keep in shape, waking me up with that damn NordicFlex machine.”

I daydreamed for a moment about Phil’s wonderful body and the crush I used to have on him in high school. He has the most amazing chest, with big muscles and sexy, deep-chocolate skin. When I used to visit Saundra, the highlight was seeing her father in his gray sweatpants lifting his weights, occasionally pouring water over his bald head to keep cool.

“Asha, I need you to help me plan the wedding. Yero and I are going to choose the place but I need a woman’s help with all the other stuff.”

“What about Evelyn?”

“I want my sister.”

She gave me a loving smile and it felt so good that tears pricked the back of my eyelids.

“I want you to be my maid of honor, too. Will you?”

I patted her hand. “Of course, baby.”

Maid of honor! I’d have to buy a fabulous dress. Nothing off the rack. It would have to be couture. Who was going to come up with the two or three grand? Brent or Nick?

I was snatched back to reality by a pint-sized waiter shoving a menu in my face.

“I don’t need a menu, thanks. I’ll have the sweet and sour chicken with white rice,” I said, handing it back to him.

“What about your dress?”

“I’m cool. I started sketching some designs for my wedding dress yesterday.”

“Lemme guess. It’s gonna be made of recycled burlap, a mosquito net for a veil and you’ll carry a broccoli stalk bouquet?”

“Oh, you’re funny, Ms. Armani. I don’t think it’ll be that haute couture.”

The waiter was looking impatient. “Would you like something to eat, miss?” he asked eagerly, turning to Saundra.

“I’m not sure yet, let me see . . .” Saundra trailed off, wrinkling her forehead in concentration. God does that get on my damn nerves. What the hell is she thinking about! She doesn’t eat anything. The only choice she can make is to have her seaweed baked or fried.

“I think I’ll go with the mixed vegetables, brown rice, and a spring roll without the shrimp.” She smiled.

“Why do you do that?” I asked.


“You study the menu, knowing you’re only going to eat vegetables, anyway.”

Saundra was exasperated. “I’ve told you that I’m not going to eat anything that has a face or a spirit. But I still like to know how my vegetables are going to be prepared, so I study the menu.” She sighed heavily.

Saundra and I are not as close as we used to be. This type of shit is the reason why.