I drove my own car to the assignation so he wouldn’t have to drop me off afterwards. That would have meant making even more conversation with him.

What the hell was wrong with me lately?

Probably too much Nick Seabrook. Spending time with him always made it hard for me to enjoy the company of other men. This, of course, is exactly what happens to all women. A man gets under their skin and they stop handling their business.

This type of behavior had to end.

I put a big smile on my face and sailed through the hotel lobby like I had just arrived on the Concorde to have a tryst with P. Diddy.

He greeted me at the door with a dozen red roses and a bottle of Cristal.

“You’ve been on my mind all day,” he said when we were naked under the covers and swilling champagne.

“Ooh, Brent, after you called, it was hard for me to concentrate on anything else, either.”

He smiled. “Baby, if Amanda was more like you, I wouldn’t be here.”

I kissed him hard on the lips to postpone the upcoming Amanda monologue.

“You’re a hard act to top, Asha. Do you know that?”

I ran my fingers lightly up and down the inside of his thigh.

“Asha, I can’t get enough of you,” he whispered.

“How much of me do you want tonight?” I murmured back.

Brent answered by pouring the rest of his champagne on my breasts and licking it off.

I got turned on in spite of myself.

“Main Man,” he said, “wants to visit every place on your lovely body.”

Brent’s heat was soaring tonight and when it got like that, he was a really good lover.

Oh, yeah!

That’s the thing about lady luck. One never knows when that sistah is going to show her gorgeous face.

Chapter 14


There was no one on the stamp line when I hurried into the post office just to see Yero’s face.

He was happy at my impromptu visit but too professional to do more than smile as I leaned on the counter.

“Yero, do you realize that human beings are the only animals who choose to drink the milk of another species?”

His eyebrows started to meet. “Yes. We’ve had that conversation. Is that what you came here to tell me?”

Flustered and near tears, I kept talking. “And do you know that fish have very sensitive and fragile mouths? Careless handling results in broken jaws. So teaching a child that it is okay to drag a living thing out of its home and kill it just for sport is wrong. Tell me that you will never take our little boy fishing, Yero.”

Now he looked really worried. “Saundra, what’s really wrong?”

The tears began to drip but I lowered my voice. “I should have called you after Daddy and I talked about the engagement party but it was all so upsetting.”

He looked baffled. “We’re having an engagement party?”