I started the engine, grinning at the sound of it, and then took off to head toward Cassie’s. The gas pedal was a hell of a lot more sensitive than Gran’s Honda or Jack’s Bronco, and when I touched it, the car jerked forward with a surge of power. The brakes were touchy too. Whenever I tapped them even the slightest bit, I was slammed into the steering wheel. I must have looked like a kid with a learner’s permit driving this thing.

Stopped at a red light, I turned up the volume on the radio and smiled as the pounding bass filled the car. Leave it to my brother to not only hook me up with a killer ride, but make sure the stereo was the best as well.

When I pulled into the apartment complex, I parked my new baby far away from the other cars, wanting to avoid door dings or any other potential parking-lot issues. Excited, I sprinted to Cassie’s door and knocked, but didn’t wait to be let in. Ever since the night of the mugging, I’d stopped feeling like a temporary guest in Cassie’s life and felt more like family.

“Sis!” I shouted from the front door, and Melissa’s familiar squeal came from her bedroom.

“Dean, is that you? I’m naked! Don’t come in here!” she shouted.

The thought of that instantly made my shorts tighten, and all thoughts of my new ride fled as my imagination went wild.

“Why’d you tell me you were naked if you didn’t want me to come in there?” I called out, teasing her. Okay, I was only half teasing because if she let me, I’d run in that room and have my way with her in a heartbeat.

“Dean!” she shouted again from behind her closed door. “I swear to God!”

“You swear to God, what? Okay, I’m coming in. You don’t have to beg,” I shouted, taking two steps toward her room so my voice would sound closer, but stopped when Cassie slapped my shoulder, startling me from my game.

“Don’t tease her,” she said with a playful smile before giving me a big hug.

“Me? She’s the tease in this relationship,” I said against the top of her head.

Melissa poked her head out through her doorway. “I’m dressed now. You can stop tormenting me.” She stuck out her tongue.

“I haven’t even started yet,” I said, channeling my brother’s confidence.

“Who invited you anyway,” she asked before coming out of her room in a tightfitting sundress.

“Don’t listen to her, Dean. She knew you were coming over. What the hell’s wrong with the two of you?” Cassie looked between us with a smirk.

“Oh, so you knew I was coming over and you got naked?” I couldn’t stop, just had to torment her the same way she tortured me without even trying.

Melissa hooked her hands on her hips. “You’re almost as annoying as your brother.”

I gasped in mock horror before walking over to her and wrapping her in my arms. “No, I’m not,” I said against her hair as I breathed in the scent of her fruity shampoo.

Her body melted against me, and for half a second I wished we were alone.

“But you have missed me, haven’t you?” I asked, and she bristled, swatting at me to let her go.

“Maybe,” she said noncommittally before walking into the kitchen and rifling through the cupboards.

“I have!” Cassie called out from the couch. “Seriously, come here and tell me about your trip with Jack. How’s his house? Did you like his roommates? Was the field nice? How is he?”

“Jesus, Cassie, annoying much?” Melissa shook her head. “Ugh, ignore me. I’m starving. You two catch up.”

“One question at a time,” I said as I sat down next to Cassie. “I already forgot half the shit you asked.”

She rolled her eyes. “How was your drive?”

I had to stop myself from scolding her the way my brother would. “It was good. Really good, actually. Uneventful. Northern California’s kind of pretty, but in a different way from here.”

She tucked her legs under her, apparently getting comfortable for an interrogation. “His roommates?”

“Super chill. You’ll love them,” I assured her. “They’re really nice. I was worried they might be arrogant or really competitive, but they’re not. He lucked out.”

I explained to her that once you got to the minor leagues, your teammates were different from those you’d played with in school. You weren’t around guys hoping for a shot to play professional baseball; you were surrounded by guys who were the best at it, and knew it.

Cassie smiled. “Oh, that’s good. I’m so glad. He told me he likes them, but it’s still nice to hear it from you. Jack said the house is great.”