“I can’t believe this. How could your brother be so stupid?” she shrieked.

“I don’t know, okay? He was drunk.” I didn’t mean to sound like I was defending him, but she apparently took it that way.

“That isn’t an excuse! Being drunk doesn’t make it okay; it just makes you an idiot.”

“I know that. Nothing about this situation is okay, but why the hell are you yelling at me? I didn’t do it!” I shouted back.

She sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. When she spoke again, her voice was calmer. “Cassie’s devastated, Dean. I’ve never seen her like this.”

My heart dropped. “What’s she doing? Do you need me to come over?”

“No. I made her turn off her phone and go to bed.”

“You made her go to bed?” I asked with a slight laugh, and not because I found it funny.

“Yes, I made her go to bed. The last thing she needs to do is keep puking her guts out. Her heart’s broken. She’s wrung out and needs sleep.”

Oh hell. Knowing that Cassie was throwing up made me feel even worse. Of course she wasn’t sick; it was simply the devastation that made her whole world turn upside down, including her guts. Literally.

“I feel awful,” I admitted.

“Me too,” she said softly. “How could he do this to her? I thought he really loved her.”

“He does really love her. You have no idea how broken up he is over this. I’ve never in my life heard him as distraught as I did today. If he could turn back time, he would. He’d do anything if he could take it back.”

“But he can’t because he’s ruined everything.”

I sighed. “He knows. Trust me, he knows.”

“This is exactly why you and I weren’t a good idea.”

What the hell? The one time I wasn’t even thinking about me and this girl, she had to bring us up.

“What do you mean exactly?” I demanded, hating the defensive tone in my voice. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“Nothing. I gotta go,” Melissa said, and disconnected the call.

I slid my phone in my pocket, wondering if I’d ever understand this girl.

And how on earth were we all going to get through this?

And Then Worse Again

Jack called me bright and early the next morning. He sounded like complete shit.

“I told her last night, little brother. I love her so fucking much. I can’t believe I did this. How did I screw us up this bad?”

“I don’t know,” I said, not knowing what else to tell him.

“Did she call you? Have you talked to her?”

“She didn’t call me. But Melissa did.”

“I bet she was pissed.”

“She was pissed, all right. Said Cassie was sick over it. Melissa made her go to bed.”

Jack stayed silent for a long while before speaking again. “I know you have to go to school, but will you please call me tonight and tell me how she is when you see her? I fucking hate that you get to see her and I don’t.” The desperation in his voice was gut wrenching.