“And it didn’t matter that you ruined my life, as long as you got what you wanted?”

“Oh, save it. I didn’t ruin your life, Jack. It’s not like I killed your career or anything. ” She rolled her eyes with a huff, any guilt she felt dissipating.

“Get your stuff and get the fuck out. I don’t care where you go, but you can’t stay here. ” I pointed toward the front door.

“But you leave for Arizona tonight. At least let me stay while you’re gone. ” Her whiny voice sent irritation through me like the sound of nails on a chalkboard.

“No. If you step foot in this house while I’m away, I’ll have you arrested for breaking and entering, right after I file the restraining order against you and annul this sham of a marriage for false pretenses and lying. ”

“Whatever, Jack. Good luck getting Cassie back after all this. No one will ever really love you. Your own mom didn’t even stick around. ” She hurled the insult and I took it like a ninety-mile-an-hour fastball to the gut.

“I changed my mind. Get out of my house now. I’ll set your things on fire and mail you the ashes. ” I grabbed her by the arm, forcefully removing her from the premises before engaging the dead bolt on the door behind her.

“Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!” she screamed as she pounded her fists against the door. For a bitty thing, she could sure make a lot of noise.

“You’re dead to me,” I shouted through the door before turning around and heading upstairs to pack.



We need to talk.

I stared at the text message from Jack for nearly twenty minutes before putting the phone down on my dresser and walking out of my room.

“Melis?” I asked, poking my head through her doorway.

She was sprawled out across her bed reading. “Yeeessssss?” she responded, dropping her electronic reader to her side.

“Jack just sent me a text. ”

She adjusted her body to an upright position before crossing her legs Indian style. “Say what? What’d he say? Did you text him back?”

“It just said we need to talk. What do we need to talk about? And why now? Do you think he knows I’m leaving?” My eyes darted around the room, pausing at the various photos of us on the walls.

“It’s possible. I’m sure Dean told him. But why would he need to talk to you about that?” she asked, patting the spot next to her for me to sit down.

“I have no idea. ”

“Are you gonna text him back?”

“Should I?”

“Hell yeah, you should. You should be like, ‘What do we need to talk about? I’m all talked out from spilling the entire contents of my heart to you the night before your wedding. I think we’re done talking,’” she finished with a sassy head gyration and my jaw dropped.

“I’m not saying that!” I leaned back into her mountain of fluffy pillows.

“I know. I’m just kidding. Just be super casual and ask him what’s up. Give me your phone, I’ll do it for you. ” She reached for me and I fell backward onto the other side of the bed, typing quickly.

What’s up?

“There. Sent. ” I pretended like my insides weren’t doing somersaults.

“Now we’ll just wait for his—” Melissa’s voice was drowned out by the sound of Jack’s ringtone. I’d forgotten to change it. I shot her a horrified look before she whispered, “Answer it! Just answer it. ”

“Why are you whispering?”

“I don’t know! Answer it!” she screamed.