“Oh. ” I shrugged. “Since the guys don’t have a game, they asked Jack to throw out the first pitch tonight. ”

“Seriously?” Her head cocked to one side.

“Apparently it’s good publicity. I don’t know. Whatever, it’s not like he has a choice. He can’t really say no to another team at the school, you know?”

“That’s still sort of weird. ”

“I think so too, but whatever. I’ll be there. ”

“You’re so supportive,” she teased, cupping her hands together.

“Oh, I do try,” I said with a fake Southern accent as I fanned my hand in front of my face.

She laughed. “I’ll see you when I get back. Want me to check on your car?”

“Oh, yeah. Can you make sure it’s still sitting in my driveway collecting dust?” I giggled at the absurdity of the situation.

“You don’t need it,” my mother had told me during one of our many arguments. “It just gives you a way to leave school when you should be studying or doing homework. ” I had tried to tell her that maybe I’d need to leave school for a photography project, but then she’d just insist that I take Melissa’s car. No matter how many times I tried to tell her that she made no sense, she refused to budge. So there my car sits. At home. Waiting for me. And the truth is, I’m not sure I ever want to go back for it.

“Don’t have too much fun with Jack this weekend. Call you later, ’K?” Melissa gave me a squeeze before grabbing her things.

“’K. Drive safe. Tell your parents I said hi and I miss them. ” I smiled and waved as she walked out our front door, almost crashing into Jack.

“Have a good weekend, Jack. ” Melissa winked and he turned to me, his eyebrows raised.

“Uh, you too, Melis,” he responded with a half grin before closing the door. “What was that about?”

“She’s leaving for the weekend. ” I tried not to blush but felt the heat rising to my cheeks.

He dropped onto the couch next to me. “The whole weekend?”

“The whole weekend,” I said, dragging out the words for effect.

“Sweet. Listen, before I get distracted, Matt wants us to come over before the softball game and hang out at his place. I told him I’d check with you first. ” Jack rested his head against the pillow on my couch, his hat flopping to one side.

“Fine with me. Who’s gonna be there?” I asked absentmindedly, tossing the hat aside and running my fingers through his soft, dark hair.

“A few of the guys from the team. Dean and probably Jamie. I don’t really know. ”

“I like her,” I admitted with a smile. “She’s funny. ”

“She is funny. And she’s good for Matt,” Jack added, alluding to things I knew nothing about and frankly wasn’t sure I wanted to.

“Everyone’s going to the game, right?” I asked, changing the subject.

He pushed himself up with one arm until he sat facing me. “Why won’t you just come with me when I go?” He slid his thumb down my cheek.

“Because you have to be there an hour before the game starts. For what, I have no idea, but I’m not going that early. ” I pouted, eyeing him with my best puppy dog impression.

He put his hand behind my neck and pulled me to him, his mouth meeting mine halfway as the overgrown scruff on his face scratched at my bare cheeks. “Seriously, when are you going to shave?”

His lips pulled up into a slight smile. “You know I can’t shave until we lose, Kitten. And we’re not losing, so probably not ever. ”

I rolled my eyes. “You guys and your superstitions. ”

“You love it,” he whispered into my ear before sucking at my lobe softly with his mouth, causing my senses to disappear.

“Yep, sure do,” was my only response as he continued working down my neck.