I laughed as I headed over to Gran. “Gran, this is my girl, Cassie. ”

Gran wiped her hands on her apron as Cassie grinned and pulled herself from Gramps’ hug. “It’s so nice to meet you, Cassie. We’ve heard so much about you. ” Her eyes crinkled in the corners as she grinned, a hint of dimples like mine appearing on her creased cheeks.

“It’s so nice to meet you both. Thanks for having me,” Cassie replied with a warm smile. “Can I help?” She directed the question toward Gran.

“Oh heavens no, dear. I’m almost finished. Go sit down and make yourself comfortable. Jack, you get her whatever she needs, you hear me?” Gran’s voice took on the tone she only used with Dean and me.

“Yes, Gran, of course. ” I leaned toward her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

“Do you need anything, Kitten?”

“I’m fine, thanks. ”

Gramps pulled out the empty chair next to him and patted it. “Come sit down next to me, Cassie. Or do I get to call you Kitten too?” he asked with a wink.

Dean laughed out loud. “I think we should all start calling her Kitten. ”

I shot Dean a murderous look, not at all amused. “Only I get to call her Kitten. You’d be wise to remember that. ”

“Jack, stop threatening your brother,” Gran remarked while waving the steam away from her face.

“Yes, Gran. ” I gave Dean a hard kick under the table.

Gramps leaned on his elbow and tilted his head. “So, Cassie, Jack tells us that you’re a photographer. ”

She glanced at me, grinning before looking back at Gramps. “Well, that’s what I’m studying right now. I’d like to start my own business as soon as I graduate. ”

Gramps slapped his hand against the table. “Well, that’s just great! Isn’t that great, dear?”

“That is great. What kind of photography?” Gran asked.

“Ideally, I’d like to work for a magazine that focuses on travel and human interest stories. I’d get to travel around the country and meet all sorts of incredible people with amazing stories. ” Cassie started to explain slowly and loud enough for everyone to hear. It didn’t escape me the way her green eyes lit up when she talked about her craft.

“Ooooh, that sounds exciting. ” Gran squeezed her shoulders up to her ears.

“Now, what would you do for them? What kind of pictures would you take?” Gramps asked as he reached for his glass of water.

“I think I’d either get assigned with the journalist writing the piece, or I’d go by myself to shoot whatever the focus of the article was about. It could be anything from a new hotel opening and its impact on a struggling city, to a town’s comeback after almost being destroyed in a natural disaster. But the overall theme is positive and uplifting. ”

She paused before looking at me, her eyes wide. “There’s an internship that I’m going to apply for this summer. Apparently one of the New York-based magazines has an LA office and my professor mentioned it to me today. He said he’d write me a letter of recommendation, so you never know. ”

I gave her a big smile. “Can’t win if you don’t play, Kitten. They’d be idiots not to hire you. ”

“Thanks, baby. ”

“You should see her stuff, Gramps. She’s really good,” I added, pride shooting through my body.

“She is,” Dean agreed. “But I have a question. The stuff you take pictures of is so creative. I mean, your angles and what you put in your shots… Gramps, she has this one picture of Jack on the mound. You can’t see his whole body or even his face. It’s the coolest shot! Will you get to take pictures like that for a magazine?”

“First of all, thank you. It’s sweet of you to say that about my photos and I appreciate it. ” Cassie smiled. “I guess it totally depends on the magazine and their style. But the ones I’d love to work for have very beautifully creative photos and I think they give the photographer a lot of control with their shots. ” She shrugged her shoulders.

“That sounds perfect for you. Your photography is way too beautiful to be defined by someone else’s standards. If it doesn’t work out, you can always go into sports photography and follow your boyfriend around the country,” I suggested helpfully.

“So, I’d just wake up and take pictures of you all day?”

I let out a slight chuckle. “Sounds like a dream job to me. ”

“Oh, Lord. ” Gran sighed. “Forgive me, Cassie, I did the best I could with him. ”