Her soft moan followed by the feel of her vagina clamping around his dick had him increasing his thrusts, her soft ass cushioning his pelvis as he jack hammered into her over and over. Their harsh breathing echoed in the otherwise silent room before their low groans took over, and Mitch quickly followed her into that small world where nothing existed, nothing mattered but the pleasure sweeping through him.

Chapter Thirteen

Mitch drilled another screw through the dead bolt plate as he tried to ignore the way Hannah was pacing behind him, try being the operative word. He’s learned that Hannah paced when she was thinking deeply about something, and God knows, she’s had plenty to pace about in the last twenty-four hours. He didn’t mention the club again this morning, mainly because he wanted to get the dead bolts installed on her doors before leaving her here alone for the day, so he had no clue how she felt about it. But her bare feet kept passing through his peripheral vision and he found the sight of them distracting. Between her small, cute feet and the sight of her dressed in her new jeans, the ones that molded to her ass perfectly, he’s damn near drilled his hand several times.

“I’m almost done here, Hannah,” he told her with a quick glance as he withdrew a screw from his tool belt.

“You are? Okay, I’ll go,” Hannah said in a rush before she could second guess her decision.

“Go where, sweetheart?” he mumbled around the screw he had placed in his mouth while he lined up the last hole.

“To your club.”

“Goddamn it!” Mitch cursed as he almost swallowed the screw then dropped his drill on his foot point down. He had work boots on so it wasn’t pain that made him cuss, it was the way she startled him by that ‘out of the blue’ comment. He turned, noted her frown and before she could reprimand him, he warned, “Don’t say it.”

“Fine,” Hannah responded tersely then turned away and muttered lowly, “But you shouldn’t blaspheme.”

Ignoring her dig, he said, “I thought we were past you tossing out surprises like that. What made you decide on the club? We haven’t had a chance to talk about it.”

“I don’t want to talk about it.” And she didn’t want to reveal that it was the feel of intimacy she experienced last night when they had sex that helped make her decision, an intimacy that hadn’t been there previously. Mitch’s version of TLC last night had worked like a charm in making Hannah forget the trauma of her mugging. Despite the lingering effects from that spanking, she slept like a baby, that is until she felt him entering her from behind, his penis stretching her tight sheath in a way she had come to love. It had been highly erotic as well as intimate having sex in the middle of the night, shrouded in darkness and silence then falling back asleep completely relaxed and sated. She could get used to doing that on a regular basis, and the possibility that the sex meant more to her than just making up for everything she had been missing out on was what had decided her.

“Why don’t you want to discuss it?”

“Because you might talk me out of it if we do. I trust you, Mitch. Anna, Olivia and Kayla will be there?”

“Yes. Would you like to meet with them before we go upstairs?”

“Yes, that would be good.” She wasn’t about to call Anna again for advice and information and she already knew there wasn’t anything about sex clubs in her Sex for Dummies book. But she wasn’t opposed to giving Aunt Mary another call.

“I’m going to be late tonight, but if you change your mind, we’ll talk about it when I get home.” Mitch kissed her then said, “Keep the doors locked or, better yet, take your laptop to my house and stay there today.”

“I’ll be fine, Mitch. Both you and the police said it was highly unlikely a mugger would risk breaking into a private home. Thanks for the locks. Now go.” She knew it sounded cliché, but there was something really hot about a guy in a tool belt that made women want to drool and she was no exception. Watching him pick up his drill, she recalled the way his calloused hands felt on her sensitive skin, making her hope this protective mood he was in lasted a little longer and he stayed the night with her again.

“I’ll call you later.” Mitch left quickly and didn’t look back, afraid he might be tempted to play hooky and spend the day in bed with Hannah. He had a feeling tomorrow night was going to be harder on him than on her. He wasn’t used to reigning in his lust at the club and Hannah wasn’t used to letting go with hers in public. It ought to be an interesting evening.

After spending the morning in her office, both Hannah and Roxy were ready for some fresh air. Picking up her glass of iced tea, Hannah called Roxy and went out back, settling in the glider on the back patio before dialing her aunt’s number. She may have agreed to go to Mitch’s club, but that didn’t mean she was comfortable with her decision, and if anyone could understand that it was Aunt Mary. Without her ever mentioning it, she knew her alternative lifestyle with Patty has caused her emotional grief.

“What’s wrong, Hannah?” Mary asked when she picked up the phone.

“How do you know something’s wrong? Can’t I call just to say hi?” Hannah demanded guiltily.

“Dear, you’ve called me twice since you arrived there; once to talk about Mitch and sex and the other time to tell me about Roxy and how the little darling is destroying my house. So, either you have an issue with Mitch or with Roxy. Not that I don’t want to hear it or from you, you know that.”

“You know me too well, Aunt Mary. Roxy’s getting better. Mitch brings her chew toys, so she’s been leaving your furniture and my shoes alone.”

“So, it must be Mitch. Am I going to be sorry I encouraged this relationship?”

“No,” she rushed to assure her, “I’m not sorry I met him or agreed to the affair. But, Aunt Mary, he wants to take me to a sex club,” she blurted quickly before she could lose her nerve. “And I said yes.”

There was a slight pause, then Mary asked quietly, “And how do you feel about that?”

“I imagine about how you felt when you met Patty,” she told her bluntly.

Mary laughed softly. “That excited, bewildered and confused, huh?”

“Yes,” Hannah sighed, smiling when Roxy clumsily landed in a sprawled belly flop when she attempted to jump up and catch a butterfly. With the myriad of flower beds Aunt Mary and Patty had planted, there was never a shortage of colorful butterflies to amuse her.

“You’ll never know if Mitch, and his lifestyle, are right for you, Hannah, if you don’t go. Then you’ll always wonder. Call me when you can with all the salacious details.”