A slow grin softened his face. “I may just show you soon, sweetheart. Since you were so honest, I’ll give you what you came here for.” Tightening his grip on her ass, he filled her again in a single deep thrust then set up a steady, pummeling rhythm that had them both gasping within seconds.

Hannah arched her head back, her long hair flowing around her butt, the rapid pulse in her neck revealing her pounding excitement as he stroked her to another climax. Over and over, filling her completely, stretching her widely, he reveled in each forceful thrust and each soft cry. As the ripples of her climax sucked at his dick, he took her even harder, gripping her ass even tighter when she collapsed onto her elbows and let out a cry that told every one of his crew what they were doing. His own orgasm came hot on the heels of hers, erupting with a deep pleasure he knew he would never get used to no matter how many times he fucked her.

Chapter Twelve

Hannah rose from her seat, looked in the mirror and saw what a difference ten inches made. Her hair now fell in a thick curtain to just below her shoulders and without the added weight her head felt lighter. She made the decision to cut it after giving it serious thought for two days. Other than trimming it by an inch or two periodically, she had never cut her hair and before Mitch, had never worn it down. Now that he was insisting she wear it loose, she decided to go with a more manageable length. At first, it had seemed like she was catering to Mitch’s demands, somewhat like she had with Caleb, but seeing and feeling the benefits of shorter hair, she had to reluctantly admit she liked the shorter loose feel and look. It would still be considered long by most people’s standards and the plain style more suited to someone younger, but she wasn’t concerned about pleasing anyone but herself. And Mitch.

Her surprise visit two days ago had certainly pleased him, she recalled with an excited rush of pleasure. Not even the embarrassment from the ribald comments from his crew when they exited Mitch’s trailer could dampen her mood as he walked her out to her car. The casual way he dismissed the men’s goading had helped ease her into accepting the raw pleasure their lunch interlude had resulted in. Faced with the proof they knew what had just occurred in that small trailer hadn’t seemed to matter. Part of her excitement, she knew, had come from Mitch taking her over again, not giving her time or a choice when it came to responding to his dominance. The other part came from knowing there were people right outside the trailer who could probably hear every word as well as every sound. She had been struggling with knowing others were so close and how that knowledge seemed to heighten her excitement, but the pleased, sated look on Mitch’s face overrode her conscience pricking concerns.

Whenever he got that look, she felt herself melt inside, felt all her misgivings move to the wayside to be dealt with later. She hadn’t heard from him since Tuesday, but that was okay. She knew he rarely got home from work before seven and was always gone before eight in the morning. Her own schedule had picked up this week. Between starting puppy classes with Roxy and meeting with potential new clients, she hasn’t had a spare moment until now. Leaving the small tea shop in one of Lexington’s popular strip malls where she had just signed a contract with another engaged couple, she saw that the beauty shop two stores down was still open and made a quick decision to stop in.

“You’ve got gorgeous hair,” Sandy, the young stylist commented as she fluffed up the thick mass one last time. “I love the myriad of colors. What do you think of the length?”

“I love it. Thank you so much for staying open for me.” Hannah followed her to the front to pay and noticed the parking lot was almost empty. She didn’t realize how late it had gotten.

“No problem. Except for O’Reilly’s, the bar and grill down on the corner, we’re always the last to close. Of course, the clouds are making it darker out than usual for this time of day.”

“Well, I appreciate your time and advice. I’ll be sure to come back here for touch ups.” Hannah gave her a generous tip and headed out to her car. She has been gone longer than planned and was anxious to get home to Roxy.

Kenny Gonzalez couldn’t believe his luck. If he wasn’t mistaken, exiting one of the shops several doors down from O’Reilly’s was that damn photographer who was responsible for his nightmares the last two weeks. That afternoon at the gardens had been one cluster fuck after another. What should’ve been a simple drug buy, something he’s done a million times, had turned into his worst nightmare. Was it his fault Connors got greedy and threatened not to give him his order without paying an extra grand? Son of a bitch but he’d been pissed, and Jackie’s whining and sniveling hadn’t helped matters. It had been her fault she opened her big trap and blurted about his windfall at the ponies the day before, so she was as much to blame for what went down as Connors. He hadn’t meant to kill the bastard, only to let him know he meant business when he said he wasn’t getting a dime more than the agreed upon price. But he just had to lash out, throwing Kenny’s aim off and the knife landed in his neck instead of the fleshy part of his shoulder where he had been aiming.

It was only his swift action that kept Jackie’s cry from drawing the whole damn park down on them. Covering her mouth, they both watched Connors fall and his eyes glaze over in angry accusation as he bled out in a matter of seconds. After shaking some sense into Jackie, telling her she was next if she didn’t shut up, he grabbed his drugs and slipped out of the protection of the trees and the closed garden only to see that photographer with her camera aimed at the copse where there was now a dead drug dealer. Cursing Connors, Jackie and fate, he waited in the parking lot so he could follow her and grab her camera bag as soon as an opportunity arose, not willing to chance that she hadn’t caught anything incriminating on film.

Her bright yellow mustang was easy to keep track of and when he saw where she parked for lunch, he took the time to find a punk teenager and bribe him to break into her car, keeping as much suspicion off him as possible. Unfortunately, the fucking kid bungled that simple chore and by the time he reported back to Kenny, the mustang was long gone.

Maybe he ought to let it go, he thought as he saw her walking towards her car which was parked closer to where he was waiting at the end of the strip mall. He heard on the news Connors body had been found and that so far there have been no leads in his murder. Maybe she hadn’t connected his sudden appearance from the garden with the murder or possibly hadn’t heard about it at all. Still, it

wasn’t worth the risk of prison, especially with this prime opportunity presenting itself so nicely. He already had one possession conviction under his belt and one three year sentence was all he could handle. Life on the inside could be brutal. If she caught him on film, put two and two together and was asked to look at mug shots, he was screwed.

Remembering those months in prison made up his mind and as she neared her car, he took a quick look around, didn’t see anyone else in the parking lot, and snuck up behind her as she was pulling out her keys.

One minute Hannah was unlocking her car and contemplating the incongruity of getting so much pleasure from the discomfort and humiliation of a spanking and the next she found herself pinned painfully against the car, a hard hand clamped over her mouth. Alcohol laced breath panted obscenely in her ear. Terror was a new sensation for her, making her struggle to inhale deeply through her nose against the panic.

Her assailant’s free hand tore her purse from her shoulder as he snarled, “Where is it, bitch?”

She shook her head, confused, scared and having no idea what he wanted. She tried to struggle, but he was too big, his body working as effectively as being trussed up with rope in keeping her immobile. The door handle bit into her hip and she knew his hand over her mouth was going to leave bruises.

“Damn it, where the hell is it? Don’t fucking tell me you don’t have it with you. Is it in the car?” Kenny was so intent on trying to see inside her car and keep her quiet he barely registered the shouts coming from behind him.

“Hey! Let her go! Help, someone help!” Sandy frantically reached for her pepper spray as she called for reinforcements while dashing across the parking lot as soon as she saw Hannah getting mugged.

“Shit!” Kenny had no time to lose as several men came running out of O’Reilly’s. Keeping hold of her purse, he sprinted to his car which was a few rows over. Jumping in, he didn’t bother looking back as he peeled away, cursing at the close call, and all for nothing since he still didn’t have her damn camera. Glancing at his seat, he suddenly realized he had something better, her identification and probably her address. Not only would a little B and E net him the camera, but he could erase any pictures she might have already stored on her computer.

Hannah sank to the ground, sick and shaken but relatively unharmed. Several people swarmed around her, helped her back to her feet and walked with her into the bar and grill to wait for the police. A glass of strong smelling liquor was handed to her and without thought, she took a hefty swallow. The fiery burn made her cough and wheeze, the man standing next to her patting her solicitously between her shoulders.

“Small sips, hon. You’re going to be all right.”

“Sorry,” she choked. “I don’t drink.”

“Here, honey, how about a glass of iced tea instead.”

A woman dressed in a black skirt and white blouse with a name tag set the tall glass on the table and gave her a sympathetic smile. “We didn’t get a good look at that son of a bitch, but you should file a report anyway. There are the police now.”

Hannah tried to smile reassuringly at the concerned faces surrounding her, especially Sandy’s. Without her timely intervention, she could’ve been hurt much worse or even kidnapped. She didn’t have time to dwell on what ifs after that or wonder what he was looking for. The police explained most muggings, in fact most crimes, were drug related. Her assailant was probably high and looking for his next fix and, as most muggings, a random act that she had been lucky to escape relatively unscathed.

Thirty minutes later, Hannah was thanking everyone for their help and taking the cops up on their offer to drive her home. Aunt Mary’s house had never looked so welcoming and as she stepped out of the police cruiser, she felt her tense shoulders relax and was able to finally breathe a sigh of relief despite the nerves still dancing in her stomach and her unsteady hands. All she wanted now was to cuddle with Roxy and soak in a hot bath. Of course, she wouldn’t mind a shoulder to cry on also, but since Aunt Mary wasn’t here and Mitch’s truck was still gone, it looked like that wasn’t an option. It worried her how badly she was craving to see him, and this time not for the carnal pleasures he was so adept at giving her. It was probably a good thing he wasn’t home yet. She had no idea if their relationship extended as far as offering moral support in a time of distress. That pathetic uncertainty would be enough for her to end their affair now if she didn’t still want him so much.

She didn’t have time to worry over long about those uncertainties because he took that moment to pull into his drive, his frown and concern evident when he saw the police.