Mitch took his time in the kitchen, watching Hannah through the den’s long wall of windows. She stepped outside gingerly, her head darting around, making sure she was alone before she made a running leap toward the pool, never hesitating before diving in. She came up for air a second later and started treading water, those expressive eyes growing wide as she discovered how much fun swimming nude can be.

Finished in the kitchen, he leaned against the back slider, in no hurry to join her ju

st yet. She swam like a fish, mostly underwater, her long braid floating out behind her, her lily white body telling him she never sunbathed, at least not in anything skimpy. It took her only moments to grow comfortable with her nudity in the water, about ten more minutes before he saw how much her water play had ratcheted her arousal. Floating on her back, her nipples stood at stiff peaks aiming skyward. Her curls hid her pussy, but as she scissored her legs, he could catch a glimpse of swollen folds. It was shear torment just watching her, especially after spending so much time and effort getting her to the frustrated level of arousal she was at.

Hannah slowly swam to the steps, walking out of the pool with less self-consciousness than when she had dove in. Mitch smiled when she lay face down on a padded lounge, cushioning her head on her folded arms, her breathing heavy from her exertions. Perfect, he thought as he waited only a few minutes longer before stepping out of his jeans, grabbing a condom and joining her.

She felt positively decadent lying naked outside, the cool swim she had indulged in doing nothing to lesson her raging lust. Knowing Mitch was watching her had excited her as much as being outdoors naked. Her nipples were so sore she had no choice but to lay on her stomach in an effort to relieve the ache. Her cool body warmed quickly under the early afternoon sun, but the swim had done nothing to defuse the heat between her legs, the constant pulsing desire to be filled again. Which meant when she felt Mitch’s naked body covering her own, she was more than ready for him, so desperate for relief it never occurred to her to balk at having sex outdoors.

“Mitch,” she breathed in excitement as she attempted to turn over.

“No. Stay where you are,” Mitch demanded as the feel of her sun warmed ass under him had his cock seeping uncontrollably. Braced on his elbows, he covered her body with his, rubbing his cock in between her buttocks as his hands wrapped around her wrists and pulled her arms straight up.

“What are you doing?” she asked, not really caring as long as he finally delivered on the promise he had been tormenting her with since last night.

“It’s fun to try a new position, isn’t it?” While she thought about that, Mitch grabbed the tie on the end of the cushion and wrapped it around her right wrist, securing her arm above her head before quickly doing the same with her left.

Hannah pulled her arms, but before panic could consume her, Mitch slid into her with the ease of a knife sliding through softened butter. Gasping, she felt her vaginal walls clamp around him, felt the first tremors of a climax as she struggled to lift her hips against his. When she couldn’t, her body reacted with a gush of excitement, her orgasm exploding without notice, leaving her awash in consuming pleasure, effectively erasing her initial panic at finding herself bound.

Jesus, Mitch swore as her pussy started sucking at his dick as soon as he entered her. She came so fast, he was seeing stars. Her struggles against being tied and pinned under him ceased as quickly as they began, her body embracing the thrill before it even registered in her brain. Moving nothing but his hips, he jack hammered into her spasming sheath over and over, felt her climax again but barely heard her cries of release through the roaring in his ears. Grunting, her soft buttocks egging him on as she shifted under him, he fucked her hard, went deep and only retreated halfway before attempting to go even deeper, the lounge shaking with the force of his movements. Thankfully he had enough brain cells still functioning to notice she was with him, not only didn’t mind his hard, rough possession, but was relishing it by climaxing for a third time.

Mitch joined her in the pleasure, felt his come explode from his cock in a fiery burst of ecstasy that had him cursing and praying at the same time, his hips continuing to pound against her until every drop of come was wrung from him. When he finally came to his senses, he stayed inside her, enjoying the small clutches of her pussy as he untied her hands before slowly pulling back. “Oh shit, Hannah,” he cursed when he saw the busted condom.

Hannah was still coming out of her pleasure induced stupor, shaking from the way his forceful body had wrung three climaxes out of her, when she heard Mitch’s curse. Twisting around as he stood up, she stared as he removed the ruined condom. Her first reaction was to grin. It sounded cliché, but she rather liked the idea that he had been so excited he had lost control. She knew she certainly had been. She was still reeling from her multiple orgasms, her happy place still throbbing from the pleasure, her head fuzzy from the ecstasy. Then his pale face registered and she realized what he must be thinking. “It’s okay, Mitch, I can’t get pregnant.”

Mitch frowned, noted the uncomfortable look on her face at her admission and quickly discarded the condom before asking, “Are you sure?”

Hannah shrugged self-consciously now wishing she had her clothes. She’s never spoken of her failure to conceive during her ten year marriage to anyone except Caleb and her admission left her feeling exposed in a way her nudity didn’t. “Pretty sure since my husband and I never used birth control. I’d think something would’ve taken in all that time if it were possible.”

“Then we won’t worry about it, but I’ll be more careful next time. Come on.” Grabbing her hand, he hauled her up. “I need to cool off after that workout.” Striding over to the pool, he tossed her in before diving in after her.

Mitch got into his truck and backed out of his drive before he could give in to the strong urge to go next door instead of meet with his friends for their weekly poker night. Hannah returned home less than two hours ago and he was already wishing he could be with her again. From the moment he met her, the woman had pulled at him in a way no other ever has and that pull was suddenly turning into a hard yank. Knowing Hannah was completely unsuited for his long-term needs didn’t seem to matter. He wanted her, his cock wanted her and he was finding it difficult to step back from a relationship he knew couldn’t go much further than a weekend fling. It didn’t help that this weekend had gone nothing like he expected. She may have hesitated a time or two, but she had met every demand and challenge head on, which had been more than he could have ever hoped for. Yet, it still wasn’t enough, at least not for the long haul. And he was beginning to think the long haul was what he was going to want if he spent many more weekends with her as he did this one.

He hadn’t been in a serious relationship since his twenties, and even those few women who had managed to keep his attention for a few months had been quickly forgotten when they were gone. He instinctively knew that would not be the case with Hannah.

Was it only a few weeks ago he was spending his weekends wallowing in discontent and envying his friends their good luck? For the first time in months, Mitch felt content, if not completely happy, with his life. Work was going better than good. He put in long, hard hours, but the end results were always rewarding. He didn’t think anything could work as effectively as spending a few hours fucking in the club to wind down from a sixty hour work week, but the past twenty-four hours spent teasing and fucking Hannah had worked in spades. By the time she left his house, he had been relaxed and mellow, looking forward to coming up with ways to torment her lush body again next weekend. But those insidious doubts about her suitability to take their play to the club and expand on it had crept in while he was showering and now had a stranglehold on his emotions. The simple fact was he wanted her, in his bed and, he was beginning to think, in his life, which is what turned a simple matter into a difficult, if not impossible one.

By the time he pulled up to Casey’s he had decided to leave things the way they were between him and Hannah, meeting for weekend sex as kinky as he could get her to agree to. He wouldn’t see her this week, wouldn’t pop over or call. That would reek of a relationship beyond sex. He would contact her next Saturday and, if she was free, they could spend some time together. Wasn’t that the way a friends with benefits relationship was supposed to work?

He had been so immersed in his thoughts he didn’t notice Colin had come out to the parking lot until he was rapping on his window.

“You going to

sit out here all night or join us?” Colin asked him as he got out of his truck.

“In a hurry to give me your money?”

“That’s not liable to happen, especially with your head up your ass. What’s going on, Mitch?” Colin knew his friend well and knew when something was plaguing him.

Mitch stopped at the door to the club and faced Colin before going in. “How’d you know Olivia was the one?” he asked him, hating the slight edge of desperation he heard in his tone.

“I thought it might be a woman. Only another woman could’ve kept you from joining us last night without even a text saying you wouldn’t be there. Is it serious?”

“I have no fucking idea. It might be, but there are obstacles, big ones, ones that I don’t believe I can get past. So, how far and how long do I go on knowing it won’t go anywhere?”

Colin didn’t rib him the way either Brett or Donovan might. He knew how hard it was to find the right woman for you and know you don’t have a future with her. He had been lucky, eventually things had worked out for him and Olivia, but their relationship had come at a great personal cost for both of them. “You a hundred percent sure about the futility already? It couldn’t have been going on much longer than the past week or two since you were fucking Crystal not that long ago.”

“Who says it’s exclusive?”