The intensity of his need shook him as he fucked her ass with slow, deliberate strokes, taking her with care when what he really wanted, needed was to pound into her. She was still contracting around his fingers, still struggling through yet another surge of pleasure and it was her

quick response that set off his own. Balls drawing up tautly, he thrust three more times before he came on waves of pleasure so racking and intense they left him shaken. Normally, he preferred a longer, slower ass fucking, but for her first taste of anal sex, it was probably best this time had been quick.

This was more than sex, he thought as he slowly pulled out of her, leaving his fingers in her still gripping pussy, more than getting his rocks off on a Saturday night, and it was past time he admitted it. Mitch left her pussy, unclipped her wrists then released the strap across her back.

“Just a minute, sweetheart.” After freeing her ankles, he took her into a reassuring embrace. Kissing her, he said, “Now we’re done. Why don’t you get dressed and take a few minutes in the restroom then meet me in the main room,” he suggested when her face reddened in mortification, replacing the look of stunned pleasure as she got her bearings and glanced around their surroundings. Reality just intruded rudely and had to be dealt with.

“Okay, thanks,” Hannah replied, not realizing how much she needed those few minutes until he suggested them. “I’ll be right out.”

Chapter Sixteen

Hannah bent over the sink and splashed cold water on her face, thankful that she never wore makeup. Her body was still humming with pleasure despite the soreness in her nipples, her clitoris and her rectum that she was just now noticing. Lifting her head, she shuddered as she gazed into eyes that still looked as shell shocked as she felt over what she had allowed Mitch to do to her the past two hours. Now that the haze of pleasure was diminishing, she couldn’t believe she had succumbed to such decadent pursuits so easily. Then again, there has always been something about Mitch that drew her, made her want to shuck all her misgivings and just go with whatever he dictated. And she wasn’t sorry. She watched her face redden as she recalled being bound naked in the middle of a room full of strangers, and could now admit knowing others were watching had added to the pleasure.

Grabbing a paper towel, she dried her face and ran her fingers through her hair. She could still feel the way Mitch’s penis had stretched her rectum, how his thrusts awakened sensitive nerve endings she never knew were in that area. All the anal play hadn’t prepared her for the pleasure that could be had from that orifice and, God help her, she wanted to experience that taboo act again. She had no idea where they were going to go from here, where Mitch wanted them to go, but she did know that her introduction to this part of his life was something she wouldn’t mind exploring further.

Turning, eager to return to Mitch, she had to step aside as another woman entered the bathroom. To her surprise, she barred the door by leaning back against it, folded her arms over her chest and glared at Hannah out of angry, hate filled eyes.

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” Crystal snapped, taking her anger and jealousy out on the woman Mitch had spent so much time with last week and tonight, the woman he looked at as if his world revolved around her and her responses to his mastery.

“Excuse me?” Hannah didn’t know this woman and certainly couldn’t fathom where her animosity was coming from.

“So polite,” Crystal sneered. Her nemesis had an innocent, wholesome look about her that didn’t belong in the club. “Just how long do you think you can hold Master Mitch’s attention? How long do you think it’ll be before he tires of babying you through scenes and returns to me, someone who knows what he likes and relishes what he dishes out? He may play with others, but he always returns to me.”

Hannah felt as if she had another splash of cold water thrown on her face. Was it true, what this woman was saying? Her heart turned over with the possibility, her throat clogging with unshed tears as she took this obviously experienced woman’s words to heart.

Tonight Mitch showed her what he really liked when it came to sex, showed her that all the steps he had taken with her the past few weeks that she had considered sexually extreme were just appetizers, enough to whet her appetite for the extremes he really preferred. Everything he did, every new experience he introduced her to, she now realized showed how pathetically boring and naïve she really was. She knew she was feeling vulnerable after what she just experienced, and shouldn’t listen to malicious gossip, but she couldn’t seem to help give credence to what this woman said and take some of it to heart.

Hannah cringed when she thought of how she had so easily set aside a lifetime of moral convictions for the chance to be pleasured over and over by him, and for what? For no other reason than her own self-gratification. She couldn’t even lay part of the blame on Mitch as she was the one who propositioned him first and she was the one who agreed to their affair believing it was going to be a temporary, no feelings attached liaison. She has only herself to blame if she now felt like a pathetic, naïve idiot at how blind she has been. She should have known she could never have been intimate with a man without feeling something for him, and definitely should have known a man like Mitch would never be interested in more than a few weeks of uncomplicated fun with a woman like her.

“What? Nothing to say?”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know Mitch had a relationship with you.” If there was one thing she was sure of, Mitch wouldn’t have cheated if he was in a committed relationship, so she knew she wouldn’t have that sin on her conscience. He was too honorable for that and, by her own admission, Mitch played around. But that didn’t negate the validity of her other statements, that she couldn’t expect to hold Mitch’s interest for much longer.

“He and I go back several years. Master Mitch has needs I understand and that I’m willing to meet, including sharing him occasionally. Just so you know,” Crystal finished as she stepped up to her, “you’re only one of many, but I’m the one and only.” Seeing the resignation on the other woman’s face, Crystal turned away with a smile. Planting a seed of doubt was all it ever took with newbies like this one.

Hannah felt completely out of her element with this woman’s accusations and revelations. She’s never had to deal with petty jealousies or compete with women from Caleb’s past. Tall and slender with her pretty face enhanced by make-up, this woman would draw the eye of any man, and from what she said, she was well versed in knowing all the ways to please them. Averting her face, Hannah flew out the door without looking back, blinking rapidly to stem the flow of tears threatening to spill. Praying Mitch was still in the back room, she quickly made her way across the main room, keeping her face averted as she punched the elevator button. Right now, she needed some alone time, some space to examine her head and her priorities, time to figure out what it was she really wanted and just how far she was willing to go to get it. The doors swished open and she stepped in, her relief at her unnoticed exit short lived as Anna put a hand on the doors to stop them from closing.

“Hannah, what’s wrong?” Anna had noticed Hannah’s rapid beeline towards the elevator and instinctively knew she was upset. Looking at her ravaged face and guilt ridden eyes, she had been right.

“Anna, please, let it go. I’ll call you tomorrow. Please,” Hannah pleaded as she looked behind her, making sure Mitch hadn’t returned to the main room.

“Just wait one minute. Let me find Mitch. You shouldn’t leave when you’re upset.” Anna stepped back, knowing she couldn’t stop her from leaving, but she wasted no time rushing to confront Mitch about what happened. She found him in the dungeon room, Crystal shoving her panties down and grabbing his hand, trying to force it between her legs.

Storming up to them, ignoring a glare from Colin, she snapped, “Now I know why Hannah just flew out of here in tears!”

“What?! God damn it, Crystal,” Mitch ground out as he flung her hand away. “Back the fuck off.” Turning to Anna with a glare, he demanded, “Explain.”

Oh shit, Anna thought as Colin joined them, shackled Crystal’s wrist and turned icy green eyes on her. “Yes, explain,” a familiar voice said from behind her. She should have remembered Donovan always kept one eye on her.

“Hannah came out of the restroom and wen

t straight to the elevator. She looked upset so I tried to stop her.” Turning to glare at Crystal, Anna narrowed her eyes at the other woman’s guilty expression. “As a matter of fact, you practically followed her out of the bathroom, so why don’t you tell us what made Hannah so upset.”

As three pairs of angry male eyes joined the censure in Anna’s glare, Crystal tried to pull out of Colin’s grip.

“Not until you explain,” Colin told her.

“Fine,” she snapped angrily. “All I did was point out that Master Mitch and I have a long standing relationship, and that she shouldn’t read any more into his attentions than a few nights of fun. I was doing her a favor,” she finished defensively.