“Yes and no. Oh!” The other loop went on quickly, the snug fit just as arousing as its mate. When Mitch pushed on her shoulders and she sat on the bed, the slight sway of her breasts sent sparks shooting south, her legs tightening automatically in an attempt to shield her embarrassing reaction. She should have known that would be a futile endeavor.

Standing between her legs, Mitch used his own to widen hers, leaving her folds gaping open to reveal every inch of her pink, shiny pussy. Giving her shoulders a slight push to send her plopping back, he laughed outright as her sputter of surprise turned into a moan of sheer pleasure when her breasts bounced enticingly. Going to his knees, he took one really slow, well aimed lick up her slit, curling his tongue around her swollen clit before tugging on first her right plump lip then her left, letting her feel the nip of his teeth on her most sensitive area.

“Mitch,” Hannah moaned, unashamedly lifting her hips toward his mouth. “Please don’t stop.”

“Remember that line for later. This,” he said holding up the other object he bought her, “is called a bullet vibrator because of both its shape and the bullet fast responses it can bring about.” The small vibrator slid easily past her folds, aided by her copious juices, which he took credit for.

“You can’t be serious about putting that in me!” Hannah wasn’t about to admit her limited knowledge about vibrators was from the toy chapter in her Dummies book. She didn’t remember reading about one like the one he was slowly pushing inside her.

“Very serious. Relax, this thing’s small compared to my cock. Look how easy it went in. Let me give you a little taste then you can relax.” Standing, keeping her spread widely, he grabbed the small control box, pressed the low setting and watched her eyes bulge and glaze over as she tried to close her thighs.

She barely felt the small object until he turned it on, then all of a sudden soft pulses vibrated against that special spot as well as against her clitoris. Within seconds, her happy place went fr

om excited to ecstatic. As quickly as those tormenting pulses began they ended, the abrupt cessation making her swallow the first curse she has ever been tempted to utter.

“Why’d you do that?” she complained, uncaring that she sounded like a petulant child.

“Because,” Mitch answered as he pulled her up, “it’s way too early to get you off. I saw a pretty sundress in your stash of new clothes. Mind wearing that tonight?”

“What? You’re not going to tell me to wear it?”

“Only if you refuse. Meet me downstairs as soon as you’re ready and don’t mess with your goodies. The longer you take, the less time you’ll have to visit with your friends.”

Forty-five minutes later, Mitch was escorting Hannah into Casey’s, maneuvering through the Saturday night crowd until he got to the table where the McGilley wives were seated and waiting for her. Hannah tried not to feel subconscious about her lack of panties under the bright yellow sundress she wore, reminding herself no one knew she was bare under there other than her and Mitch. Just walking made her braless breasts sway, which pulled the light clasp of her new jewelry which in turn raised her simmering arousal a notch. Without looking down, she knew her nipples were puckered tightly, knew the bumpy outline of her rigid peaks as well as the ‘huggers’ could be detected through the halter top even though it was lined. When Mitch pulled out the empty seat for her, she quickly sat with a sigh of relief.

“Ladies, this is Hannah’s first time in a club, so I’m trusting you to take good care of her.”

“Don’t worry, Master Mitch, we’ll take good care of your girl,” Kayla said flirtatiously.

Mitch gave Kayla ‘the look’ that meant she better not do anything Mitch wouldn’t approve of or she’d pay the price, before bending to kiss Hannah thoroughly, giving her right nipple a light stroke then striding to the bar where he and Colin could keep an eye on them. He hoped he didn’t regret giving her some girl time before he took her upstairs. Hannah was about as green as they come and he wanted her friends to reassure her, not drive her away before they even got upstairs.

Kayla’s eyes followed him across the room then she turned to Hannah, fanning herself, saying, “One of those looks from Master Mitch and a girl just wants to slip off her panties without being told.”

Hannah barely heard her as her attention was diverted from the way Mitch had so casually stroked her nipple, adding a spark to her arousal, by the gyrating couples on the dance floor a few feet from their table. It was hard to hear with the music blaring and harder still to imagine why people liked to come to places like this. During rumspringa, the youth listened to and played music, even various forms of pop music, and they liked to dance. But nothing like what these couples were doing. Their body parts definitely didn’t grind so close together and Hannah doubted if she could even move that way let alone in public with a partner. Kayla’s comment finally registered and she turned from the dance floor to frown at her new friend.

She knew what Kayla meant by one of ‘those’ looks. Her own panties had dampened numerous times from a mere look from Mitch. It was the rest of her comment that had her frowning. “Why’d you call him Master Mitch?”

A pregnant pause followed her question before Anna said, “Have a margarita, Hannah, and we’ll explain.”

“I don’t drink.” Hannah remembered her taste of the bitter, throat burning alcohol after her mugging and shuddered in revulsion. Of course, if Mitch kept tormenting her by flipping on the small vibrator inside her when she least expected it, she might need the fortitude she has heard alcohol can give a person. The steady pulse in her nipples was distracting enough without him adding to it.

“Here.” Sliding over her own strawberry concoction, Kayla smiled encouragingly. “Can’t taste a thing except fruit. Trust Me.”

Hannah took a sip and was pleasantly surprised. “Yes, please, order me one of these.”

“Remember,” Olivia told Kayla when she returned from the bar with Hannah’s drink, “this is on your head if Mitch isn’t pleased. He and Colin aren’t at the bar, so you don’t know if he wanted Hannah to drink tonight.”

Sipping her drink, Hannah said tartly, “Mitch doesn’t tell me what I can and can’t drink.”

“Mitch doesn’t, but Master Mitch might want to curtail your alcohol if you’re planning to play shortly,” Olivia told her. “Surely you know by now that Mitch insists on being in control when it comes to sex?”

“Oh, he’s let me know that from our first encounter. This is very good.” Hannah took another sip, liking the tart fruity taste that almost, but not quite, disguised the taste of alcohol. “I did manage to figure out, on my own, that when he takes over is when I get the most…excited,” she admitted candidly. “But if letting him be in charge for sex means I have to call him Master, then there’s no point in learning about this club because I won’t do that.”

Hannah was just now realizing how much she had given up for Caleb, how she had planned her life around his, put his wants and desires above her own without any consideration from him to reciprocate. She wasn’t about to call Mitch Master, not even for sex. It would smack too much of a level of subservience she wanted no part of. Remembering how Caleb wouldn’t even consider trying to live in her more progressive Beachy Amish community, made her realize what a concession Mitch had made when he agreed to have sex with her that first time given what she now knew he liked. He had set aside his own desires and needs to cater to her, and they had barely known each other then. Despite that concession, and that it wasn’t fair to compare Mitch with Caleb, she knew she wouldn’t be able to call him Master.

“It’s okay, Hannah,” Olivia reassured her. “Mitch isn’t a stickler for protocol like some of the more dominate members are.”

“And there are some, like Donovan and Brett, who aren’t into the dom/sub lifestyle, but are still totally into control, and into kink, when it comes to sex,” Anna explained. “To each his own, as long as it’s safe and consensual.”