“Okay. Now, what exciting things did you two see and do this week?”

Hannah listened to Aunt Mary’s travel adventures for thirty minutes and by the time she hung up, she found herself envious of all the places they’ve been able to visit so far. What the heck, she muttered ruefully as she called Roxy in, at this point, what was indulging in one more deadly sin going to hurt?

Hannah didn’t have time Saturday to worry or fret over her rash decision to go with Mitch that night to his club. Her morning was spent with new clients, another newly engaged couple and two high school seniors, friends of Melanie’s. She didn’t get back home until after two and after visiting with Ethan, who, thankfully, had taken the time to get Roxy out of her crate to run around, she made a batch of homemade spaghetti sauce and a lemon crème pie before heading upstairs to shower before Mitch got home. He had insisted they spend the nigh

t over at his house again last night, but she was more comfortable bathing and dressing in her own space.

Hannah came downstairs just as Mitch was coming in the front door carrying a small pink bag and grinning widely.

“I’ve never seen you in shorts, Hannah. You need to wear them more often.” She had the prettiest legs, perfectly proportioned, her thighs softly rounded just like her breasts. She would turn heads tonight dressed just as she was; unfortunately, shorts didn’t give him the easy access to her body that he needed.

“I’m still not comfortable in them,” she admitted, her face warming at the way he watched her descend the stairs. “You didn’t say what time we were leaving, so I made spaghetti, if you’re hungry.”

“Starved,” he said, but held back from telling her he was hungrier for her reaction and responses to the night’s activities than he was for food. Given her acceptance and responses to everything he has subjected her to thus far, Mitch was hoping the hardest part for Hannah tonight will be how aroused she gets when she witness’s the club’s activities. “We have plenty of time to eat. I suppose Ethan and Roxy are joining us?”

Hannah giggled at his put upon tone because she knew it was feigned. Any guy who didn’t go ballistic over being awakened from a puppy’s tongue on his butt had to be a dog lover. “Of course.”

Ethan didn’t ask where they were going, but maybe that had something to do with the look Mitch gave him when he told him they were going out after dinner. Mitch knew Ethan had grown fond of Hannah over the past few weeks and felt protective of her, but that didn’t mean he had a say so in what Mitch did with her.

“I’ll do these, Hannah,” Ethan said as he took her plate from her. Surprising both of them, he leaned over and kissed her cheek in a brotherly show of affection. “You and Mitch go have fun. The least I can do after all the food you’ve sent me home with is clean up.”

“Thank you, Ethan,” Mitch said with a look of gratitude. Maybe the kid finally realized Mitch wouldn’t ever do anything to hurt Hannah in any way. “I got home later than I wanted and your sisters-in-law want to visit with Hannah at Casey’s for a bit.”

Hannah took Mitch’s hand as he pulled her from her seat. “Thanks, Ethan. Pack up whatever you want to take home with you. My recipe makes enough for an army, so maybe your roommates will want some.”

“They have been razzing on me a lot lately about my good fortune. Okay, I’ll take enough for the four of us, but only because it was the best damn spaghetti I’ve ever had.” Sending a dark look to Mitch, Ethan warned, “And don’t tell my stepmother I said that.”

“I won’t,” Mitch assured him until he turned back and added, “unless of course, you don’t mind your p’s and q’s.”

“Just what I need, another fucking older brother,” Ethan muttered. “Come on, Roxy; let’s get these dishes loaded so we can play.”

“Maybe I should help him,” Hannah said as Mitch led her out of the kitchen.

“Other than our dishes and the pot of spaghetti, you have the kitchen spotless. Come on, I have to get you ready before we leave.”

Hannah trotted behind him up the stairs, asking, “Just what do people wear to sex clubs? Aren’t my shorts good enough?” From the way he had ogled her earlier, she thought she had dressed appropriately, then again, what did she know?

“Most of the women don’t fuss with their clothes because they’re not in them long. Your shorts are fine, but not good for what I have in mind.”

“And what’s that?” she questioned, ignoring his comment about women not remaining dressed long once they’re in the club.

Entering her bedroom, he dropped her hand, turning to face her. “Easy access. Strip,” he ordered her succinctly. He had grabbed his bag of goodies from the foyer table before heading up and reached inside to pull out the two new toys he bought for her.

Hannah eyed the objects in his hand warily as she took off her clothes. She was much more comfortable with her nudity around him now, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t leery about what he planned to introduce her to next.

“Very good, Hannah. If you obey me that nicely tonight I won’t have to punish you on your first night. I really don’t want to do that, unless of course you wish me to.” He wiggled his eyebrows comically in an effort to get her to smile and relax. More than anything else, he wanted tonight to be fun for her.

Punishment meant spanking and spanking meant awesome orgasms, so Hannah returned his mischievous grin as he cupped her right breast. “I’ll try my best not to disappoint you.”

“You could never do that, sweetheart,” he told her seriously, his dark eyes meeting her light blue ones before he dipped his head, lifted her breast to his mouth and pulled with strong suctions on her already distended nipple.

Hannah had to brace her hands on his shoulders as he tormented her throbbing bud into an aching pinpoint of pulsing arousal. She gasped when he finally released her with a plop then sucked in a deep breath when he wrapped a pretty red loop that resembled the petals of a flower around her distended tip. With a small click, the jewelry closed snugly around her erect nipple.

“Almost perfect,” Mitch stated with satisfaction. He knew she had the perfect nipples to dress with nipple huggers. “These are designed to arouse you, hug your nipple just tight enough to make you want more. These,” he said as he pushed the metal flower petals against the soft flesh of her breast, “will also aid in keeping you excited. Every time you move, you’ll feel the pressure and want more.”

“How would you know?” she muttered darkly, not sure she liked the idea of being constantly stimulated in such a way. It sounded more frustrating than arousing to her.

“Well, that’s what I’ve been told. Comfortable?” He refrained from smiling when she frowned at him. There was no way she could hide her arousal. Her unadorned nipple was already puckered into a bud tight enough to attach the hugger around it and her slit, which was clearly visible between her freshly shaved labia, glistened with more evidence of her excitement.