Hannah followed eagerly when he grabbed her left hand and practically dragged her behind him, barely managing to keep a tight hold of her Nutella. Her surprise when he led her into his great room instead of upstairs to his bedroom was overshadowed when he casually stripped off those indecent shorts and sat in a wide leather arm chair, tugging her unceremoniously to her knees between his splayed legs in a move so smooth she barely registered his actions until she was looking up at him in all his naked glory. The first time they had sex he had been naked but the room had been dark. The second time he had remained clothed. This was the first time she was able to get a good look at him and what she saw had her mouth watering. He was beautiful, there was no other word for it. She knew how wide his shoulders were, how hard his chest, arms and legs were, but the sight of all those muscles moving so smoothly beneath sun bronzed skin was a picture of art. The potent combination of his physical appeal, the sight of him wrapping his hand around his penis and the combination of lust and tenderness etched on his face made her core heat and pulse with desire, causing her to quiver with arousal.

“What’s in your pocket, Hannah?” he asked when he noticed she kept her right hand hidden in it.

“Nothing,” she quickly answered, not wanting him to know what she was planning to do so she could get through this until it was too late for him to stop her.

Mitch frowned at her, warning, “I don’t like surprises. Show me what you’re hiding.”

Hannah shook her head adamantly. “Not yet. Please, Mitch. I need to do this my way. Anna assured me you would like it.”

“If I don’t, I’ll put you over my knee, and I assure you, you won’t like it.” Although, if she did, he would be thrilled.

“Did you just threaten to spank me?!” She didn’t know what surprised her more, his threat or her reaction to it. Picturing herself positioned over his lap with her butt exposed was disconcertingly arousing, which was just…wrong.

“Don’t the Amish believe in corporal punishment?” he asked her knowing full well they did from what little he had read up on.

“Yes, of course, but I was good. I’ve never been spanked.”

Her haughty answer made him grin despite the desperate state he was working himself into with his hand. Releasing his cock, he leaned forward to unbutton her blouse, keeping his eyes on her face as he murmured, “Now, why doesn’t that surprise me? Regardless, sweetheart, consider yourself spanked if your new friend is wrong and I’m not happy with what you have planned.”

He very astutely drew her attention away from his threat by unbuttoning her blouse to the waist, adeptly opening her bra and exposing her breasts before leaning back casually in his chair. When he didn’t say anything, Hannah realized he was waiting for her to make the next move.

Uncertainty assailed her. He was so experienced he must have had oral sex performed on him dozens of times. What made her think she could compete?

“Are you having second thoughts?” he asked when she hesitated and a worried look crossed her face. It’d be pure hell, but he’d respect her wishes if she wanted to back out.

“No! I mean, I still want to please you, but, how will I know if I’m doing it right?”

Her remark about wanting to please him sent a rush through him even though he doubted if her definition of that statement was the same as his. “You’ll know.”

“How?” she insisted earnestly.

Mitch laughed derisively. “I won’t be able to talk, for one thing.”

Hannah recalled how he took her breath away when he went down on her, as he phrased it, which bolstered her courage. “Close your eyes,” she instructed as she tried to ignore the way her exposed breasts ratcheted up her arousal. Or maybe it was the heated look in his dark eyes that had her nipples peaking tightly and her happy place dampening her panties.

“Only until you get comfortable, then I’m watching.” There was no way he was going to miss the sight of Hannah’s lips wrapped around his cock.

Hannah wasted no time in taking off the lid and dipping her fingers into the soft, gooey chocolate almond concoction that can make anything taste good. Remembering Anna’s instructions to keep it light, she stroked her fingers over his penis, actually enjoying the feel of his silken hardness as well as the way his shaft jerked under her light touch. He didn’t say anything, but the way he gripped the arms of the chair told her he liked what she was doing even though she sensed he didn’t like being kept in the dark.

“Hannah, get on with it or I’m taking over.”

She was surprised by how much she didn’t want that, at least not yet. Her curiosity was at its peak, as was her excitement. Leaning forward, she slowly licked up his rigid length, taking a good portion of the nut spread and leaving behind exposed flesh. This wasn’t so bad, she thought as she took another lick, this time running her tongue over his bulbous crown. She discovered how silky smooth his mushroom shaped head was as she licked it clean. When a few drops of semen slipped from his slit, she automatically lapped them up. Mitch’s low groan emboldened her to engulf the first few inches, tighten her lips and boldly explore every part of him with her tongue. Of course, everything she had read in her Dummies book and all the pointers Anna had given her went out the window and she was left to wing her way through.

Moving down, she took more of him into her mouth, swirled her tongue around his girth until all of the Nutella was gone and the only thing she could taste was Mitch. She started to flounder, not sure what to do next when Mitch’s hands cupped her head and he gently bobbed her head as he thrust up into her mouth. Able to relax now that he’d taken over, she soon got into the rhythm and within moments, Mitch’s low moans were telling her she was doing something right.

“Jesus,” Mitch groaned when she tightened her lips around him and swiped under his crown over a very sensitive area.

Hannah glared up at him, saw he was watching her then mumbled around his flesh, “Don’t blaspheme.”

“I’m not,” he gasped, amused she was attempting to lecture him with his cock in her mouth. “I’m praying for the strength to hold out as well as offering up thanks. In case you can’t tell, you’re pleasing me very effectively.”

Her eyes lit with pleasure before they closed again in concentration. Her bare breasts swayed with her movements. He loved her breasts, has been a breast man since he first felt up Tammy Clark in the eighth grade, and right now he was itching to feel Hannah’s soft globes in his hands again. Instead, he tightened his hands around her head, this time keeping her still as he thrust up into her mouth. “Suck, Hannah, I’ll do the rest.”

She was good at taking instructions, almost too good. Her lips tightened around him and she hollowed her cheeks like a pro as he pulled her back, her deep suction making his balls draw up painfully. Her tongue continued its exploration, leaving no part of

his cock untouched and there was no way he could hold off his orgasm any longer. Pulling her head off of him, cool air washed over his engorged, heated flesh before he replaced her mouth with his fist.

Seeing her stricken look, he quickly assured her, “You’re not ready for me to come in your mouth. Hold up your breasts for me instead.”