Page 56 of Mate With Me

Abby closed her eyes against the barrage of new sensations tormenting her. Had she known how much pleasure she was missing out on by keeping her folds covered, she would have denuded herself a long time ago. Susan’s soft fingers explored her labia and every inch between her legs, including between her buttocks, with intimate thoroughness, her light touch on newly exposed nerve endings just enough to keep her teetering on the edge of a climax. Their four hands kneaded and massaged her legs, thankfully moving away from the swollen folds of her pussy. Lulled into complacency from the massage and the soft hum of arousal singing through her veins, she drifted on a sensual haze for a few minutes before she was abruptly brought back to earth when they instructed her to flip over.

Putting her head face down in the head piece, she relaxed as they resumed massaging her legs, slowly moving up to her ass then never hesitating when each took a fleshy globe and kneaded it to oily perfection. She stiffened when one of them ran her fingers down her crack, lightly over her anus a few times then relaxed as her arousal spiked another notch even though she had already moved away from yet another highly sensitive area, once again leaving her on the brink of frustration.

Abby, are you ready to join me?

Damien’s voice in her head jerked her out of her stupor and made her even more eager to see him. Feeling mischievous, she answered, What do I need you for when I have Susan and Kim?

His deep growl reverberating in her mind set her body aflame, igniting the smoldering embers Susan and Kim had been stoking. Get down here. Now.

Okay, she had to admit her body did love that cool demanding tone and now her mark on the side of her breast was adding its demand to her mates. “Damien is summoning me,” she told her friends as she rolled off the table feeling as loose as a soggy noodle. “Thank you. That was…wonderful,” she finally admitted.

“Yeah, we are good,” Kim bragged as they slipped a shear, ankle length sheath over her head and led her out of the room.

“Damn good,” Susan added as they went downstairs.

“Remember,” Damien reminded the men who had always looked to him for guidance and leadership, “female rogues, just like male rogues, are savage predators who deserve no mercy. Isabelle turns both men and women, many of them young, but don’t let their youth fool you into hesitating to kill them. If there are any innocent victims unlucky enough to still be alive, the best we can do for them is give them a quick, merciful end.” Their grim looks told him how well that bit of advice sat with them and he could only hope they didn’t let their natural inclination to save the innocent, especially to protect women and children, keep them from doing what was right.

“Let’s let our mates send us off in style, wouldn’t you say?” As he’d hoped, that suggestion was met with wide grins and enthusiasm as they filed out of the large parlor at the back of the house and eagerly hurried to the great room, Damien more eager than the rest when he got Abby’s answer. Unbelievably, the picture she planted in his mind of the three of them had his cock straining against his zipper already, making him grateful for the looser slacks he preferred over a pair of tight jeans.

Tonight Abrielle will be his in every way and, with a little luck, will remain his for eons.

Chapter Twenty

She was a vision in the white, see through gown, her sable hair a dark contrast swirling around her hips, her bright, vivid blue eyes alight with excitement as she crossed the room toward him. Damien was proud of the way she kept her focus on him, ignoring the crowded room, not showing any outward signs of embarrassment or discomfort at her near nudity. How he had managed to hold out against taking her, making her completely his for so long was beyond him. He had known when she was a child that she was special to him in a way no one else had ever been, but he had no idea how special until recently. Thank God for her tenacity, her utter belief in him and her feelings for him, for without her convictions and determination, he would still be planning on meeting the dawn if they were successful tonight instead of hoping to return to Abby free of his past.

“Abrielle,” he murmured when she stepped up onto the small raised platform, “You take my breath away.”

Abby grinned up at him, her body on fire, her mind filled with anticipation. “Considering you spend a good portion of your time not breathing, I’m thinking that’s hardly a compliment.”

“Brat. I have ways of getting even. Take this off.” Damien lowered the narrow strap on her right shoulder, letting it fall to her elbow, revealing the edge of her red, crescent mark.

More aware of Damien’s dark eyes on her than she was of the people gathered around the room, Abby slipped both straps down and off her arms, letting the sheath fall to pool at her feet. The warm air on her bare, suddenly exposed body heightened her already skyrocketing arousal, and when Damien looked her over with excruciating, deliberate slowness, his eyes lingering on her newly denuded labia, her clit swelled and ached for immediate release. It was difficult to stand there and wait patiently for him to proceed, difficult to hide how much it excited her to have an audience, all those eyes on her bare body, and damn near impossible not to sink to her knees, release his cock and take him into her mouth. From the hard glitter in his eyes and the hard bulge in his pants, she knew he was just as affected as she was.

Unable to trust his voice, Damien reigned in his lust and lifted her by the waist, sitting her on the padded bench behind him. It had restraints on the four corners, but he wasn’t into bondage like some of the others were. He preferred to feel Abby’s hips meeting his thrusts, her body undulating under or over his, joining him in the age old dance of sex. He left her legs dangling down as he spread her thighs and stepped between them. “Lie back,” he instructed her as he ran his hands up the inside of her legs, stopping at her pussy.

The leather was cool against her heated skin but did nothing to lessen the volcanic fire racing through her blood. When Damien used his thumbs to spread her folds, revealing her most private part for all to see, Abby cringed in mortification, knowing that the swollen, damp walls of her vagina gave testament to her arousal. “Damien,” she whispered as she tried to shift her hips away from his hold.

Damien smacked the side of her thigh, snapping, “Be still.” Low murmurs and laughs came from their friends, but he was barely aware of the others in the room. His entire focus was on his mate and her lush body spread out before him for his pleasure. “You’re as pretty here,” he told her, dipping one thumb inside her pussy, “as you are everywhere else.” Leaning over her, he left the treasure of her pussy to smooth his palms up her waist to her breasts. Filling his hands with those soft mounds, he took her mouth in a deep, tongue probing kiss.

Her low moan filled his mouth as she arched her torso into his hands. Kneading her breasts, his kiss became more demanding, his tongue more insistent before he sucked her plump lower lip between his teeth and bit lightly. Her full body shudder encouraged him just as her hard, turgid nipples drew him. Nibbling his way over her chin, nipping lightly at the enticing throb of her pulse, he continued down until he captured her right nipple with his lips and pulled it into his mouth.

Abby’s thigh still burned from his slap, making her pussy burn hotter, wetter for his possession. Cupping his head, she pushed her breast into his marauding mouth, sucking in her breath as he suckled her with strong pulls of his lips and mouth, tugs she could feel all the way down in her throbbing pussy. Lifting against him, she was frustrated to feel cloth covering his cock, the material soft against her newly bared skin but not what she wanted to feel.

“Fuck me, Damien. Please.”

Her whispered plea in his ear was almost enough to make him rush this, but he figured if he could hold back a little longer, so could she. Releasing her nipple with a plop, he looked down into her flushed face, stating calmly, “Not yet,” before he lowered his head to her other breast and treated that nipple to the pleasure of his mouth, lips and teeth. Her hands fisting in his hair, tugging lightly, only encouraged him to draw harder on that stiff peak. Moving his way down, he ran his lips over the soft, smooth skin of her abdomen, dipped his tongue into her belly button as his hands coasted around her hips, under her ass, cupping her buttocks. Moving even lower, he lifted her hips to his mouth and dove in to taste the sweetest pussy he had ever plundered.

Abby cried out with the first swipe of his tongue, the soft sounds coming from other couples indulging themselves playing like the strands of an erotic ballad around her. Wrapping her legs around his shoulders, she grabbed the side of the bench in a tight fisted hold to anchor herself against the onslaught of Damien’s mouth. He knew exactly what he was doing, where to stroke, where to nibble to have her shaking on the verge of climax within seconds, his hard hands squeezing her cheeks adding to the pleasurable torment. Had she known how sensitive her hidden flesh was, she would have gotten rid of her pubic hair a long time ago. The feel of his lips and tongue on her bare skin was enough to drive her insane with the endless rush of pleasure. When his thumb stroked over her anus at the same moment his teeth latched on to her clit, she screamed with the abrupt release of orgasmic pleasure shaking her from head to toe. He didn’t let up on her clit, worrying that small, overly sensitive piece of flesh with lips and teeth until he had wrung every ounce of ecstasy from her.

Or so she thought. But when he rose above her, his eyes glowing red with his own lust as he released his savagely aroused cock, lifted her ass again and sank into her still spasming pussy with one deep thrust, she was instantly thrown back into the raging storm of another orgasm.

“Damien!” She cried out in shock at the intensity and quickness of her release, the look of pure, unadulterated lust and overwhelming need reflected on Damien’s chiseled features nearly her undoing.

“You’re mine, Abby,” Damien growled down at her, her breasts jiggling with each body jarring thrust as he rammed into her over and over, her contractions rippling around his cock, driving him closer and closer to joining her in toppling over that precipice. “Now,” he added while coming down on top of her, his cock never letting up on its driving plunges, “and always.” Pulling his lips back, he let her see his elongated incisors, let her know what was coming, what she could no longer stop if she wasn’t sure.

“Yes,” she answered him with unequivocal sureness. Wrapping her legs and arms around him, she held onto him tightly as she turned her head in acceptance. His teeth scraped erotically over her pulse several times before his nip turned to an erotic bite. Razor sharp pain followed swiftly with exquisite pleasure, a pleasure so consuming, Abby lost herself in the white hot heat of its explosion.

Her taste, so long denied, flowed down Damien’s throat with the smoothness of the finest wine, her very essence filling him with unbelievable power and strength and satisfaction. Pounding into her clutching vagina over and over, he drew her blood into his body, taking from her everything she offered and then some. When his balls drew up, his impending orgasm starting to push its way up through his cock, he released her neck, licked over the wound he had made then let go, his orgasm erupting from his cockhead in jetted spurts of never ending pleasure.