Dimly she heard Kathy moaning in pleasure, but her only desire right now was to feel herself spasming around the hard ridges of the dildo as she fantasized about a man taking her with just as deep, just as hard strokes. Her hips lifted automatically with each plunge, her buttocks tightening as she gyrated in time with her strokes until she was lost in a swirl of bright lights and exploding colors. Trying to hold back her cries, she pressed down hard on her clit as she now rammed the dildo in and out of her spasming sheath with unerring rapidity. The pleasure filling her shaking, undulating body left no room for anything except ecstasy. By the time she came down from the high, her body was reduced to a quivering mass of sated pleasure, her bent knees simply plopping outward, her hands falling to her sides as her pussy continued to ripple softly around the dildo.

“You gonna leave that thing in there all night?” Kathy asked with a grin when she glanced over to the other bed and saw the bemused, satisfied look on Piper’s flushed face. Damn if she didn’t feel the way Piper looked, she thought on a pleased sigh.

“I might, that way it’ll already be where I want it when I get my breath back and go for round two.”

Chuckling, Kathy grabbed her slick dildo and bounced off the bed. “Go right ahead. I’m showering. Suddenly I’m starving.”

Piper gazed out the window, never tiring of the view of the snowcapped Alps. Even though signs of spring were already giving way to the full bloom of summer, the mountains kept their hold on winter throughout the year, making the small country an ideal vacation destination for a variety of reasons. But after living here for ten years, she was more than ready to go home to the states despite her fondness for her adoptive country. She had been only eight when her mother had died in a car accident and Charles had whisked her out of the country and enrolled her in the private boarding school. Piper loved her adoptive father more than anyone or anything else in the world, but she couldn’t help resenting her enforced separation from the only home she had ever known and his refusal to allow her to return to the states in the years since her mother had been gone.

Charles Sandoval had always been an enigma to his young ward, a bigger than life persona who was a total mystery to her. The few memories Piper retained of her life in Missouri with her mother were how much Christine had adored Charles, how happy she was when he was there with them and how sad she was each time he left. By the time Piper was a teenager, she had suspected that he had another family, a family that knew nothing of her and her mother. When she had finally gotten up the nerve to confront him about it, he had shocked her by telling her she wasn’t his biological daughter, that she had been one year old when he met her mother. Piper had been so upset by the revelation Charles had stayed over an extra day to reassure her about how much he cared and that, despite there being no blood relation between them, he would always be there for her.

“There has never been nor will there ever be anyone for me but your mother,” he had told her in his deep, no nonsense manner. “You and Christine were all that ever mattered to me, Piper, and I will do what I feel is best for you, what I think Christine would want me to do.”

For ten years the only explanation Piper had ever gotten for being isolated in Switzerland had been it was for her own good, but now that she was eighteen, that explanation wasn’t good enough anymore. Charles would be here for her high school graduation this weekend and he had told her he had a surprise for her. The only thing she wanted more than to see him and be part of his life for more than one weekend a month was to go to college back in the states, to return to Missouri, visit her mother’s grave and start on a career as a clothing designer. She figured her passion for clothes, especially for sexy, sensual and risqué lingerie, stemmed from having a limited wardrobe consisting of girl’s uniforms and jeans for so long because she sure as hell didn’t have the body to parade around in anything but basic white cotton underthings and loose jeans and sweatshirts that helped disguise her overweight, short body.

As always, days before Charles’s scheduled visit found her so excited she could barely sleep or concentrate on her school work, and this time her anticipation and excitement was even higher because she was certain her surprise was going to be returning to the states with him and finally being able to be a part of his life on a regular basis. He was a kind, doting guardian, generous to a fault when it came to money and seeing she had everything she needed. When he visited her he gave of himself one hundred percent, spent every moment of those monthly visits with her, taking her out, traveling with her throughout Europe in his private plane and lavishing her with his love and attention. She was always so glad to see him, so grateful for whatever time he would give her, she didn’t even resent the hard eyed, hard edged body guard employee who always accompanied him. She knew he was a rich man and probably had enemies who coveted his wealth and position, but other than that she knew nothing of what he did to earn his wealth. Whenever she asked, he would reply evasively that he ran a multifaceted company whose financial risks required his undivided attention.

But Piper wanted more from the man who had raised her than those few weekends. She wanted the one thing he had always withheld from both her and her mother, to be a family. Now that she was an adult and able to make her own decisions, she was going to insist on more from him than a monthly visit and a monthly deposit into her account.

Four Years Later

Piper checked the time again and saw that only five minutes had passed since the last time she had glanced at the clock. She couldn’t help it, she thought as she looked out the front window of her apartment hoping to see Charles pull up. The past three months, he had to cancel his monthly trips to Geneva to see her, his disappointment evident even over the phone. His excuse of being unable to get away, however, fell flat and did nothing but raise her suspicions even more about what he had been keeping from her all these years. If there was one thing that had given her comfort since he had exiled her overseas it was that he seemed to need and enjoy their monthly weekends together as much as she did.

When Charles Sandoval had arrived for her high school graduation four years ago and doused her hopes of returning to the states, she had thought nothing he could have done would hurt her more. Until he had started cancelling his trips to see her. When no amount of pleading had changed his mind about allowing Piper to attend college in the states, she had resorted to threats, stating she was an adult and could and would go where she pleased now. She would never forget how his face had paled and his dark eyes clouded with anger and worry when she had defied him for the first time. But her disappointment had been so acute, her pain at his denial so sharp, she had no trouble sticking to her threat, not even when he announced he had secured entrance into Geneva’s Art Institute for her.

Getting a degree in Fashion Design and Sewing had been a goal of hers since childhood and attending such a prestigious institute would have been a dream come true if it hadn’t come at the expense of returning to her homeland and being closer to the man she had always considered her father. When dangling that carrot in front of her hadn’t made her back down, he threatened to cut her off, and from the cold look that had taken over his usual loving, doting countenance, she knew he meant it. The threat had been delivered w

ith absolute resolve, but the desperation in his tone and on his face when he added she wouldn’t see him again couldn’t be missed, and it was that desperation, not the financial threat that had gotten through to her. While having no income, no job prospects and nowhere to go would scare any eighteen year old, not seeing or hearing from Charles again scared her more, and if there was one thing he had always made sure she knew about him for sure was how much he cared about her. For him to say he’d cut all ties with her told her there had to be a good reason he wanted to keep her here in Switzerland, keep her life separate from his for yet another extended period of time.

So they had gone on the past four years as they had the ten years prior and she had been somewhat content if not happy, until he started missing their monthly visits. In their last phone conversation, he had promised he’d be here if he could, told her how proud he was of her and there wasn’t anywhere else he’d rather be. The complications with his business that he said were making travel difficult lately and keeping him from seeing her were slowly getting resolved.

He should be here any time, Piper thought as she looked at the time again, her anticipation rising with each minute that passed. Of course, she was honest enough to admit to herself that a good portion of her heightened anxiety was due to the added anticipation of seeing Brody again, her guardian’s new bodyguard. It had been almost a year since Brody had replaced Karl in accompanying Charles on his visitations. Karl had always made her uncomfortable, his cold eyes looking through her as if she meant nothing, his looks dismissive but his attention to their surroundings whenever they went somewhere alert and, at times menacing. Brody on the other hand, looked at her out of warm grey eyes, his smile friendly and his attitude much more genial, the occasional wink he gave her when Charles wasn’t looking warming her more than her adoptive dad’s hearty embrace.

That genial attitude, however, didn’t mean he wasn’t just as diligent in his job at staying by Charles’s side and, apparently, making sure there were no threats to either him or her. Piper had suspected years ago that whatever Charles’s business was, it involved potential threats to him, and possibly her. A quick on-line search had only revealed that Charles Sandoval owned one of the largest, most profitable casino/resorts in Atlantic City, New Jersey. When Charles had first introduced Brody to her all those months ago as his assistant, she had simply raised her brow at him, the only indication she gave both men that she was old enough and smart enough to know he was much more than an assistant. Gambling, even legal gambling, she was sure came with risks.

“I’m a careful man with my wealth, Piper, and you are my greatest treasure,” Charles had said and then dropped the subject.

Long used to his evasiveness, Piper had let the matter of Brody’s employment drop, more interested in indulging in secret fantasies about her dad’s new bodyguard. Almost a foot taller than her, with a thickly muscled body she thought could only be found in the imaginations of romance authors, Piper’s own imagination worked overtime in conjuring fantasies about getting naked with him, fantasies she knew didn’t stand a snowball’s chance in hell of ever being played out.

Being set up in her own apartment near the Art Institute’s campus, Piper had enjoyed the freedom of college life, and that had included indulging in a long term affair during her sophomore and junior years. Ted had been a year older than her, ten inches taller and thirty pounds lighter. They were two peas in a pod, both of them geeks in their own ways, both of them felt they lacked the physical appeal most young people were drawn to and both of them were virgins. They met at the library one evening, became friends then lovers and she had enjoyed their fumbling attempts at sex as much as she had enjoyed his friendship. While they eventually learned to please each other physically, there was nothing earth shattering about their nights together, and after Ted graduated last year and took a job in France, Piper found she missed his friendship more than she did the sex.

Glancing out the window again, Piper saw a familiar sleek sedan pull into the parking lot, park in front of her building and then watched as Brody unfolded his tall, mouthwatering frame from the driver’s seat. Just seeing him from her third story window was enough to have her pussy swelling and dampening with arousal, her breasts aching for attention as she imagined those lips suckling her sensitive tips, fantasized about how that body would feel thrusting inside of hers. Without a doubt she knew sex with a man like Brody wouldn’t be anything like what she had enjoyed but never craved with Ted.

Piper’s erotic daydreaming came to an abrupt halt when Brody headed inside her building alone instead of opening the back door of the car for her father. When she opened her door to his soft knock, it wasn’t fantasies of how his dark goatee emphasized his sensual mouth, or how those lips would feel against hers in a deep, tongue probing kiss or moving slowly down her body that dominated her thoughts. Instead, she felt her expectations as well as her heart plummet at the look of compassion in those grey eyes.

Tightening her trembling lips, she demanded, “What excuse did he give this time?”

Brody Pearce did not want to be here and the main reason wasn’t because he was away from his undercover position as Charles Sandoval’s right hand man. It wasn’t his first undercover assignment, and, at just over eighteen months into it, it wasn’t his longest, but ever since he had met Sandoval’s ward nine months ago, it had become his most trying and challenging. Piper Winters was a sweet kid with bright, starry green eyes that revealed her every thought and emotion, eyes that were blinded by rose colored glasses when it came to the man she so obviously adored. After getting so close to Sandoval this past year and accompanying him six times to Geneva to visit his ward, he had no doubt about his love for Piper or hers for him. Unfortunately, that love was based on lies and deceit and if his mission is successful, those glasses are going to come flying off and shatter her delusions soon. And she would blame him as much as Charles when that happened.

It had been easy to befriend her at first. She had such an endearing mix of naïve youthfulness and slowly awakening sensuality. While he wouldn’t call her short, plump figure sexy, his cock had no trouble rising to thoughts of sinking between those cushy, round thighs and riding that soft body hard for several hours. Those shy looks of attraction, curiosity and longing she thought he didn’t notice were all his libido needed, it seemed, to get riled up. Those glances, however, always seemed to be shoved aside quickly and replaced with a look of resignation and a sigh of acceptance, as if she knew any type of sexual relationship between the two of them wasn’t going to happen. Unfortunately, she was right, but not for the reason she thought.

Bracing his forearm on the door frame, Brody looked down at her pretty face and watched those bright eyes dim with his reply. “I’m sorry, darlin’. He tried, he really did, but there are circumstances beyond his control that are keeping him close to home right now.”

A home she had never been invited to, a home she obviously wasn’t welcome in, Piper thought sourly as she felt her need and determination to move on with her life without him gather strength with this latest defection. “So why are you here? He usually gives me his regrets over the phone.” She knew she sounded like a cold hearted bitch, but she couldn’t seem to dredge up enough regret to care. He was, after all, only doing her father’s bidding, what he paid him for.

“I insisted on coming,” Brody lied to her without compunction. He didn’t know where the need to shelter her for as long as possible came from, but he refused to watch her delusions shatter any sooner than they had to. “And Charles was grateful. He didn’t want you to graduate without having anyone there for you. He’s really proud of his little girl.” At least that part was true, Brody thought. Whenever they were alone, Charles spoke freely of Piper and her accomplishments with so much admiration and devotion it almost made him regret the part he and his partner, Ian, were playing in using him and his alleged money laundering connection with Antony Pasquino to bring down the East coast drug and gun trafficker.

“Just not proud enough to be here. No.” She stopped his denial with a lift of her hand. “Actions speak louder than words. Whatever his reasons or excuses, I don’t want to hear them. I appreciate you coming all this way, but..”