So would he, Brody groaned as his dick thickened from nothing but that sound stimulating it. “Ian,” he warned, his voice as frustrated as Ian’s but his will stronger due to his growing emotional attachment to Piper. “It wouldn’t be…”

“I swear to God, if you say it wouldn’t be right one more time, I’m punching you,” Ian threatened with a dark, frustrated look over at him. Seated on the couch, both of them had just gotten engrossed in an action movie that was completely unrealistic but great kick ass entertainment when that cock hardening sound coming from upstairs caught both their attention.

Brody sighed, knowing Ian had a point. Piper was more than willing, then again, she had been more than willing five years ago and he had been haunted by the lost look on her face when he left her back then as well as the look of betrayal followed swiftly by resignation she couldn’t hide in those expressive green eyes a week later when reality had so rudely smacked her in the face. Brody was actually hoping Charles had indeed died from his injuries, leaving the path clear for him to pursue his growing desire for Piper as soon as Pasquino was brought in. Even if the little evidence they had against Charles wasn’t enough to convict him, it could be enough to persuade him to testify against Pasquino, in which case he’d have no choice but to go into witness protection if he wanted to live. Either way, Brody would be responsible.

“Fine, fuck her if you both want, just do it when I’m not around,” Brody snapped out even though his gut clenched a he pictured the two of them doing just that. A soft cry wafted down to them and the image of Piper’s face when she climaxed filled his vision as he rose and went outside to take another cooling dip in the lake, a habit he was getting damn tired of even if it was his own conscience leading him there.

“Take all the fun out of it, why don’t you?” Ian muttered as he watched his friend’s stiff back as he slammed out of the cabin before turning off the television and heading into the shower to relieve his own tension, another cry, this one louder and longer, following him until he shut the door.

Piper woke at five a.m. from erotic dreams filled with two men touching her everywhere followed by Brody following through with his threat to use his belt on her next time she didn’t abide by their rules. As she didn’t have any personal experience with how that would feel, her imagination filled in for her and wouldn’t leave her alone as she fixed coffee, ate a bagel and then shut herself in her workroom. The door to the spare bedroom was closed, much to her relief. She barely heard the slamming of the front door last night as she was writhing on her bed in the throes of climax, but it was enough to let her know she had gotten to them again. Her satisfaction with that success had been short lived, however, since she had spent the remainder of the night in sleepless agitation over her dreams.

She now remembered everything from their first night here, vividly recalled the feel of their hands and mouths on her naked body, the press of their denim covered, hard as rock cocks against her sensitive flesh and how she had craved them in her, how she had begged over and over for them to fuck her. Her dreams switched from that night to the spankings they had given her, the pain induced pleasure that had her wondering if she would have the same reaction from the harsher pain from Brody’s belt. How bad would it hurt? Would he stop if she couldn’t take it? And, most importantly, how hard would she come from that stronger erotic pain?

Piper put in the final stitch on the black lace suspender teddy and held it up for her inspection. Some woman was going to set some man back on his heels with this one, which made her wonder how it would look on her. Her imagination, fueled by her dreams and simmering lust, made it easy for her to do what she never did and try it on. Forgoing the black sheer hose, she stripped and slipped the black satin thong on first, the obvious bare exposure of her ass adding to her escalating arousal. She knew she’d have to keep the thong for herself since they were already so wet the slick material was clinging to her bare folds. Next she attached the wide lace suspenders to the black lace garters around her upper thighs and pulled them up over her breasts, the width just wide enough to cover her nipples before she crisscrossed them behind her neck and drew them around her sides, just below her naval where they came together and attached with small eye hooks.

Facing the tall mirror, she gaped at her reflection, the way her nipples could bare

ly be seen through the lace suspenders, the obvious dampness of the thong, the way the garters seemed to make her legs look longer. Looking at her design, she was contemplating different names for the outfit other than labeling it a teddy when a knock on her door followed by Brody opening it and peeking his head in had her standing rooted in place, both excitement and embarrassment filling her as his grey eyes widened in surprised appreciation.

“Sorry, darlin’,” he drawled when he could get his tongue unstuck from the roof of his dry mouth. “Haley’s here, needs to talk to you. She says you haven’t been answering your phone.”

Piper looked around and realized she left her phone upstairs. “Okay, thanks. Tell her to come back.”

Brody turned from the most erotic sight he had seen in a long time, took a deep fortifying breath, berated his cock and then returned to the great room and sent Haley back. Holy shit, the sight of Piper’s ass showcased in garters and a thong had greeted him like a welcome wet dream when he opened the door and when he managed to raise his eyes above that enticing view and saw her soft full breasts free except for her lace covered nipples and her damply covered mound in the mirror, it was all he could do to keep from marching in there and taking her amidst all the frills of her profession. The woman packed a wallop naked, but when that nakedness was showcased so erotically, she knocked a guy off his feet. If they didn’t get some fucking clue as to who was after her soon, he knew his good intentions weren’t going to be worth shit. A man could only take so much after all.

Brody’s frustration only increased when Piper and Haley came out of her workroom, Piper dressed in a short denim skirt and a sleeveless white blouse, and announced they needed to drive into Branson to pick up a large backorder for Haley’s shop and do some shopping. It wasn’t the trip that irritated and worried him however, it was the fact they had to drive separately because neither his car nor her jeep would hold the four of them as well as Haley’s large order.

“This is going to be another day from hell,” Ian grumbled as they followed Piper out to the highway.

“How bad can it be? They’ll pick up Haley’s order, we can sit in a bar while they shop, then we’ll head home.”

“You mean you’re not going to insist we follow them around the stores like pathetic puppies?” Ian’s look and tone were infused with sarcasm even though he was grinning.

“As long as they’re together out in public, I’m sure they’ll be fine. Did you give Haley the key chain?” Key chains with attached very loud warning alarms, mace and small jackknives, all easily accessed with the press of a button, could be bought at any cop shop, but they usually carried a few with them and would come in handy if either woman was ever accosted.

“Yeah. She seemed reluctant, but took it.” From the look on her face, Ian suspected Haley had owned one before and possibly used it. Unfortunately, her past victimization did nothing to rein in his desire for her.

Branson was a bustling town of non-stop activity, tourists crowding the streets, shows, restaurants and shops for over nine months out of the year. Brody found himself actually preferring the quieter, less populated town of Hope, especially as the traffic was bumper to bumper as they followed Piper and Haley to a public parking lot and sought out an empty place for each of them. Both women seemed to love maneuvering through the crowded street on the four block walk down to Branson’s Landing where they swore the best shopping was.

Specialty shops and restaurants lined the waterfront of Lake Taneycomo, and Brody was relieved when Piper led them to the Paddlewheel Pub, a restaurant that had outdoor patio seating that afforded them a good view of the shops up and down the waterfront.

“Now you two can wipe those scowls off your faces.” Piper had thought of teasing them by telling them they wanted Brody and Ian with them while they shopped, but she knew Brody wouldn’t believe her. “They have long, fat old fashioned hot dogs here as well as the best fries around. We’ll meet you here when we’re done.”

“Two hours, Piper,” Brody told her as he took a seat. “Then we’re headed back whether you’re done or not.”

Piper just rolled her eyes, grabbed Haley and took off before she let her mouth get her in trouble. Her frustration with Brody as well as her need to feel him fucking her long and hard was already raging out of control, she didn’t need to add pissing him off into the mix. But two hours later, when she and Haley were making their way back down to the pub, their arms laden with packages, Piper still found herself chafing under his restrictions and her constant, unfulfilled arousal. The mellow look on both men’s faces did nothing to ease her discontent, on the contrary seeing them so relaxed and Brody so seemingly unaffected by her sexily displayed body this morning while she was still fighting her pussy gushing, instant response to the look on his face made her itch to do something, anything, to irritate both of them out of their complacency.

As they loaded their packages into her jeep, the guys filling the back end with the pickup from the post office for Haley’s shop, a sudden impulse hit her on how to have a little fun at their expense. Jumping into the jeep, she waited until Haley settled on the passenger side before leaning out the window, calling to Brody and Ian as they were getting in their car. “First one to Hope has to unload the jeep!” Without waiting for their response, Piper pealed out of the parking lot, laughing at the surprise and anger on both men’s faces.

“Are you nuts?” Haley asked as Piper expertly maneuvered through the heavy traffic. “There’s no way we can beat that car back to town.” But Haley was grinning at the fun of trying to best those two.

“We can if we take Tucker’s Pass, which they don’t know about.” Cutting through the bumpy, unpaved, two lane road through a densely wooded area that only the locals knew about would get them back to Hope at least ten minutes before the highway route and Piper couldn’t wait to see their expressions when they were parked in front of the shop idly waiting for them.

Haley laughed at Piper’s gall, wishing she had the nerve and constitution to simply let go around a man, especially Ian. While she wasn’t interested in a relationship, she was beginning to think she was ready to end her long drought of celibacy and that Ian might be the one to get wet with again. “I admire your nerve, Piper, but Ian told me what they did when you defied them before. Are you sure you want to risk that humiliation again?”

Piper hadn’t blushed in a long time, but she did then as she wondered what Haley thought of her now. But when she had turned over a new leaf upon leaving Geneva and then Atlantic City, she swore she’d never go back to being that insecure girl who suppressed her desires to please others and she wasn’t going to start now. “Maybe being spanked turned me on so much that I want one of them to retaliate that way again.” Admitting that out loud made her wonder if that wasn’t what she had been aiming for, hoping for by pulling this little stunt. Spurred on by her obsession with Brody’s belt threat, she couldn’t deny that she would welcome another ‘painful’ encounter.

Instead of being shocked by Piper’s revelation, Haley found herself intrigued. “Right now, concentrate on your driving. Later, preferably over some strong marguerita’s, you can give me more details.”