An hour later, Bruce Willis was in the middle of trying to save New York while Brody was waging his own battle trying to gently keep Piper’s hand from exploring any further south than his chest. “Piper,” he warned for the third time as those soft fingers finally succeeded in nimbly unbuttoning the top two buttons of his shirt and slipping inside. “I’m trying real hard to be good here, darlin’. Why don’t you do the same?”

“Because I’m tired of being good. “ Other than Ted, Piper had never been so close to a man and lying on her couch, curled up next to Brody with her head on his wide, hard chest, wearing a silk pajama set she had made herself, she decided she never wanted to move. Since she was wider than her former boyfriend, who, admittedly was as skinny as a beanpole, it was a novel and arousing experience for her to feel small surrounded by so much hard, male flesh, but the courage the wine had given her to attempt to explore more of the man who had her more aroused than she had ever been before was ebbing with each rejection from Brody. She had known he wasn’t attracted to her sexually, few men were she had long ago accepted, but she had been hoping he would behave in typical male fashion and let his dick rule. The large erection pressing against his zipper for the past thirty minutes was proof his body didn’t care if she was the overweight, relatively inexperienced ward of his employer.

Clasping her wrist, Brody pulled her hand from beneath his shirt, mentally telling his cock to knock it off, it wasn’t happening. “Charles would have my hide if I took you up on your enticing offer. Come on, let’s watch Bruce finish kicking ass then I’ll tuck you in.”

Piper turned her head up and looked into his determined face. Those lips that she had spent hours fantasizing about were tightly compressed, the only outward indication he gave other than his erection that he was affected by her. The encouraging, tantalizing sight of that hard, unrelenting bulge just inches from her had been enough incentive to override her normally reserved nature, but the sight of that mouth held so rigidly doused any hope she had of persuading him to ignore his reluctance to end this night the way she had been hoping.

“Fine,” she grumbled irritably. “But since you got your way with the movie, you have to at least kiss me good night when you tuck me in.”

“I can do that.” The question was, could he stop there? It had been difficult enough fighting off the urge to fill his hand with her thick black hair and press her head down until he felt those full lips surrounding his cock, kissing her was just going to make it that much harder to keep from showing her just how much he did want her.

The sound of her phone drew both of their attention and reluctantly Piper shifted away from Brody and answered the call from Charles she had been anticipating and dreading. “Hi dad.”

Brody watched the pleasure on her face dim as the tone of her conversation with Charles shifted when Piper mentioned she wanted to look for a job in the states. Obviously, he had once again refused to allow her to leave Europe, giving her no explanation. Even though Brody wasn’t supposed to know about Charles’s money laundering, he had repeatedly urged Charles to come clean with Piper if there was a specific reason for exiling her overseas, warning him she was an adult and would eventually do as she pleased with or without his permission. But Charles had refused to budge on the matter, refused to tell her anything except he was looking out for her best interests. The disappointment on Piper’s face, as well as the anger betrayed in her voice as she bid Charles good-bye, made Brody wish this damn assignment was over. One more week, he thought, and hopefully they’d get enough from what Sandoval thought was his last meet with Pasquino to have both of them in custody.

“Thanks for today, Brody,” Piper said woodenly as she rose from the couch. As much as she wanted to continue to try to coax Brody into her bed, she didn’t think she could take another rejection tonight. Even though she had known, deep down, that Charles was going to try to keep her here, away from him, it had still hurt to hear him once again refusing to even consider moving her back to the states.

Unable to stand the look of sadness on her face, Brody rose and took her hand. “I promised to tuck you in, didn’t I?” Stifling the surge of pure lust that shook him when her soft, unbound breasts shifted beneath the green silk pajama top, he moved in front of her and pulled her behind him down the hall so he wouldn’t have to watch the way the silk clung to the soft round globes of her ass, adding to his discomfort.

“And to kiss me good-night,” she reminded him as she let him lead her to her bedroom.

Brody flipped the covers back on her bed before cupping her face in his hands. “One kiss, Piper. That’s it.”

Before she could say anything, he made a year-long fantasy come true by pulling her up against him and taking her mouth in a deep, no-holds-barred kiss. Piper grabbed on to his forearms to keep steady as he plundered her mouth with open carnality. She had been expecting a soft, rather chaste kiss considering his reluctance, not one that had her senses reeling out of control more than at any time with Ted when he was plundering her pussy. Unable to suppress a moan of pure lust, she molded against his larger, harder frame and kissed him back with hopeful enthusiasm. The feel of his teeth nipping her bottom lip had her aching to feel those teeth biting at her nipples and when his tongue delved past her lips, dueled with her tongue then shifted to explore every recess of her mouth, his lips never ceasing their movement against hers, he had her longing to feel that tongue exploring her vagina, that mouth kissing her lower lips with just as much carnal enthusiasm. The feel of the hard ridge of his cock pressing against her silk covered mound had her nipples peaking and her pussy gushing in anticipation of taking that hard flesh inside her.

The lingering effects of the wine overrode her fear of his rejection and gave her just enough nerve to cup one hand over his straining cock while using the other to loosen his belt, but her bravado and anticipation was short lived when his larger hand grabbed both of hers and his mouth released her lips.

“Go to bed, Piper.” Brody wanted nothing more than to feel her bare breasts against his chest, feel his tongue on her hard nipples, feel the cream seeping from her pussy coating his cock. But, with the exception of maintaining their cover when attending one of Charles’s private parties, neither he nor his partner, Ian, had ever fucked on the job and he wasn’t about to start with someone who was so young and vulnerable, someone he had a fondness for and who was going to soon be hurt bad enough without him adding to that pain. As much as Piper loved her surrogate father, finding out she had slept with the man who played a huge role in sending him to prison would cause her additional grief he refused to be responsible for.

Piper pulled her hands from his, the implacable look on his face telling her more than his words. His cock might be willing, but obviously that was the only part of him that was. As she crawled between her sheets, her double bed seemed bigger than normal and she suddenly couldn’t stand the thought of spending the night alone in it. “Lay with me, Brody, please. Just until I fall asleep,” she asked him, hoping he wouldn’t hear the pathetic plea in her tone.

“Scoot over,” he instructed brusquely as Brody cursed himself for being a fool for a pair of sad green eyes as he stripped down to his shorts What harm could it do to lie down with her until she fell asleep, he asked himself as he slipped in next to her and pulled her soft body next to his.

“Thank you,” Piper sighed right before she drifted asleep with the feel of that hard chest under her cheek.

The harm, he thought now, was an aching cock, blue balls and a frustration that wasn’t going to be relieved anytime soon. Despite those discomforts, he didn’t have any trouble nodding off, the feel of her silk covered soft body draped across him a comforting weight.

It was after two a.m. when Piper woke, reached up to scratch her nose, wondering what was making it itch. The soft, steady heartbeat under her ear reminded her she wasn’t alone in her bed. Shifting her head, she moved just enough to keep Brody’s chest hairs from tickling her nose again and her eyes time to adjust to the dark room. Usually she left the hall bathroom light on, but apparently Brody was more comfortable with complete darkness than she was. The feel of his much larger, much harder body beneath her was both comforting and arousing, and as she lay there savoring the lovely hum of her body’s response, she found the dark worked to enhance both her senses and her bravado. Here in the dark, she could pretend Brody wanted her as much as she wanted him

, pretend she was skinny and attractive and that she was someone other than his employer’s adopted ward.

Praying he was a deep sleeper, Piper lightly explored his chest, sifting her fingers through his crisp, springy chest hair as she marveled at the sheer breadth of his shoulders, the thick muscles of his arms and chest and the way his small nipple puckered when her finger grazed it. When his cock stirred against her thigh, she replaced her finger with her mouth, rasping her tongue back and forth before taking the taut bud between her lips and suckling until it tightened even more while moving her hand down to explore his growing erection more intimately.

Worried he would wake and end her fun, Piper released his nipple and twisted her body until her head was at his crotch, the covers cocooning her as she struggled to shove his shorts down far enough to free his cock. She found him in the pitch blackness with her mouth, her lips exploring the smooth, round head of his cock, her tongue tasting his seeping fluid and her hand wrapping around his length with surprising ease. It took all her willpower to stifle the moan threatening to escape her throat as she slowly explored the mushroom crown with her tongue and lips. Moving her fist up and down in a tight grip, she marveled at his size, her pussy clenching in need as she tried to imagine what it would feel like to be fucked by a man with his proportions. She wasn’t even sure she could take all of him, but she’d give anything to try. When Brody’s deep moan echoed in the dark and his hand fisted in her hair, she tightened her hand even more before enveloping the head of his cock in her mouth.

Brody had been hoping he was dreaming, but when he felt Piper’s warm, wet mouth close over his cockhead, he knew he wasn’t. No dream could be this fucking good. But, damn it, he couldn’t allow her to do this, couldn’t let this go any further. She didn’t understand what was at stake, didn’t know the true reason he worked for Charles, didn’t know how long and how hard both he and Ian had been planning for the meeting next week that would bring down the man she loved so much.

“Enough, Piper. Come up here and behave yourself if you want me to spend the rest of the night in your bed.”

If he hadn’t been so hard, if the seepage from his slit wasn’t coating her tongue and sliding down her throat, then she would relent. But his body wanted her, and right now, here where she couldn’t see the pity and rejection on his face, that was enough. Ignoring the painful tugs on her head as he tried to urge her back up, she opened her mouth and slid down his rigid length, taking as much of him as she could as deep as she could. When she reached her limit at just over halfway, she used her hand to work the rest of him and set up a fast rhythm between her mouth and fist that stimulated his entire penis, her own body softening and dampening in pleasure.

Cursing, Brody felt his good intentions giving way under the onslaught of her mouth and hand. With no light, all his senses were centered on his cock and the feel of her tongue stroking him, her lips clinging as she moved them up and down in tandem with her hand around his base. Before Piper, before tonight, he had never had trouble controlling his dick and the fact that he was having so much trouble now when it was so important only irritated him. Releasing her hair, he shifted his hand to her ass which was turned toward him and quite handy for showing her who was boss.

“Stop now or face the consequences, Piper.” His hand slid easily past the elastic band at her waist and cupped a soft cheek in warning.

This time, Piper was unable to hold back a moan of pleasure from escaping her throat even though she didn’t release his cock from her mouth. His hand on her ass felt decadently wonderful, exciting in a way she had never imagined. Ted had spent a lot of time with her breasts in foreplay, but had never shown an interest in her ass and she had never considered her butt good for anything except filling out her clothes. Ignoring his warning, anxious now to see how much pleasure she could get from ass play, she continued to work his cock, loving the feel and taste of him.

Her anticipation was given a rude jolt when Brody tossed the covers off of them, jerked her bottoms down and smacked her ass with a sharp, loud snap. Pure startlement had her releasing his cock and pure lust had her pussy swelling in anticipation of feeling another erotic sharp sting. When the next one came, she whimpered his name and shifted her hips before taking him deep again, her mouth, tongue and hand working even harder to give him pleasure, the shock of the pain induced pleasure she was getting from those slaps quickly dealt with in order to see where this new experience would lead her.