“If there’s any head cracking to do around here, I’ll do it,” Gary said. “At least until the end of summer.”

“Fine with me. At my age, I’m more than ready to spend my time more peaceably. You’ll like retirement Gary,” Crack told the sheriff before asking Ian, “How’s Piper?”

Ian couldn’t help grinning, thinking of the way she had teased them from the water. “She’s a feisty little thing and keeps us on our toes, that’s for sure.”

“Just make sure you keep our girl safe,” Crack warned, “or your heads will be the ones getting cracked together.”

“Does she have this whole fucking town wrapped around her finger?”

“We’re protective of our own, but more so with both Haley and Piper. Speaking of Haley.” Gary waved her over just as he had Ian, a friendly grin splitting his weathered face when she entered the bar. “What pulls you away from your shop this afternoon?”

Ian’s irritation spiked when she avoided eye contact with him and made sure she didn’t stand too close. What the hell was it going to take to get the damn woman to realize he wasn’t going to hurt her? Her continued wariness made him want to show her exactly what he could do to her, and the pleasure she would get from it. He knew she was attracted to him even though she went to great pains not to let him know, but he couldn’t picture her acting on that attraction for one or two nights of sex with a virtual stranger.

“I picked up that new lock you recommended and since you’re not on duty, thought I’d take you up on your offer to install it. That is when you have time.”

“I’ll do it,” Ian said before the sheriff could answer. He didn’t know what prompted him to offer, but some perverse part of him wanted to get under her skin, and under her skirt. Unfortunately the latter wasn’t going to happen, but from the scowl on her face, he knew he had struck home with the first.

“Oh, thanks, but Sheriff…”

“Go ahead with MacGregor, honey,” Gary encouraged her. It would do her good to spend some time around a man who obviously made her uncomfortable. “Maybe he’ll spot something me or the boys missed when we went over your shop.”

Not likely, Ian thought as he finished his drink, dropped a few bills on the counter and rose to take her elbow. But he appreciated the push from him nonetheless. “Come on, it won’t take long and you’ll sleep easier knowing that door’s secured.”

Haley let Ian lead her out of the bar, wishing she hadn’t spotted the sheriff going in there from the hardware store. She had figured he was either on break or off duty today if he was patronizing Rowdy’s and it would be a good time to take him up on his offer to install a new lock on her back door, but she hadn’t known Ian was in there. If she had, she would’ve let the lock wait. She didn’t know what it was about him that kept her on edge. Even though it wasn’t a comfortable feeling, it at least wasn’t fear. That emotion she knew only

too well and was one she hadn’t felt since their first meeting. She still wasn’t comfortable around him but that hadn’t kept her from touching herself last night for the first time since she had divorced her husband, of stroking her surprisingly wet pussy as she thought of him.

Haley repressed a shudder of awareness and gently removed her arm from his hand. “Thanks for the offer. Your partner’s with Piper, isn’t he?” she asked, suddenly worried that Piper might have lost her two body guards again.

“Yeah, she’s cooperating for now.” Wanting to both shock her and see her reaction, he added, “After both Brody and I punished her the old fashioned way, she saw the errors of her ways.” Not strictly true, but Ian would go with what worked and by the look of surprised shock slowly dawning on her face, he knew she understood his meaning.

“You didn’t…really, you didn’t spank her, did you?” Haley couldn’t imagine Piper going for such heavy handed tactics, yet picturing herself draped over Ian’s lap, her skirt tossed up, her panties lowered, baring her ass for him to do with as he pleased, turned out to make more of an erotic picture than a debasing one.

“Yeah, we really did.” Ian smiled widely at her. “She loved it, all but the part where we refused to fuck her afterwards.”

Knowing how Piper felt about Brody, she could imagine her friend’s reaction to that rejection. What she couldn’t imagine was getting pleasure from pain. That simply didn’t compute with her. “That was rather…heavy handed of you. I’m surprised she didn’t kick you out of her cabin,” she said as they arrived at her shop and she fished out her keys to unlock the front door.

Ian let her move away from him, waited until she flipped the closed sign to open and turned the lights on before saying quietly, “We didn’t abuse her, Haley. A spanking, if administered properly, can be a very erotic experience for a woman. Sometimes, a little pain can lead to a lot of pleasure.”

Even though that concept was beyond her understanding, she was surprised and shocked to find her pussy creaming at the image of her in that position again, her nipples beading as she imagined what her ass would feel like, and look like, when he got through slapping it. Not understanding her own response, let alone this man who had succeeded in such a short time to draw her interest, she turned from his knowing look and led the way to the back storeroom where the door that led out back was.

“I think you’ll find whatever tools you need in here. If you need anything else, let me know,” she said, turning after opening the door to the storeroom only to find him right behind her. She gasped at the sudden impact with his hard body, instinct making her shrink back automatically even though the brief feel of him had added to her simmering arousal.

That split second of fearful rejection pissed Ian off, more because of what she had gone through than what his nearness was making her remember. Between his sexual frustration and the desire that shone through the wariness in her blue eyes, he found his patience waning. Backing her against the wall, he braced his hands behind her, caging her in but not touching her. “The only way to conquer your fear is to face it head on.”

“I don’t fear you,” Haley retorted, which was true despite her reactions to the contrary.

Chuckling, Ian leaned down and said right above her mouth, “You fear your reaction to me, don’t you Haley?” Not waiting for her to answer, he closed his mouth over hers and kissed her the way she needed to be kissed.

Haley couldn’t help it. She felt herself drifting, falling against him, her hands grasping his waist as her breasts came into contact with his much harder chest. His lips took hers with ruthless aggression, molding to her lips with a demand that she return the favor. When she was too slow to comply, he bit her lower lip, making her open her mouth on a gasp, the slight sting sending shards of pleasure to her nipples and down to her pussy. She hadn’t missed this, hadn’t craved this intimacy with another man until Ian walked into her shop and demanded she buckle up and face him. When his large hands slid down her back and cupped her buttocks, his mouth never letting up from its slow exploration of hers, she moaned deep in her throat at the pleasure building inside her.

He must be fucking insane, Ian thought as he reluctantly released those soft lips and trailed his mouth down her arched neck. He didn’t need this added frustration, didn’t need to get another woman off just to walk away with his cock pounding for release. Her ass felt soft, her small cheeks round and pliable and he’d give his right nut to fuck her against this wall right now.

“Are you imagining what it’d feel like Haley? Imagining what my hand smacking these cheeks would feel like, the sting, the heat, the pleasure?”

She was, God help her. Haley suppressed a moan as the feel of his hands kneading her ass, even over her clothes, felt so good, so erotic, she didn’t want him to stop. But the sound of the bell over the front door ringing as someone came in was as effective as a bucket of ice water thrown in her face. Shaken by her uncharacteristic response after such a long spell of feeling nothing, she shoved him back, surprised and grateful that he released her quickly and moved away from her.

“I have a customer. I have to go. I…”