Brody’s irritation slowly slipped away the longer he watched her antics, reluctantly smiling at the way she flipped around like a fish in the water, not a self-conscious bone in her body as she made sure she flashed them enticing views of her hard tipped breasts and the rosy cheeks of her ass. When she rolled over onto her back a few minutes later to float, her chest heaving from her exertions, her arms and legs scissoring slowly back and forth, her bare pubis barely discernible, his cock was once again demanding release, begging for freedom and that pussy as if he hadn’t had an orgasm in weeks instead of just yesterday.

“I think she’s amusing,” he finally said. “Amusing and irritating.”

“You would.” Ian turned from the too tempting sight of Piper’s undulating nude body and slapped Brody on the back. “I’m going into town for something stronger than a beer. You’re on your own till I get back.”

Brody waited until Piper pulled herself back into her boat, admiring the ease and agility with which she did so as well as the sight of her standing unabashedly naked, the sun glinting off her black, wet hair, drying the water running down her torso and legs. As soon as she dressed, sat down and started rowing back to shore, he had had enough torture. Turning, he swiftly returned to her cabin intent on reining in his urge to throw her to the sandy bank and fuck her until she cried uncle.

Piper shivered a little as she entered the cool interior of her cabin trying really hard to ignore the guilt poking at her. So what if they’re frustrated by her little display. They can just get themselves off like she had to after they had fired up her senses past the point of no return. That was the problem with attending a religious, all-girls school, she thought with a resigned sigh. By the time you left they had managed to play the guilt card so often that emotion tended to pop up even when you didn’t agree with it or want it to.

Padding down the hall, she noticed the bedroom door wasn’t shut and, intent on throwing them a peace offering by suggesting they go to the diner for prime rib night, she simply pushed it open and stepped inside. She had only taken one step when the sight of Brody sitting on the side of the bed naked, leaning back on one arm while he stroked his cock with his other hand stopped her cold. Anger and painful rejection replaced guilt with the swiftness of a lightning bolt, making her snap, “Next time shut the damn door.”

Brody simply raised a dark brow at her and calmly kept his eyes on her snapping green ones as he slowly coasted his hand up his rigid length, his palm over his straining head, allowing his seepage to coat it before reversing his movement. “Why should I?”

He was baiting her and it was working. Piper couldn’t keep her eyes from straying to his cock, the sight of him slowly caressing the thick length of him was such a turn on she wanted desperately to slip her hand into her shorts and give herself the same pleasure she knew he was feeling. Damn it, this wasn’t supposed to be how it went. He was the one who was supposed to be suffering, not her. She should’ve known he’d do what he probably did after both her spankings, take matters into his own hands without regret for what he was turning down. That he’d rather jack off than fuck her hurt, but the blatant proof that she could arouse him to that state by her skinny dipping helped ease the pain.

“Do something with that before you come out,” she snapped as she turned to leave.

“You caused it, you do something about it,” Brody taunted her, not sure why he felt the need to keep her here. He caught the flash of hurt on her face, knew she thought of his masturbating as a rejection of her, and he needed to find a way to let her know how much he really did want her. She hadn’t moved but she hadn’t turned back around either, her hand still poised on the door knob. “Please, Piper. I’ve never forgotten how your mouth felt on me. I’ve dreamed of that night more times than I can count.” When she remained quiet he tried a different tactic. “Maybe my dreams are wrong, come to think of it. Maybe it wasn’t as good as I like to think it was. You were, after all, relatively inexperienced.”

That did it. Piper swung around and moved to stand between his spread knees. She would show him just how experienced she was, and then she’d leave him high and dry just like he had her. “You’re probably right,” she said softly as she sank to her knees in front of him. “I was a naïve, green gir

l back then and I had no clue what I was doing.” Shoving his hand aside, she replaced it with her own.

Brody started to deny that but the feel of those lips closing over him took his breath. Her mouth was made for sin and sucking, those lips just as soft as he remembered. Her small hand barely reached around his girth, but it still managed to do the trick as she tightened her fingers and stroked him, her warm, wet mouth concentrating on his head. He had a feeling he was the one who was going to come out on the short end of this scene and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about it because he sure as hell wasn’t going to stop her now. His good intentions didn’t stretch that far.

Piper had gotten quite a bit of experience giving head to Cole. He loved it when she went down on him and wasn’t shy about giving her pointers on what he liked. She figured anything Cole liked, any man would like so she took her time suckling the smooth bulbous head of his cock as she slowly fisted his shaft. As if she had all the time in the world, she licked around the crown, under the ridged edge, up over the seeping slit then did it all over again. When his cock jerked in her hand and his deep voice let out a guttural moan, she knew she was getting him close. So she backed off.

Releasing his cockhead with a plop, she smiled up at him as she continued to stroke oh so slowly up and down his length. With her eyes on his, she slowly licked over his slit, cleaning the ever present fluid then swallowed audibly with an exaggerated groan. “You taste good, Brody, just like I remember.”

“If I remember correctly, I never got a chance to taste you that night. Let me taste you, Piper.” He didn’t know if she remembered him going down on her the other night, but he did.

She surprised the hell out of him by taking her free hand and slipping it into her shorts then pulling out two glistening fingers, all the while keeping up the slow, tight fisted strokes of his cock. The glint in her eyes as she brought her fingers to his mouth told him she knew he had expected her to join him on the bed in mutual, oral play. Grabbing her hand, he sucked those two tempting digits into his mouth, savoring the taste of her just as he had the other night. It was just enough of a temptation to have him vowing to someday bury his face between her legs and feast on the full meal deal again.

Piper almost lost her rhythm when he pulled strongly on her fingers with his mouth, his tongue licking every drop of her juices until there was nothing left, the soft wet strokes making her pussy quickly replace the cream she had just removed. Her pussy contracted in need, making her ache to feel those lips on her bare folds, that tongue delving deep, those teeth nibbling on her clit. Cursing him silently for trying to turn the tables on her, she pulled her hand from his mouth and cupped his balls with it, wiping his saliva over his sac as she rolled each ball in her palm. As she lowered her head to take him in her mouth again, she glided one finger over the sensitive area under his balls.

“Fuck!” Brody gasped as she touched a sensitive spot with just enough pressure to have him seeing stars. When she engulfed him in her mouth again and slowly took him deep, he knew he wasn’t going to last much longer, no matter how much he wanted to drag this out. She couldn’t get all of him in her mouth, but what didn’t fit was stroked by her hand. Her head bobs started slow, tortuously slow, her lips clinging to his flesh, her tongue constantly stroking, swirling, licking him from head to base. And all the while her clever other hand was caressing his balls, that one finger venturing lower every now and then for a breath stealing stroke over a spot he wondered how she knew about.

He finally caved, had enough of her slow, erotic torture and rested his hand on her head as he practically demanded, “Faster, darlin’, and harder now. I’m about to explode here.”

Perfect, Piper thought as she released him abruptly and stood up. “You were doing such a good job when I came in I think I’ll let you finish it. Tonight’s prime rib night at the diner. If you want to go, let me know.” Piper sailed out of the room without looking back, her own arousal at a feverish pitch, but from the black scowl on his face, it was worth it.

Brody couldn’t help it. Grabbing his cock, he jacked off quickly, his come spewing with enough force to land on his chest, the pleasure enough to have him seeing those stars again and then some, all the while smiling at the way the little minx had gotten even.

Sheriff Norton was seated at the bar visiting with the bartender when Ian entered Rowdy’s. Gary waved him over with all the friendliness of hometown hospitality, which just made Ian grit his teeth. A man could only take so much of the laid back nonchalance of small town people, he thought as he took a seat on the stool next to the sheriff. He’d take the bustling, rude activity of big city life over this small town congeniality any day. At least in Richmond, where both he and Brody lived when they weren’t on assignment, there was always something to do that stirred his senses and aroused his adrenaline. Like sex, whenever he wanted with his choice of several different women who liked it kinky and rough and didn’t demand anything except an orgasm or two from him.

“Whiskey, straight, please,” he told the bartender, hoping the fiery burn of liquor would mellow his frustration, frustration he knew was due to having to rein in his lust every time they dealt with Piper, having to put on the brakes because Brody had a damn chivalrous streak a mile wide where that girl was concerned. He could get on board with his reasoning if there was someone else he could turn to for a little relief between the sheets, but the only woman who had caught his eye, and his cock’s attention was Haley Parsons, and that woman was the last one he’d be able to let go with for a few days until they cleared things up here. The obvious fact that she had been victimized in the past sure as hell didn’t keep him from thinking about spending some time between those long slender legs though, which just proved he needed to get out of town or get Brody to relent as soon as possible.

“How’re things with Piper?” Gary asked as he sipped his beer. “Anything new I need to know?”

“No. It’s been quiet. Brody and I check the perimeters around her place twice a day and haven’t seen any untoward signs. Basically, we have nothing to go on yet. You get anywhere on the break in?”

“Same as you, but we’re all keeping our eye out.”

“Little hard to spot a stranger bent on harassment in the middle of tourist season,” Crack stated. Holding out his hand, he greeted Ian. “People call me Crack. You must be MacGregor.”

Ian shook the hippy bikers hand thinking this was his kind of guy. “Why Crack?”

“I may have been known to crack a few heads when things got out of hand at a bar I used to own,” he drawled.