“Then don’t act like one by listening in on conversations and you won’t be treated like one,” Devin countered with a cool gaze.

Ignoring him, Kelsey took a step toward Greg, who was seated opposite Devin on the matching sofa. “I’m going bonkers here. Is this club in town? Can I go?”


“I’m not talking to you,” she retorted without looking around at Devin.

“No. The Barn isn’t a place for you, little bit. Behave and I’ll take you into Billings on Sunday. Most of this week’s guests are checking out in the morning and the new ones won’t start arriving until Sunday afternoon.” His green eyes slid around her to his partner. “Devin can stay here and welcome them without me.”

“Or, you can let me come with you to this club and I’ll help greet your new guests on Sunday.” Considering their dominant personalities, those swats Greg had given her and the term ‘submissives’ she’d heard, Kelsey took a stab in the dark and surprised them by fudging the truth and saying with a shrug, “What’s the big deal? I’ve been in clubs before, including ones that cater to submissives.” Turning her head, she leveled a pointed glare on Devin.

The two of them shared a startled look before Devin’s jaw went taut and his midnight eyes bored into her. “You have sexually submissive experience?”

His soft tone held a hint of menace that elicited a cold shiver and Kelsey hoped she wasn’t biting off more than she could handle. It was obvious the McAllisters had left off telling them what she’d been doing when the assault had taken place, maybe even the type of establishment she’d been hired to work for that night. She saw this as an opportunity to not only alleviate her boredom, but possibly get this itch scratched her hosts were responsible for. If neither man wanted her, maybe she could hook up with someone who did, someone willing to answer the questions that had started that fateful night and had increased since finding herself drawn to these two virtual strangers. And then she might make it through the next three weeks without going stir crazy or lust crazy.

“Not much, but some,” she hedged, thinking observing should count for something.

“How much is some?” Greg wanted to know.

Devin saved her from lying again by coming to his feet, exclaiming, “You’re not seriously thinking of agreeing, are you?”

Greg stood, his eyes going from Devin to Kelsey. “Go on to bed, Kelsey. We’ll let you know in the morning what we decide.”

Thinking she better not push her luck, she nodded, pivoted and returned to her room. The pool of nervous sweat at the base of her spine dried as she slid into bed with different sexual scenarios flitting through her head, all of them with her paired with either Greg or Devin at a kink club similar to Dominion.

“No fucking way,” Devin snapped as soon as Kelsey left the room.

Greg was reluctant to grant Kelsey’s wish, but not dead set against it. The girl pulled at something inside him, and he suspected it was the same for Devin. The sadness in her eyes when she’d asked him why Devin didn’t like her still bothered him, and the taunting grin and comeback she’d given his partner when he tried to distract her at pool still drew his smile. He thought his cock would burst through his zipper when she came around the corner wearing nothing but that peach slip of a nightie and a pair of bright blue glasses. With her hair pulled up and that pencil nestled behind her ear, the fantasies rushing through his mind couldn’t be stopped. Still, taking her up on her teasing, sexual innuendos wouldn’t be wise. Desirable, hell yes, but not a good idea.

“Why? I saw a hint of submissiveness when I swatted her ass, but didn’t want to acknowledge it, let alone mention it to you. If she’s been to a club, nothing at The Barn will surprise her. She can come as a guest, just to hang out, not play, and it’ll get her away from here for a few hours and hopefully appease her for a while.”

Devin shook his head. “It’s a risk. One, I’m not willing to take.”

“What risk?” Greg returned, exasperated with the rigid line in the sand Devin had drawn over Kelsey’s presence at the ranch. “We’ll be right there, with friends. No one at the club would hurt her, and she’ll be so happy she’s going, she’ll behave and not risk our wrath, or retaliation by not abiding by the rules.”

“You don’t believe that any more than I do. She didn’t even blush standing in front of us with her hard nipples on display,” Devin retorted.

A slow grin curved his lips and Greg couldn’t resist nettling him. “Don’t forget the cute, sexy accountant look. I loved the glasses.”

Devin shrugged but Greg caught the twitch of his mouth before he stopped himself and said, “I like your first idea better. Take her into Billings on Sunday. I’ll handle the tour group checking in.” Kicking back the last swallow of his beer, Devin walked past him without another word.

Greg waited until he tossed his empty bottle into the recycle bin and started toward the stairs before risking his long-time friend’s anger by announcing, “I’m going to let her come along. Deal with it.” Devin’s curses followed him as Greg went into his room praying Kelsey didn’t give his partner cause to say I told you so.

Chapter 6

I’m a lousy judge of men. The heated interest Kelsey thought she detected last night must have been an illusion because tonight, neither Greg nor Devin demonstrated an ounce of interest in her, not even a hint of male appreciation or lust. But she refused to allow their indifference to ruin her fun, or her plans for tonight. Just because their nonstop lecture during the first fifteen minutes of the drive left her ears ringing from all the rules they’d laid out for her to follow proved they harbored no lust for her whatsoever, didn’t mean she couldn’t enjoy tonight. If they didn’t want her, she intended to hook up with someone who did, regardless of their number one rule – she was a guest, allowed to observe and nothing more. She refrained from glaring at either man each time one added a stipulation to the evening. Hell, if she abided by their list she might as well have stayed at the house. She didn’t say that though, or grumble or complain. Nope, she sat docilely between the two men in the front of Greg’s truck, dwarfed by their size and loving it, and kept her mouth shut except to answer ‘I understand’ when asked.

Every time one of them shifted his denim-clad leg alongside hers, her pussy clenched, the response irritating her. The slutty bitch needed to focus on something else, maybe someone else soon or she would go nuts. When the lectures stopped, she looked up at Devin and asked about the club’s rule limiting everyone to two drinks, wishing his bulging bicep wasn’t resting against her arm. It was hard enough to keep focused being sandwiched between their wide shoulders encased in tightly stretched T-shirts that emphasized their thick muscles. “Why do they limit everyone’s drinking? Doesn’t the club make a large profit off alcohol sales like other clubs?” She realized her mistake when he frowned and a suspicious look entered his dark eyes.

“That’s standard practice for any gathering of BDSM players. Didn’t your introduction to the club you went to cover that?”

“Yes.” She twirled her thumbs and gazed out the windshield. “I forgot is all. The first time was so overwhelming, I confess I didn’t pay much attention to the rules.” That, at least, was the truth.

“Just make sure you do tonight,” Greg stated as he turned off the highway onto a narrow, tree-lined bumpy road. “I don’t want to regret giving in to you and give Devin a reason to say ‘I told you so’.”

“No,” she murmured, “I wouldn’t want that either.”

Greg sighed and squeezed her thigh. “Relax. The Barn’s rules don’t require high protocol, such as addressing every Dom with Master o