Since she had no experience with someone loving her, Kelsey took him at his word and let go of the last of her hurt as they drove out of the city. At first, she thought they were going back to their house, but when they turned in a different direction, she leaned forward from the back seat and asked, “Where are we going?”

“To the cemetery. We thought you’d like to see where your father buried your mother and, if you’re agreeable, we can have your father moved next to her.”

“Did you tell the authorities in Sweden I don’t want anything in that lockbox?” There was no way she could take money she knew came from her father’s illegal activities and that had ultimately led to his death.

“Yes,” Jordan answered, turning into a beautifully landscaped cemetery. “You can pick a charity and we’ll handle the rest. With Lindgren spending the rest of his life in jail, it’s now yours to do with as you please.” Putting the car in gear, he pointed to the headstone right outside. “That’s your mother’s grave. The plot next to it is available, if you want to use some of that money to have your father moved next to her.”

Kelsey started to get out and then shook her head. There were no memories for her here. All her good childhood memories were with the two people sitting in front of her. And all of her recent memories and the people she needed to be happy now were in Montana. “Sure, go ahead and make the arrangements, but you don’t need me here to do that, do you?”

Theresa swiveled in her seat, her eyes sparkling with interest as she asked, “No, so what do you want to do now?”

Come back whenever you want, little bit. You’ll always be welcome, baby.

She smiled. “I want to return to Montana.”

Neither looked surprised, only pleased with her decision. Jordan turned back around and started the car. “Then that’s what you should do.”

It took her a week of fighting back nerves and making the arrangements to work from home before she was ready to fly into Billings and pick up the rental the McAllisters had arranged for her. She packed two large bags, thinking positive, her new online purchases arriving just in time to go into one suitcase. Six weeks to the day she’d first met Greg and Devin she drove through the gates of the Wild Horse Dude Ranch, her heart pounding so hard, she feared it would burst through her chest.

No one was around as she parked in front of the house and ran her clammy hands down her jeans before carrying her bags inside. She knew right away they weren’t in the house, so she hauled her suitcases to the back bedroom, unpacked her new white cowgirl hat, denim skirt and boots, put them on and went in search of her cowboys. Kelsey refused to worry over her reception, to wonder what she would do, how she would handle it if they didn’t want her back. Failure was not an option, at least, she prayed it wasn’t.

She didn’t find them in the stable, but Cleo’s welcome was worth waiting a little longer. “There’s my girl,” she crooned, wrapping her arms around the soft neck. The mare nudged her, looking for a treat. With a laugh, Kelsey found the barrel filled with apples and carrots and picked a large red apple for her.

The stable door creaked open a few minutes later and her heart went pitter-patter at the sound of heavy booted steps approaching down the aisle. She knew before they spoke they were behind her, Greg’s curious voice impacting her with the same warm, jolting rush as the first time she heard it.

“What are you doing here, little bit?” The minute Greg spotted her white/blonde hair, his hands itched to touch her. When she turned to face them with the same wary, insecure look in her bright blue eyes and teasing grin, he knew he wouldn’t let her leave again without a fight.

God, she loved his nickname for her as much as she loved hearing Devin call her baby. She turned and drank in the sight of their towering heights and Stetson shaded, dark faces. “You said I could return any time I wanted, right?” A welcome grin creased Greg’s lean, weathered cheeks as both men took in her outfit, Devin taking an aggressive step forward.

“Yes, but why have you come back now?” he demanded, the sight of her impish grin and petite body showcased in that sexy-as-sin cowgirl outfit thawing the cold grip surrounding Devin’s chest since she left. Their girl would not be leaving again any time soon.

Kelsey took a deep breath, shoring up her nerve. It’s now or never. She wouldn’t make the same mistake she made with the McAllisters. If they didn’t return her feelings, she would deal with it. At least then she would know and could move on.

“Well, here’s the thing.” She took her hat off and tossed it onto the stack of hay. “After I got back to Philly things started bugging me.”

Greg’s grin stretched into a smile and Devin’s mouth finally lost its tight pinch. “Like what?” Greg sent his hat sailing to land next to hers.

Pulling her top off, she basked in their heated looks as they eyed her pink bra. The girls and slutty bitch did their happy dance, and she felt like doing a two-step right along with them. “Like the noise, the smog and so many friggin’ people.” She wrinkled her nose in feigned disgust. “I mean, really, who can get any work done with all that going on?”

Devin sent his hat flying and growled, “That’s not why you’re here.”

Her hands went to the side zipper of her skirt as she cocked her head. “I forgot how astute you guys are. Okay, the main reason is… I have a problem I need to work out, and I need to do it here, with your help.”

Both men grew tense, their eyes sharpened and they took a protective step forward. “We’ll help any way we can, you know that,” Greg said.

“It could take a long,” she lowered the zipper, “long,” she shimmied out of the skirt and stood there wearing nothing but pink underwear and cowboy boots, “long time. So my question to you is, how long can I stay?”

Greg reached out and unhooked the front clasp of her bra. “If I had my way, I’d tie you to my bed and keep you here. Long enough for you?”

Devin shook his head. “That doesn’t work for me. I insist we share the burden of keeping her around.”

A giddy sense of relief spread through Kelsey’s pulsing body and she plowed ahead without reservation. “Maybe we can pick the biggest bed and share it.”

“Baby,” Devin stripped her panties down and hoisted her bare butt onto a blanket Greg had tossed on top of the hay bale, “that would be our fondest wish.”

Greg spread her legs as Devin settled behind her and reached around to cup her breasts. As he slid his hands under her buttocks and lifted her pelvis for his descending mouth, Greg whispered above her saturated, puffy flesh, “But fair warning, Kelsey. This time around, we don’t intend to let you go.”

As she closed her eyes and gave herself over to their hard hands and hot mouths, that one word she always associated with her cowboys popped back up. More, more, more…