“We need to talk,” Greg whispered as his eyes flicked from Kelsey’s sleeping face to Devin before he shifted his gaze back out the windshield. He was tired and edgy but felt this couldn’t wait. Not after the stunts Kelsey had pulled tonight. Her lie about how much experience in the lifestyle she had, followed by the way she disregarded their orders to jump into a scene with someone she knew nothing about, proved how troubled and uncertain she was over the McAllisters leaving her with him. As irate as her actions made him, he could still feel for the girl who had been trying so hard this past week to use him as a diversion from her insecurities.

“You’ve changed your mind about getting involved, haven’t you?” Devin’s quiet voice held more resignation than annoyance.

“I don’t like to see her hurting.” He could just make out Devin’s derisive look in the dark truck cab as they drove down the highway. “Okay, let me rephrase if you’re going to be obtuse. I don’t like to see her struggling so hard with the emotional upheaval of her life that she’s willing to pull stunts like the ones tonight. As you know, I’m on board with dishing out both punishing and stimulating pain. You saw her response to your spanking as well as I,” Greg reminded him. It was not only the slick puffiness of Kelsey’s enticing folds that had snagged his attention off her bright red, rounded buttocks that prompted him to reconsider getting physically involved with her. The way she hadn’t shied away from his presence and the glazed look in her damp blue eyes when Devin had flipped her over was a combination he was hard pressed to ignore.

Kelsey took that moment to slowly slide sideways, her head coming to rest on Devin’s upper arm. With a low curse followed by a deep sigh, he wrapped his arm around her, snuggling her against his side. Greg chuckled when her arm fell forward, her hand landing on Devin’s upper thigh.

“Shit. As if this whole night wasn’t frustrating and long enough already,” Devin grumbled.

Greg’s smile stayed in place as he made the turn onto the narrower, rougher road that led to the ranch. “Come on,” he coaxed his friend. “Admit she’s gotten under your skin just enough that you want to tutor her as much as I do. It’ll only be for a few weeks, and even if Jordan calls with proof she’s at risk, she’s safer and out of harm’s way at the ranch than anywhere else.”

Greg always did have a way of pointing out facts that made them sound more reasonable than Devin wanted to admit. One week, he thought in disgust. How had the little minx managed to put a chink in his resolve never to get physically involved with a victim again, or in her case, a possible victim? Yeah, the risk to her was not determined at this point, but he still suffered nightmares over their last assignment. If that were to happen again, he didn’t know if he’d survive it.

“You’re thinking too hard, like always,” Greg stated as he pulled in front of their sprawling cabin home. “All I’m asking is you give it some thought, like I am.”

Devin looked at the welcoming home he’d found peace in, at the shrouded shapes of barns, stables and cabins that made up their dude ranch, an enterprise he’d discovered to his surprise suited his thirst for adventure and outdoorsmanship. Then he glanced down at the white blonde head resting against him, the fey appearance Kelsey’s small features lent her, and remembered her drenched blue eyes filled with need as he’d held her quaking body on his lap. The vivid recall of her soft skin heating under his punishing hand, the bounce of her surprisingly plump mounds, the glistening sheen coating her pussy lips and her soft, melodious cries that never included her safeword tugged at his cock, and his conscience.

They’d left her dangling unfulfilled on purpose, neither willing to reward her behavior no matter how tempted they both were to delve between those bare folds. She likely didn’t understand that was part of her punishment, and that was just one thing they needed to address even if Devin didn’t agree to cave the way Greg already had.

“You’ll take her on even if I don’t, won’t you? Is it that easy for you to forget what happened the last time?”

“Fuck, Dev, you know that’s not the case. But Jordan’s right. We did everything we could to first protect Catherine and then to save her.” Greg shrugged, unrepentant. “To answer your first question, I probably will.”

“Since I don’t like that idea any more than entering into a short-term D/s relationship, do you mind giving me another day to decide before talking to her?”

“Not at all.” Opening his door, Greg slid out and turned around to look back at him. “But just so you know, I don’t plan to do a lot of talking at first. She’s pushed this. Now she needs to know just what she’s been asking for.”

“I can get on board with that if I join you. Right now, I guess we better get her to bed. She’s not budging.” Devin lifted Kelsey onto his lap as Greg came around and opened the passenger side door. Carrying his small burden up the steps and into the house, they both went to her bedroom where Greg flung the covers back on the bed before he laid her down.

Without waking, she mumbled and rolled on her side, pulling her knees up. “She’ll sleep better out of those clothes,” Devin whispered, reaching for the side zipper on her skirt.

It wasn’t the first time they’d stripped a girl without a word passing between them. In less than thirty seconds, they had her divested of both the skirt and blouse and tucked under the covers, sound asleep as they tiptoed out.

Kelsey waited until Greg and Devin closed the door and she heard their booted footsteps receding down the hall before blinking her eyes open. Their voices had been vague murmurs all the way back to the ranch as she succumbed to the exhaustion pulling at her. It wasn’t until Devin cradled her in his arms and carried her inside that she roused enough to heed their surroundings and what they were saying. She wasn’t dumb enough to let them know she was awake once Devin mentioned removing her clothes. She’d wanted their hands on her from the first day but hadn’t pined for both of them together until tonight.

Drowsiness pulled her back under, the faint echo of their deep voices murmuring as they’d undressed her following her into sleep, her skin still warm and tingly from the light grazes of their rough fingers.

“If you can’t find a connection by now, there isn’t one.” Kelsey vibrated with frustration as she held the phone to her ear, gazing out the bedroom window, her eyes glued to Greg and Devin.

Jordan’s long pause on the other end of the line drew her suspicions, but, like always, he had a ready reply. “Not necessarily. It just means the man who assaulted you was good at hiding his tracks. We have found solid proof he was hired to do a job, just not what that job was.”

“How about if I come back and stay with you?” she asked, hoping he didn’t hear the note of desperation in her voice.

“What’s wrong, Kels? Has Greg or Devin done something to upset you?”

Just stirred up my neglected libido and left me hanging with no relief in sight. She might be a grown woman pushing thirty, but she still thought of both McAllisters as parental elders and couldn’t imagine Jordan’s reaction if she were to answer that honestly. “No, they’ve been very… accommodating,” she replied for lack of a better word. “It’s this place, it’s just not my thing, you know?”

“I’m sorry, but try to make the best of it, okay? I promise, Theresa and I are working hard to figure out why he was at Dominion. Given the seclusion of the club’s locale and his rap sheet, no one believes it was a random break-in. We’re unearthing more and more every day, so give us the full month, please.”

He would have to go and utter that one word, wouldn’t he? Helpless against the plea and worry in Jordan’s voice, Kelsey sighed and leaned her forehead on the window. “Okay, I’ll hang out here a little longer. But, Jordan, hurry up and clear me, would you? I want to come home.”

“And we want you back here. I’ll have Theresa give you a call this evening. Thank you, honey.”

“Yeah, yeah. Talk to you soon. Bye.” She clicked off wondering how she would make it over two more weeks without going stir wacko or lust crazy.

The quiet this morning got to her first upon awakening. With all the guests except the sweet older men, Otis and Silas, having checked out yesterday and the employees taking off, the ranch appeared more desolate and foreign to her than ever. Except for her two reluctant hosts. She watched Greg smile wide enough to reveal a row of white teeth as he slapped Devin on the back before the two strode into the stable. Her gaze slid to their tight butts showcased in snug, worn denim and she released another sigh that fogged the window. Hot didn’t begin to describe those two and lust was too mild a term for what they conjured up deep inside her every time she looked at them.

Kelsey wasn’t sure how much of their conversation on the way home last night she heard, but a few words had filtered through her subconscious, ‘tutor’ being one. She didn’t know what all that entailed, or if they were discussing her, but given Devin’s reticence and how much she still craved them, it wasn’t wise to read anything promising into the tidbits she recalled. Their. Them. Just one night of seeing them together in that sex-charged atmosphere and it was already so easy to pair them together.